(even if you aren't vegan)
Ethan & Dolan/Kirbychu
Kirbychu HR'D gets interviewed
DOLAN: Hello everyone and welcome back to Ethan & Dolan. We're here now to interview a user known as Kirbychu HR'D. Bit of an odd name, isn't it Ethan?
ETHAN: Betcha ten bucks he's a freak...
DOLAN: Okay then... Please welcome, Kirbychu!
{Kirbychu crashes through the ceiling on a warpstar and crushes Dolan.}
KIRBYCHU HR'D: Sorry I'm late... wait a minute, I thought 2 people were interviewing me.
DOLAN: {muffled} ...down here...
ETHAN: {laughs}
KIRBYCHU HR'D: Dear god I'm getting as clumsy as my cousin. Sorry 'bout that. {moves warpstar}
ETHAN: Oh no it's fine. He's only a cold lifeless robot...
DOLAN: ...thanks.
ETHAN: No prob, bob. What's up, Kirbychu?
KIRBYCHU HR'D: Well, I've been working in my lab recently, and I accidentally invented never-melt ice cream and a potion that makes you grow an extra eye.
ETHAN: Never-melt ice cream!?
DOLAN: Grow an extra eye!?
ETHAN: Ya see, Dolan's always wanted a 3rd eye...
DOLAN: How much do you want for it??
KIRBYCHU HR'D: Um... $20 I guess, It's not perfected yet though.
DOLAN: Well... what are the side effects?
KIRBYCHU HR'D: From my studies, it will cause the drinker to catch fire spontaneously 60% of the time.
ETHAN: Cool! Dolan, drink it!
DOLAN: Eh... I don't think I want to anymore... Who else have you tried this on?
KIRBYCHU HR'D: I gave it to Kirby and he got a third eye, and I gave it to X On Fire and nothing happened. I'm guessing SSX would've caught fire if he wasn't already...
ETHAN: Wait... there's a user... who's constantly on fire? We gotta get him on here!
DOLAN: Okay, well I think I'll pass on the potion then... Kirby, what's new with you on the wiki?
KIRBYCHU HR'D: Nothing much. I plan on reviving Kirbychu Emails, Kirbychu's Vacation, The K-CHu Show, and Kirbychu's Summer Resort sooner or later, and I also have a few character in planning.
ETHAN: Characters? None as awesome as us right?
KIRBYCHU HR'D: Well, not as awesome as you at least, Ethan.
DOLAN: ...thanks...
ETHAN: Anything NEW coming from you soon? Like... that's not just a revive?
KIRBYCHU HR'D: Well like I said I have new characters in the making, and once I introduce them I might make a fan fic about how all my characters met. I also plan on remaking Free Country Mountain Range. I have some other things thought up but they're to obscure to describe.
DOLAN: Heh. Well.... what kind of things do you like outside the wiki?
KIRBYCHU HR'D: Well I like science, and I sometimes take apart stuff to see how it works. I'm also a member of other wikis, such as Bulbapedia. I like to play baseball on occasion as well. I also have an account on RuneScape.
ETHAN: Heh... newb. What are you like a level 3 "mage?"
KIRBYCHU HR'D: I'm a level 30 mage. Also, {shocks Ethan with a thunder bolt} NEVER CALL ME A NOOB.
ETHAN: {staggered} ...nerd...
DOLAN: So... would you say you deeply enjoy Runescape?
KIRBYCHU HR'D: It's pretty fun. Not my favorite thing to do, but I like to play during my free time.
ETHAN: Hmph. And what exactly is you favorite thing to do?
KIRBYCHU HR'D: Probably just hang out with my friends.
ETHAN: So, is there anything exciting you do do?
KIRBYCHU HR'D: ...If you even sound like a jerk again I will eat you.
KIRBYCHU HR'D: {inhales Ethan, causing him to turn orange and get Ethan's hair} Happy?
DOLAN: ...So what? Now you can fill people with depression with sarcastic yet witty remarks?
KIRBYCHU HR'D: Shut up and finish this interview, tin brain!
ETHAN: Seems like it...
DOLAN: Okay, so anything you'd like to say before we rap it up here?
KIRBYCHU HR'D: Hold on... {drops ability} I can't think of anything to say accept that a tub of never-melt ice cream and some third eye potion should be in your mailbox by the end of the week. Oh, and an insurance bill for my warp star for Dolan.
ETHAN: Told you we should gotten the warp star coverage, Do.
DOLAN: Eh... alright then.
ETHAN: Now get outta here, Kirby. I mean it.
KIRBYCHU HR'D: It's Kirbychu! Kirby's my cousin! {leaves}
ETHAN: Peace out, dawgs.
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