(even if you aren't vegan)
Random Mumblings
Have you thought of something odd/random about the internet today? Post it here like this;
== subject == mumbling '''COMMENTS:'''
[hide]- 1 Mumblings
- 1.1 Social Anxiety
- 1.2 Homophobia
- 1.3 All my Friends Love Manga
- 1.4 Anything Change Since My Absence?
- 1.5 Math Problem of Extreme "Torture"
- 1.6 Naruto on Disney XD
- 1.7 Halloween
- 1.8 Halloween II:
Electric BoogalooHow was it? - 1.9 VHS is the creation of GOD
- 1.10 Sleep
- 1.11 the mu is still a handsome young fellow
- 1.12 oh also castle crashers is the only cool thing newgrounds has ever been a part of
- 1.13 Justin Bieber
- 1.14 Mook Time
- 1.15 My cat is quite literally the cutest thing ever
- 1.16 Snape didn't kill Dumbledore
- 1.17 Forced Memes
- 1.18 Sysops Blocking Sysops
- 1.19 Megaman X6
- 1.20 Guitar Hero The Umpteenth
- 1.21 Innuendo album on surround sound.
- 1.22 Why has writing Bumblebeesque nonsense become mainstream
- 1.23 Being Uninteresting
- 1.24 My newest video
- 1.26 New Years Resolutions
- 1.27 Left 4 Dead
- 1.28 [1] - Strong Sad fails at Perfect Cherry Blossom
- 1.29 Super Mario Galaxy 2 is out
- 1.30 this was funny
- 1.31 muslims
- 1.32 Am I
- 1.33 Facebook
- 1.34 A bit of legitimate sounding broken logic
- 1.35 Satellite internet kinda sucks
- 1.36 Rick Santorum
- 1.37 Sherlock
- 1.38 Oh dear god I'm a failure
- 1.39 Barack Obama is the greatest President
- 1.40 religion
- 1.41 I'm totally unprepared for college
Social Anxiety
My life is going to be terrible because I'm going to pass on opportunities because I'll realize I'll have to interact with others. I never do anything with people because they all hate me and judge me constantly.
- Nope, your life is only going to be terrible if you let it, and complaining isn't really gonna do much in the long term :\\\\\\
- You've just got to work on cautious optomism, etc. TheCheesegayNachoTalk 00:55, 31 August 2009 (UTC)
I try.
I try to tell myself, "you know, people aren't really judging you and they just want to know you".
But it doesn't... register. I tell myself it's not true but the emotions are still there. It's like I'm hardwired that way. -- NachoTalk 00:58, 31 August 2009 (UTC)
- Soloution: don't interact with anyone ever
- But really I can't even tell apart most facial expressions so consider youself lucky. FloppyDongHersh
you know why does it even matter
in the grand scheme of things I'm not even noteworthy i'm just some dumb asshole emo kid who people hate big whoop
i see other people always hanging out and laughing and enjoying themselves and having great lives and i guess im just not allowed to have that iudnno fffffffffffghds middle finger -- NachoTalk 21:47, 31 August 2009 (UTC)
i don't understand people, they, they really confuse me.every time i think i understand someone they do so methiong that makes me rethink my stance
there's this one guy whos friends with the girl i like and I thoght he was ok at first but, i don't think he likes me very much. i don't think any of her friends like me, i think she... put out an agenda or told them all "hey this guys hitting on me give him hell" because i can feel their eyes burrowing into me whenever we're in a room and their stares are cold as hell and they know it gets to me
how do people end up in relationships? nobody seems to understand how it works, least not the people i've talked to. they they they hey, they there's all these people in relationships and I see them all the time in the hallways and stuff and they're so happy oh look my girlfriend lets hug make out in the hallway hold hands walk to class peck on the cheek love ya babe but... how do you get to that point? other people seem to have figured this out but for some reason I'm lost.. is there some sort of gene I'm missing? have I been sheltered all my life? I never learned how to be social that's my problem I don't think I can learn now. there was a time where all the other kids were falling in love and hooking up and having fun together and I missed out on it because I am a frucking loser ngfhjdnnjgnfnjdfndsffdsfdsjndfnfdsnfnjdsfnfdsnjdsfnfjnsdjkfnsdndsfn
why does it even matter i'm just going to be dead in 100 years and if nobody will care about me then nobody should care about me now so maybe I should just
i dont know -- NachoTalk 21:58, 1 October 2009 (UTC)
Why does it exist? No seriously.. There's no reason to hate LBGT people.. I just don't understand why.
