(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam.muffin/Best and Worst
One day, Thatkidsam decided to rip off Joshua by creating a Best and Worst Emails survey. Joshua got angry. But oh well, because YOU GET TO VOTE! WOOT!
Yeah, I'm ripping him off this time too. Here's an example of what to do.
Best Email: "wardrobe" - Heh... This was really fun to write, and it was pretty long... For the sixth email. It had content galore, and featured a lot of characters.
2nd Best Email: "custom parts" - I don't know why I liked this. It just made me laugh at all of ThatkidSamus' weird custom parts, especially the Soda Shaker Legs. "Just weird is all."
3rd Best Email: "behind the scenes" - "Wiki Icons" was a not-very-good idea that turned into a solid email. Rogue Redd and the rejected characters easter egg were funny.
Worst Email: "virus!?" - I'm ashamed. This came out awful, and it's just another virus email. 'Nuff said.
Here's the code for you to use. Just replace the capitalized parts with your choices:
===[[User:YOURSELF|YOURSELF]]=== '''Best Email:''' "[[thatkidsam.muffin/EMAIL|EMAIL]]" - <small>DESCRIPTION</small><br /> '''2<sup>nd</sup> Best Email:''' "[[thatkidsam.muffin/EMAIL|EMAIL]]" - <small>DESCRIPTION</small><br /> '''3<sup>rd</sup> Best Email:''' "[[thatkidsam.muffin/EMAIL|EMAIL]]" - <small>DESCRIPTION</small><br /> '''Worst Email:''' "[[thatkidsam.muffin/EMAIL|EMAIL]]" - <small>DESCRIPTION</small>
There are only a few.
- Do not vote for old timey or electric stuff as the worst. I already know they're incredibly crappy.
- Real emails only. No Not Quites or Senior Citizen Squad episodes.
- Chapstick is good. Wait, what? Nevermind.
Best Email: "time travel" - I love time traveling, and this is time traveling squared.
2nd Best Email: "custom parts" - Spacewarrior. Metroid. Custom Robo. Etc. Good.
3rd Best Email: "red vortex mk2" - Thatkidsam and Thatkidsamus tried to kill each other several times. Pwnage much. Good.
Worst Email: "not icreature land" - Let's face it. Icreature is already rare. All of them booted out? Nah.