(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Everything You Know Is Wrong/Episodes/6
Aussie Evil is the untoppable
LIGHTNING GUY: Ron Toppable (don't look that up, by the way)
Bacon Man, an odorous cliche occurs, and Strong Sader is the hapless victim of HEAD-on.
{Aussie Evil is dressed up as the Bacon Man. Cut to it being paused on a television screen.}
STRONG BAD: {voiceover} This is what happens when you take too much Wiki Ecstasy!
LIGHTNING GUY: But it's so addictive!
{"PLAY" appears on the top right portion of the screen. Aussie Evil dances like the bacon man.}
AUSSIE EVIL: {singing} I am the bacon man, I bring all the pork I can, To all the little kids down the row. Clogging their arteries, with all the MSGs, so they all die at the age of 8!
LIGHTNING GUY: You just took away whatever was left of any enjoyment I could have ever gotten from that song.
{Cut to Strong Bad sitting on the couch munching popcorn.}
STRONG BAD: Now this is entertainment! Not even Stephen Colbert Report could top this!
LIGHTNING GUY: But that's probably because it doesn't exist.
{Cut to Strong Bad being on Sephiroth's computer}
LIGHTNING GUY: Teen spirit.
a really odorous cliche.
{Cut to Sephiroth being on Clamburger's computer. Thatkidsam and Clamburger watch it.}
CLAMBURGER: Indeed. And Bonus Stage sucks harder than the Bacon Man song in it.
THATKIDSAM: Let's just hope that Rya doesn't appear anytime soon.
LIGHTNING GUY: I'm not sure how she could when she's dead.
{Rya appears, much to Thatkidsam's dismay. She is an undead Forsaken cyborg.}
LIGHTNING GUY: This is why Matt Wilson hates his fans.
RYA: How are you gentlemen? All your base are belong to me!
LIGHTNING GUY: Please, God, strike me blind.
{Clamburger shrieks in a high-pitched voice and Thatkidsam bangs his head to a wall 27 times.}
LIGHTNING GUY: Specifics are important.
RYA: You have no chance to survive make your time!
LIGHTNING GUY: Screw Make Your Time! It's completely bearable compared to this.
{Clamburger and Thatkidsam both faint. Cut to behind Rya. It
LIGHTNING GUY: What? Rya's behind?
is Noxigar using a walkie-talkie to create Rya's voice. Noxigar sees that Clamburger and Thatkidsam are unconscious. Noxigar puts the walkie-talkie away.}
NOXIGAR: Hehehe... gets 'em every time...
LIGHTNING GUY: That was definitely worth being a dead robot's behind for.
{Strong Sader appears}
STRONG SADER: I don't think that was very wise of you...
{Noxigar gets out a HEAD-on
and applies directly on Strong Sader's head.}
NOXIGAR: Head-on! Apply directly to the head!
{The HEAD-on explodes, Strong Sader with it.
LIGHTNING GUY: How depressing.
Cut to all of it being on Shadow Scythe's computer}
SHADOW SCYTHE: Now that that's done I can use my tentacles to do my homework.
LIGHTNING GUY: "Oh victims you have some homework to do!"
{End episode.}
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Comment-on! Apply directly to a comment! Noxigar 15:24, 15 October 2007 (UTC)