(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Everything You Know Is Wrong/Episodes/7
Fanstuff of the Month discussion parodied and barbecued with a little extra awesomesauce.
LIGHTNING GUY: I'm going to go off to throw up now.
And Clamburger gets tasered a lot.
{Noxigar is in The World That Never Was, as is every other Wiki User. Outside it is raining hard.}
NOXIGAR: I'd like to get my fanstuff nominated for this "Fanstuff of the Month" you humans have.
LIGHTNING GUY: I'm pretty sure humans know a waste of time when they see one.
{Cut to Clamburger in a front row seat}
CLAMBURGER: Some of us ain't human either, so you aren't the only non-human here.
LIGHTNING GUY: Oh, thanks. That first part needed an explanation.
{Noxigar throws a yellow dagger at Clamburger and electrocutes him}
LIGHTNING GUY: Since when do daggers electrocute people?
NOXIGAR: Where was I? Oh yes. I'd like to nominate Everything You Know Is Wrong. Methinks it deserves a long period of time to be the Fanstuff of the Wiki.
IM A BELL: Agreed.
LIGHTNING GUY: Bell can never get a break.
{Cut to X66x66, next to Clamburger.}
X66x66: I object to this. You don't keep us in-character. And it's weird.
{Don't Press That Button stands up, next to X66x66}
DPTB: I don't like it that much either. And you added a ShwooxEkul shipping. Too weird for my taste. And I could get cut off any moment now-
{DPTB is cut off after "now".
LIGHTNING GUY: Oh, that's what the mark meant!
Cut to Stinkoman K with a thumb down.}
STINKOMAN K: No ways, man!
LIGHTNING GUY: I see some ways over there.
It's too random!
{Cut to Shadow Scythe with a smile on his face and a "thumb" up.}
SHADOW SCYTHE: This is funny.
LIGHTNING GUY: Im a bell I get, but why would you portray Shadow Scythe raving this nonsense?
And I gained tentacles just from watching it!
{Cut to Homestar with a sign saying, "For Noxigar"}
LIGHTNING GUY: But Noxigar just announced his nomination. Why would you have a sign? Were you saving it for when he was imprisoned or something?
HOMESTAR: This featuwes me!
LIGHTNING GUY: As if he had a choice.
And I get to dwess up like Ask a Ninja!
{Cut to Clamburger, with the dagger still in him}
CLAMBURGER: So... much... butt... it... sucks...
LIGHTNING GUY: Yeah, I had a face-load of butt a few hours ago. Third worst experience of my life.
{Noxigar throws yet another yellow dagget
at Clamburger. Clamburger is electrocuted again. Cut to The King of Town, Coach Z, and Strong Mad outside in the rain. They're on strike,
LIGHTNING GUY: You gotta hate those worker unions.
saying no to Noxigar's fanstuff.}
KoT: I will not do a barrel roll!
LIGHTNING GUY: Where did I put that gun?
STRONG MAD: I'm not in it!
LIGHTNING GUY: This is how we know Strong Mad is stupid.
COACH Z: Where's a sport?
{Cut back to Noxigar. He looks out the window to see the strike. He throws a yellow dagger in the air and a Pikachu appears.
LIGHTNING GUY: Why am I not surprised?
The Pickachu uses Thunder on Coach Z, King of Town, and Strong Mad. They are thrown in the sky.}
COACH Z: Looks like Team Roarket is blastin' off agairn!
LIGHTNING GUY: Do me next! Do me next!
{They blast off into the sky. Cut to Cyrus in the front row on the leftmost chair. He claps. Cut back to Clamburger, with the daggers still in him.}
CLAMBURGER: Also, the episodes keep getting shorter. The last one could fit onto one page on my computer.
LIGHTNING GUY: Actually, that's not something I'll complain about.
{Noxigar throws a third dagger and severely electrocutes Clamburger.}
CLAMBURGER: GAAH! That hurt! Now you banned!
LIGHTNING GUY: You gunna regret it now.
{Clamburger hits Noxigar with a Banhammer and knocks him unconsious.
LIGHTNING GUY: But I thought Banhammers made people fade into exsiction.
Cut to a neutral Joshua.}
JOSHUA: As long as I has pancakes I'll be fine with it.
LIGHTNING GUY: I love trusting these guys.
{Strong Bad and The Cheat check yes. Vindicator checks no. And then everyone on the wiki votes. Cut to Noxigar awake again with a bruise on his head. All the Homestar Runner characters except for Coach Z, Strong Mad, and King of Town are present, as well as millions of wiki users.}
LIGHTNING GUY: Traffic fraud is the worst kind of fraud.
NOXIGAR: Well, let's see the results!
{3333 votes are listed as yes, 3333 votes are listed as no, 3333 votes are listed as, "I don't give a crap"}
LIGHTNING GUY: i voted for the comedy option
NOXIGAR: It's a tie!
{Cut to Shwoo watching this on her computer.}
SHWOO: Finally, Noxic Gas has stopped the ShwooxEkul shipping! I is pleased!
LIGHTNING GUY: I is miserable.
{Cut to Homestar wielding a pretzel stick. Shwoo is hit with the pretzel stick.}
LIGHTNING GUY: "Screw youuu, kaaarmaaaaa!"
HOMESTAR: I get to pwetzel people in the face up to nine times!
{End episode}
Spot the References
- The entire episode was based off a Fanstuff of the Month Nomination
Inside References
Real World References
If you want to comment on the episode, you can. Noxigar 20:04, 17 October 2007 (UTC)