We hate homosexuals for the same reason we hate abortion. A few lines in the bible were taken too far. 19:59, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
leviticus 18:22 TheCheesegayNachoTalk 20:06, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
Because they're gonna turn me gay if I spend time around them, or worse yet, they will rape me THENOID 20:42, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
- and then give you aids belstrnnmmvnmn 22:40, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
gay people keep trying to have sex in front of my windows -- NachoTalk 22:45, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
Homophobia is not what you think it is
Homophobic you are scared of gays
Alot of people just plain hate them :/ FloppyDongHersh
- Actually homophobia in recent times has developed into any kind of animosity or fear for gays
- A lot of it's rooted in fear of the unknown or whatever but regardless the "GIT AWAY FORM ME QUERS" is still homophobic TheCheesegayNachoTalk 11:46, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
- unfortunately your church is a perfect example of what i like to call complete partisan ignorance and also what the hell are they doing talking about politics when they should be talking about jesus thank god i live in a city yup 02:42, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
- bluebry you are obviously ignorant
- unfortunately your church is a perfect example of what i like to call complete partisan ignorance and also what the hell are they doing talking about politics when they should be talking about jesus thank god i live in a city yup 02:42, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
- the sole purpose of churches now is to push a political agenda and also make people yell and scream at town hall meetings and shoot abortionists The Mu 02:49, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
- The Mu, we will never believe in murder of sinners, ever. And just suggesting that is a sin itself. Shame on you.
03:05, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
- Yeah, whatever, Jack Chick. Oh, and speaking of abortion, did you know that a pro-life activist actually blew up an abortion clinic WHILE THERE WERE PEOPLE, INCLUDING PREGNANT WOMEN, INSIDE? belstrnnmmvnmn 03:08, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
- Wait, hold on. Maybe I read a TV Tropes entry wrong. ...And now I can't find it. belstrnnmmvnmn 03:15, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
- NGAAAHH NOW IM SO ANGRY THAT I CANT USE PUNCTUATION belstrnnmmvnmn 03:27, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
- Wait, hold on. Maybe I read a TV Tropes entry wrong. ...And now I can't find it. belstrnnmmvnmn 03:15, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
- Yeah, whatever, Jack Chick. Oh, and speaking of abortion, did you know that a pro-life activist actually blew up an abortion clinic WHILE THERE WERE PEOPLE, INCLUDING PREGNANT WOMEN, INSIDE? belstrnnmmvnmn 03:08, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
- The Mu, we will never believe in murder of sinners, ever. And just suggesting that is a sin itself. Shame on you.
- the sole purpose of churches now is to push a political agenda and also make people yell and scream at town hall meetings and shoot abortionists The Mu 02:49, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
All my Friends Love Manga
Seriously. I can name off the top of my head one friend who isn't a fan of manga. But he plays WOW so he might as well. And it sucks because I'm forced to listen to their bullcrap every day in the library.
"Man did you read the new issue of Hazakki Melataki??"
