(even if you aren't vegan)
LIGHTNING GUY: Yeah, I'm back, mofos. And this time, no gimmicks. I'm all on my own this time.
MR. CLOUD: Hey, Lightning
LIGHTNING GUY: Let's just get this thing over with. I'm not going to bother with a summary. You'll have to see it to believe it.
{Mr. Cloud slumps off in shame.}
- "The statless Fighting interactive...with a plot!"
LIGHTNING GUY: I prefer my statless Fighting interactives with ketchup, but a plot will do.
That's right! I am now accepting battels! I call it battels in honor of Kaiju Big Battel, a great monster-wrestling league.
Mine are real battels, not wrestling.
OLD REDNECK: Wrestling is real to me...
Keep that in mind. Also keep in mind that is SUPPOSED TO BE SPELLED BATTEL!
LIGHTNING GUY: That does not make it better whatsoever. That does not
[hide]Pending battels
Sign your name here(NO TIMESTAMP!!!!!),
LIGHTNING GUY: Mommy, why is that boy screaming like a lunatic?
and I will go down the list and I will fight the users
LIGHTNING GUY: and I will I will I will
Sign Up
LIGHTNING GUY: I really hate this guy, you know.
Team Battel
if 3 of you want to try to fight me a once, we can do that!
LIGHTNING GUY: What a slut.
Just put all your names on the list in one section(e.g., Chaos -Kanjiro - Geoblu2 would count as ONE Team Battel and must be filled out in that same style). All four of us will be divided into FAIR teams.
LIGHTNING GUY: But life isn't fair. Why are you encouraging these people?
Group 2
The cup
At any time, the user that holds the cup may be challenged to a battel between another for the cup.
LIGHTNING GUY: It's the holy grail of grails.
However, both users MUST verify this on my normal talk page. The current possessor of the cup is: Kanjiro.
The holder can only be challenged by one person at a time. And if holder of the cup loses, that person MUST relinquish
LIGHTNING GUY: Oh, aren't you the mighty intellectual.
the cup to the new winner. And so on, and so on. Eventually, I will challenge the current wielder of the cup for it back. If one of these battels take place, the page must be under the unique page for this, which can be found Here and should be weilder
LIGHTNING GUY: That's a wierd way to spell wield.
of cup vs. contender for cup (e. g., Kanjiro vs. Geoblu2). Get it? Got it? Good. Any further instruction or a some shedded light on this topic
LIGHTNING GUY: What am I reading?
should be asked on the talk for this page.
Other Battels
You can sign up to fight another KingChaos character! Look below for who you can fight.
- Heian: Heian is embedded with the power of fire, and can turn into...a green gazelle? Well, it isn't that perpostireous.
LIGHTNING GUY: Perpostirpitisis? Oh great, now there's spit all over the screen.
- Noelle: A lot of you know Noelle as Chaos' Love intrest.
LIGHTNING GUY: I'm in-trested in how you'd make such an assumption.
She can also fight. Why else would Chaos love her? But be careful, as she can call Chaos to help and if she gets angry, will unleash her full potential.
LIGHTNING GUY: Cut that "full potential" babble and get back in the kitchen!
- Daichi: Daichi, Heian's Seldom-known friend, has thunder elemental attacks, and can transform into a giant minotaur.
LIGHTNING GUY: I see your elementary school teaches mythology.
- Joseph: For those of you that read Wikihood,
LIGHTNING GUY: Translated: None of us
you know Joseph as a clone of Chaos. He has angelic powers, and is basically the opposite of Chaos. Why not give it a try?
LIGHTNING GUY: Because I'm not a slut.
- Adel: another (currentley) Wikihood-secluded character, Adel is Chaos' son. He controls Master Paracite, a giant demonic worm, and has a lot of Chaos' other powers. He, however, is some form of autistic victim. It's not a problem, in fact, he's fine, but the increased mental power
LIGHTNING GUY: Are you serious?
makes him able to bend reality, and he was already a man of few words.
Finished battels
LIGHTNING GUY: clash of the what
- Bell vs. Chaos:Release the demons within!
- Group Battel 1: Who will survive?
- Chaos vs. Vindicator: The neverending battel!
LIGHTNING GUY: Never ending? Lord help me.
- Chaos kidnapping part 1: Enter Darkangel!
- Chaos kidnapping part 2: Bell's final decision!
- Chaos kidnapping part 3: Demonic Crucification!
LIGHTNING GUY: I am offended.
- Chaos kidnapping part 4: Undead war!
- Chaos Kidnapping part 5:Demon Chaos!
- Chaos vs. Znex: Never Give In!
- The Random Filler battle that returned Bell and Cow Puncher to the good side.
LIGHTNING GUY: You lost me at "that".
My Rules
- There is a maximum/minimum occupancy
LIGHTNING GUY: Depending on how he's feeling that day.
CHAOS: Just for that, I'm making it maximum!
of 4 users(including me) at a time in a Team Battel.
- The fight MUST have at least 30 lines for it to be declared finished.
Here's what we have for most of them. I will add more on different characters when they fight.