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Patrick Email.exe/03

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Patrick travels through time to 1936 and 20X6.

Cast(in order of appearence): Patrick, The Homestar Runner, Stinkoman, Iori


{Patrick is playing Star Wars Battlefront 1. Patrick just killed a Super Battle Droid}

PATRICK: Ha! There goes another Super Battle Droid.

{A Droideka rolls in (in the game)}

PATRICK: Oh, crap! Droideka! Evade!

{In the game, Patrick gets killed by it}

PATRICK: Crap! Those Droidekas are so cheap. Well it's time to do that thing... That I do now.

{Types in "patrick_email.exe"}

{At "That One Guy Named Patrick", Patrick says "Just call me Patrick, thank you very much". At "Totally not a loser," Patrick says "Nobody thinks you're a loser, so don't worry"}

PATRICK: {typing} Funny you should say, because I just ordered a Gameboy Advance shaped time machine that comes with a free magical stopwatch! I was going to use the stopwatch, but by request, sort of, I'll use my said time machine! First, 1936!

{The screen fades to white then to 1936 background}

PATRICK: I think I know just what to do...

{Cut to a Ford car shop which is for some reason run by The Homestar Runner}

PATRICK: How much is this Ford Model T?

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well, my strangley-coloured friend, this vehicle costs $14.

PATRICK: What? {chuckling} F-Fo-Fourteen dollars? {louder chuckling} A-Are-Are you kidding me? {laughing}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: What are you laughing at? $14 is tons of money. Are you sure you can afford it?

PATRICK: Ok, then. Here. $20. Keep the change.

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Finally! My dream of being richer than Mayor Homsar with $15 has come true!

{Patrick drives off in the Model T, laughing like crazy because of what The Homestar Runner said}

PATRICK: Next: 20X6!

{The screen fades to white then to 20X6 background. Patrick's Model T turns into a black hovercar Model T}

PATRICK: This doesn't seem to threatening.

{Stinkoman jumps in front of the hovercar, which stops}

STINKOMAN: Hey! You almost ran into me!

PATRICK: What? You jumped right in front of my hovercar!

STINKOMAN: No, I didn't! I was chasing after an invisible Jaro! Are you asking for a chaleee- {interupted}

PATRICK: Hadouken! {does Hadouken on Stinkoman}

STINKOMAN: Ahh!!! I'm being burned! Ahh!!!

PATRICK: Well, that's all I'm going to do.

{The screen fades to white then to Present-Day background. The Model T returns to its normal self. Patrick parks it in his garage}

PATRICK: {typing} Well there you have it. I went through time to do some stuff instead of telling you. That would be a short e-mail.

IORI: {interupting} Patrick! I've got incredible news! I can make fire!

PATRICK: Yeah, I think you always could do that.

IORI: Ok. Whatever. {Walks away with 3 Fluffy Puff Marshmallows on a stick. Iori flicks towards them and burns and roasts them, and eats one}

PATRICK: {typing} Well, this is the end of the email. See ya! {The Paper comes down reading "Click here to email Patrick"}

Fun Facts

Inside References

  • How Patrick time travels is a reference to the ISBEmail "threemail".

Real World References

  • The Ford Model T is an old car made in 1915.
  • The "Hadouken" is a move from the Street Fighter series.