"Yeah dude I can't beleave Hirazimu got pierced in half by Mezuku's Blade!"
meanwhile I sit in the corner wincing like a clubbed baby seal -- NachoTalk 17:08, 18 October 2009 (UTC)
Comments: hey I like manga and I am your friend
do you constantly wince at my speakings
huh do ya not love me as much as you let on huh -- Badstar
- OH KAWAII!!!! :3 :3 :3 DESU DESU DEEEEEEESU Lex 17:31, 18 October 2009 (UTC)
- Get better friends imo, start shopping at PacSun and AE and hang out with the jv football players that also wear aeropostale THENOID 18:45, 18 October 2009 (UTC)
Facebook Suggestions
They are creepy. No seriously. Earlier today, I logged onto Facebook and I looked at the friend suggestions and too my surprise I found a few people from my old primary school that I was not connected to at all. How my Facebook found them, I do not know. Anyway, I clicked "more" to see if there were any more surprising Facebook suggestions, and I actually found a whole bunch of people I knew in IRL, but not online. And something else that kinda bugged me.. I found a few of the people here on the suggestions too.. I'm not going to name anyone though. But how does Facebook find out? I don't even have any of these people's email address!
Lex 21:08, 29 October 2009 (UTC)
Facebook is for stupids. But really, have you seen it's games? Rip-offs, nothing but friggin' rip-offs. FloppyDongHersh
- I'm not talking about that, don't change the subject! Lex 11:54, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
Anything Change Since My Absence?
Noxigar 19:19, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
- Not much. Purgiversary and Raiku's demodded, and that's it. Lex 20:07, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
- I figured I'd ask before presuming that nothing did. : / Noxigar 20:13, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
Math Problem of Extreme "Torture"
(x + 8) to the fifth power multiplied by (x + 13) to the fourth power multiplied by (y - 8)(y - 27)(y - 1) all over 3 Pi.
Noxigar 19:49, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
let's see
(x^5 + 32768) * (x^4 + 28561) * (y - 8)(y - 27)(y - 1) / 3(π)
(x^5 + 32768) * (x^4 + 28561) * y^3 - 216 / 3(π)
x^9 + 61329 * y^3 - 216 / 3(π)
x^9 + 61113 * y^3 / 3(π)
-- NachoTalk 21:36, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
- that's... the most incorrect thing i've ever seen yup 23:42, 29 November 2009 (UTC)
Naruto on Disney XD
<insert stream of angry butthurt Narutards here> -- Lucian Summers
- I may not like Naruto that much, but Kakashi is a good dancer, I must admit. Lex 20:58, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
- man these donuts are delicious. mmm donuts. nothing beats a delicious
rice ballsjelly donut -- NachoTalk 21:38, 30 October 2009 (UTC) - I'm more interested in the melting Kirby under the table rather than Kakashi's dancing. belstrnnmmvnmn 22:14, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
- man these donuts are delicious. mmm donuts. nothing beats a delicious
- First the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, now this. Are these guys just determined to ruin everything good in life?
23:26, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
- TL; DR. Noxigar 03:20, 31 October 2009 (UTC)
... And I thought costumes were "Meh" in conventions. Noxigar 15:36, 31 October 2009 (UTC)
I was at MCM and some dude had a kickin' Bill from L4D costume FloppyDongHersh
- I'm gonna go trick or treating as kurt cobain and then go over to my friends house to play video games and egg some houses -- NachoTalk 15:51, 31 October 2009 (UTC)
- I'm going to be an ax murderer. I'm going to carry around an ax and stab it with a knife repeatedly. --ALXXMaXX 16:20, 31 October 2009 (UTC)
- Careful, ALXX! XD Lucian Summers
- Don;t you mean "axe" murderer? FloppyDongHersh
- It's the same thing, Grammar Hitler. belstrnnmmvnmn 00:15, 1 November 2009 (UTC)
- Nobody asked you Spell-Check Stalin.
They call me Big T BLOOD
01:28, 1 November 2009 (UTC)
- Shut up, er... {checks a thesaurus} Linguistics Lenin. belstrnnmmvnmn 01:33, 1 November 2009 (UTC)
- Nobody asked you Spell-Check Stalin.
- It's the same thing, Grammar Hitler. belstrnnmmvnmn 00:15, 1 November 2009 (UTC)
- Don;t you mean "axe" murderer? FloppyDongHersh
- Careful, ALXX! XD Lucian Summers
- I'm going to be an ax murderer. I'm going to carry around an ax and stab it with a knife repeatedly. --ALXXMaXX 16:20, 31 October 2009 (UTC)
Halloween II: Electric Boogaloo How was it?
- It sucked. On my way to CG's house, it started to rain heavily, so we decided to trick or treat at the mall nearby. Bad idea, since every store was all "Sorry we're out!" So anyway, when it started to clear up, we went to an actual neighborhood. We got very little since it rained again...and I got all the crappy stuff including a granola bar and pretzels (you get egged you get egged you get egged) instead of actual candy. So, I return to CG's house for the night, and every one of her little bratty under-7-years-old cousins are all being...well...bratty. It pissed me off, which then led to me and...well...someone I know online...getting into a massive fight and I almost drove him to crying, which nearly made me cry, and that just ruined the night for me. I seriously have no patience for children of that age...and I took my anger out on a good friend of mine, then spent the rest of the night feeling like the biggest douchebag to walk the earth.
- That is all. Lucian Summers
04:02, 1 November 2009 (UTC)
- I'm sorry you are only the second biggest DB to walk the Earth
- I come in first FloppyDongHersh
- What did you do? Also, my Halloween wasn't any better. I got like 20 pieces of candy even though I had an awesome costume, which was a sweatjacket and hat similar to the one Rocky wore in his first movie. It seems a lot of people in my neighborhood don't let people explain their costumes before slamming the door in their face. Also, Ryan, was that friend you fought on the wiki?
13:49, 1 November 2009 (UTC)
- What did you do? Also, my Halloween wasn't any better. I got like 20 pieces of candy even though I had an awesome costume, which was a sweatjacket and hat similar to the one Rocky wore in his first movie. It seems a lot of people in my neighborhood don't let people explain their costumes before slamming the door in their face. Also, Ryan, was that friend you fought on the wiki?
- batgirl & robin, spent most of the night chillin at batgirl's grandma's place, lotsa fun THENOID 14:34, 1 November 2009 (UTC)
- My Halloween was alright. I got a nice pillowcase fulla candy, but I was a little disappointed with the Halloween spirit in the neighborhood we went to. Almost none of the houses had any elaborate decorations or anything, and there were hardly any trick or treaters. It's a little sad. -- NachoTalk 16:37, 1 November 2009 (UTC)
VHS is the creation of GOD
Seriously, I think I prefer it to DVD's. Sure DVD's have better sound and DVD quality, but that's pretty much the only thing worthwhile they have. With VHS, you get straight to the point. You can actually skip the anti-piracy ads, if there are any. You can just jump to the film without any hassle.
According to a recent study, 1/3 of Americans don't get enough sleep. That is not a small number, so I'm wondering, do any of you guys sleep less than the required 9 to 10 hours each day? 23:00, 3 November 2009 (UTC)
Comments: go to bed at 11 wake up at 7 -- NachoTalk 23:38, 3 November 2009 (UTC)
- Er, on school nights, I usually get around eight hours of sleep. On weekends, I get anywhere from eight to eleven hours of sleep. belstrnnmmvnmn 02:14, 4 November 2009 (UTC)
"Required 9 to 10 hours a day." I don't know where you get those from, as most sources agree you should sleep for 6 to 8 hours. — ChwokaTalk
I only get like 5 hours of sleep a night. Clover echoing the sound 18:40, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
the mu is still a handsome young fellow
I have pix to prove it but he probably wouldn't like it if I posted them so discuss
oh also castle crashers is the only cool thing newgrounds has ever been a part of
Seriously dude me and pdizzle just beat it I was the ice guy!!!
COMMENTS: Necromancer theme FTW
Also, Green Knight is the best. FloppyDongHersh
- CASTLE CRASHING... THE BEARD Lex 20:24, 4 November 2009 (UTC)
Justin Bieber
The next Beatles? Discuss.
Nah, he's just another one-hit wonder. There are a plethora of better artists than him. Noxigar 23:16, 2 December 2009 (UTC)
sounds like an 11 year old THENOID 23:50, 2 December 2009 (UTC)
- yes anonymous poster i agree that justin bieber is the next beatles and "one world" is totally about me yup
Mook Time
Mookt ime
Are you waring your MOOKDAY SUIT!? - nehnjaduehk 00:25, 30 November 2009 (UTC)
My cat is quite literally the cutest thing ever
Oreo is very cute right now, his pupils are very big and his gently batting around a toy mouse
it looks like this :3 FloppyDongHersh
No he isn't THENOID 23:50, 2 December 2009 (UTC)
Snape didn't kill Dumbledore
Xion didn't die in Roxas' arms.
Joke. Noxigar 00:33, 3 December 2009 (UTC)
- Thanks for the spoiler! Now I know Xion is going to die.
- ( Toonypie
- Should've known, KH2 does not acknowledge Xion's existence. At all. Noxigar 03
- 01, 6 December 2009 (UTC)
Forced Memes
Isn't this a paradox, since most memes are practically forced?
Rushing, for example, happened in World War 2, yet never popularized until WarCraft 2 came out and grunts were used. That would be a forced meme, because it's been around for a while, yet suddenly becomes a meme in strategy games. Zerglings have now taken the image of rushing.
a forced meme is a meme made wherein the creator acknowledges that they want it to be a meme or calls it a meme after three people use it. So no, titsmcgee THENOID 17:57, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
- Oh. Noxigar 18:03, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
Sysops Blocking Sysops
Has the WUW truly gone mad?
- What are you talking about? It happens all the time. Lex 18:05, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
- babies having babies
18:45, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
Megaman X6
I plan on playing this. Noxigar 22:33, 16 December 2009 (UTC)
- Doesn't seem like one. Noxigar 16:47, 23 December 2009 (UTC)
Guitar Hero The Umpteenth
Why won't the series stop? I'm not Demyx, and therefore not interested in guitars. Noxigar 19:51, 22 December 2009 (UTC)
- Supply and Demand, my mate. As some people still want more releases, the companies know they'll still get money off it, so they make more games. This will continue until there's little to no more people wanting them. If I was you, I would expect them to stay for even longer. Look at the Madden series. If you compare 10 to 8, you'll notice there's not much changes in the games, except for a few new players and better graphics. That series has been going on for more than 10 years, and Guitar Hero is likely to do the same. Lex 21:11, 22 December 2009 (UTC)
Innuendo album on surround sound.
I just got a new surround sound system installed in my living room, and I played the Innuendo album by Queen. I just need to say that the album hasn't been any more epic than it has been today. Lex 21:16, 22 December 2009 (UTC)
Why has writing Bumblebeesque nonsense become mainstream
--Dinoshaur gaycm 01:31, 23 December 2009 (UTC)
- bc bumblebee rockstar is an inspiration to us all yup 03:45, 23 December 2009 (UTC)
Being Uninteresting
I've been realising lately that, as far as the internet goes, I'm not very interesting. I go to a lot of sites and a lot of people think I'm pretty nifty, but I've never been really interesting. Maybe I don't want to be mean so instead I become too nice or something? I don't know. All I know is that a lot of people seem pretty apathetic towards me on the interwebs because I make thoughtful but not overly-long posts in forums and stuff.
Is there a cure? SimplyMP 05:05, 23 December 2009 (UTC)
- Either do something stupid or something amazing (NOTE: LATTER MAY FALL INTO FORMER CATEGORY) - SKUB ? 05:34, 23 December 2009 (UTC)
- start swearing yup 15:30, 24 December 2009 (UTC)
My newest video
Any thoughts and criticisms (constructive plz) would be appreciated TheCheesegayNachoTalk 23:08, 24 December 2009 (UTC)
I got an iPod and a sketchbook and some shirts and We Love Katamari. Brother Ninjaduck got a PSP but is currently pissed because it didn't come with a memory card. - SKUB ?
COMMENTS: okay -from the desk of 20eric06t-AES 16:12, 25 December 2009 (UTC)
- I got two Heroes Action figures, Cooking Mama, a Tamagotchi, a big box of chocolates, and a lot more. Brerose 18:08, 25 December 2009 (UTC)
- two cds, some shirts, money, visa gift card, wii games, posters, books etc -- NachoTalk 20:53, 25 December 2009 (UTC)
- A new phone, some Dungeons and Dragons nerd accessories, and a new big black dragon statue to go with my collection. Also $160 in cash to go buy my own gifts.
They call me Big T BLOOD
23:28, 25 December 2009 (UTC)
- A new phone, some Dungeons and Dragons nerd accessories, and a new big black dragon statue to go with my collection. Also $160 in cash to go buy my own gifts.
- two cds, some shirts, money, visa gift card, wii games, posters, books etc -- NachoTalk 20:53, 25 December 2009 (UTC)
New Years Resolutions
- but you don't because you're just a wussy little primp
They call me Big T BLOOD
19:09, 28 December 2009 (UTC)
- *a wussy little primp who watches power rangers
- i don't need any because i am already perfect Lex 19:11, 28 December 2009 (UTC)
- Lose damn weight - SKUB ? 19:39, 28 December 2009 (UTC)
- my new year's resolution is to start adhering to my new year's resolutions -- NachoTalk 17:35, 29 December 2009 (UTC)
Left 4 Dead
The Hunters remind me of those really autistic kids that run around on all fours and bite people - SKUB ? 19:42, 28 December 2009 (UTC)
Also Valve's fanbase is the absolute worst group of people on the planet because they just LOVE their stupid injokes HEY HAVE I TOLD YOU THAT SENTRY IS A SPY DID YOU GET THE JOKE????? Also I thought L4D2 was actually alright - SKUB ? 19:54, 28 December 2009 (UTC)
- shh be careful about 3/4 of the wiki's population could be offended by that Lex 19:48, 28 December 2009 (UTC)
- I DON'T CARE, I AM A REBEL REBEL (MY FACE IS A MESS) - SKUB ? 19:54, 28 December 2009 (UTC)
- I DON'T CARE, I AM A REBEL REBEL (MY FACE IS A MESS) - SKUB ? 19:54, 28 December 2009 (UTC)
[1] - Strong Sad fails at Perfect Cherry Blossom
Perhaps the best thing I heard, even if it amounts to a YouTube poop. Noxigar 18:23, 29 December 2009 (UTC)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is out
Got it this morning. Traded about 5 games to Gamestop to help get it. After trading in some games, it was only 25 bucks. My thoughts? It's a freaking work of art. One of my favorite Wii games next to Tatsunoko vs Capcom. What do you think? -- Badstar
this was funny
Can we do this again TheCheesegayNachoTalk 22:49, 25 November 2010 (UTC)
what do you think of them Lex 22:51, 25 November 2010 (UTC)
they're a dangerous religion we should bamwb europe to extirminate them all whose with me -- NachoTalk 01:22, 26 November 2010 (UTC)
Am I
The only person on here who is not social anxiety FloppyDongHersh
We all are not social anxiety. I have anxiety issues though. (they really suck when trying to sleep)talk 09:03, 26 November 2010 (UTC)
- Boy do I have some bad news for you
talk 16:49, 14 May 2016 (EDT)
- I am not social anxiety
- I am blossoming socialite TheCheesegayNachoTalk 15:58, 26 November 2010 (UTC)
I am handsome, charming, and have a disarming personality. My life is awesome. — ChwokaTalk 19:08, 26 November 2010 (UTC)
we should all like add each other on facebook that would be awesome right guys Lex 00:35, 5 December 2010 (UTC)
- I would, if it weren't for the fact my account has many IRL pictures of me.
Miss Peach
- It's funny.. It's the complete opposite for me. There are barely any pics of me on mine.. With the exception of some when I was younger, one really blurry one, and one that's been pixelized to death. Lex 00:41, 5 December 2010 (UTC)
- I only add people that I know IRL so, no way.
talk 03:49, 5 December 2010 (UTC)
A bit of legitimate sounding broken logic
- When it is cold around the world, the world is slightly smaller.
- When the world is slightly smaller, we are closer to the center of the earth.
- The closer we are to the center of the earth, the stronger gravity is.
- Thus, gravity really is stronger on cold mornings. For use on frigid mornings when you don't wanna get out of bed.
Miss Peach
- a runner needs to run 10 feet. but before he can complete it, he must first cross the midpoint at 5 feet. but before he can complete that one, he must cross the midpoint at 2.5 feet, and so on and so forth. these midpoints are infinitely divisible and because he cannot cross an infinite number of midpoints, motion is proved to be impossible
or something like that I forget how it went -- NachoTalk 06:04, 5 December 2010 (UTC)
Satellite internet kinda sucks
I'm stuck on it while at my mothers house.Also, my iPhone wont get on my mom's Wifi, so I have to use her laptop with a broken D key and slithly broken everything else. While oniPhoneitfeelslike dialup with a data limit, and is satellite is slightly better than dial up with a data limit.I cant facebook at the moment. Whohas internets thatsuckmore so I can feel better for myself? Okay,enough me being a jerk. Anyone else want to complain about signals coming all the way from space? talk 03:56, 7 April 2011 (UTC)
Rick Santorum
Great presidential candidate, or greatest presidential candidate? You decide.
Anyone here watch it? I started and finished the entire series last week, and I loved it. I wanna know what your views on it are. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. Lex 00:31, 16 April 2012 (UTC)
- it's alright, quite overrated I feel. It has that kind of smug Moffat writing that I can't really put into words. I guess that all the characters seem to be TRYING to be silly and wacky and funny and have all these defining personality traits but just don't quite get the complexities? I don't know. Also, like many things, it's fanbase sucks stupid through a straw, and is dumb and annoying. We get it, you can add -SH to the end of your posts, it doesn't make you clever. Anyway, yeah, it's okay. FloppyDongHersh
Oh dear god I'm a failure
I suck at everything I do! ERgahnothehorrothehorrorahhh! talk 22:33, 16 April 2012 (UTC)
Barack Obama is the greatest President
Okay, I may live outside the US, but I just have to say.. there are little people that I admire more than Barack Obama. I think he's done so much for America that no other President has done, I mean, his stance against the wars have been phenomenal, what with his ending of the Iraq War. Hell, he managed to capture Osama, something George Bush was never able to do. His stance towards gay rights is amazing, and his promise to shut down Guantanamo. I know it's taking a while, but I have faith in him. He really is making this world a better place, and I am actually somewhat jealous of you Americans in the fact that I'm not able to call him my world leader. I'm glad he got re-elected, and I hope he carries on doing the same magic he's always been doing since day one. Lex 05:36, 18 August 2013 (UTC)
why is it that you're either the most quizzical person I've ever met or I can never actually read if you're sarcastic or not They call me Big T BLOOD
05:38, 18 August 2013 (UTC)
- I don't get it, what's wrong? Lex 05:48, 18 August 2013 (UTC)
here we talk about religions were a prejudiced against
i sure hate them damn hellenistic olympians
does /r/atheism count FloppyDongHersh
- i'm euphoric Lex
I'm totally unprepared for college
and I start Wednesday.
i still don't have any college courses because i don't want to get wrapped in a giant debt and i don't know what i want from my life yet ;( Lex 04:35, 3 September 2013 (UTC)
Don't worry mate, I'm unprepared for college and I started last year. talk