(even if you aren't vegan)
Ethan & Dolan/Fun Science 1
Ethan spoils Dolan's educational program
{Open to camera fuzz. Quick cut to Dolan in his lab. A machine buzzes behind him in the background. A blue ball sits on the countertop}
DOLAN: Hello everyone. I'm Dolan and this is Fun Science. Today we'll be learning about gravity. Gravity is all around us. Back in 1687, it was Sir Isaac Newton who first began to theorize gravity. Some say he discovered it when an apple fell on his head, while sitting under an apple tree. But that {chuckles} is just a myth.
{Ethan's head begins to poke out from behind the buzzing machine}
DOLAN: Now today, we're not just going to explain gravity as you might think of it, but really take a look at how gravity effects our entire universe.
{Ethan looks angrilly up at Dolan}
DOLAN: But first, let's just look at the basics. {picks up the ball} See this? This is a ball.
{Ethan rolls his eye}
DOLAN: No doubt you've seen one of these before. Notice how it has mass and takes up space.
{Ethan begins to climb up the side of the machine}
DOLAN: And when I let go of it- {the balls falls} the ball falls. Let's see that again. {picks it up, let's go, the balls falls} And again. {picks it up, let's go, the ball falls}
{Ethan reaches the topic of the machine and looks down at Dolan}
DOLAN: Of course, this comes at no surprise to you at home. Things like this happen all the time!
{Ethan rolls his eye again and flips a switch on the top of the machine. He quickly jumps back down behind the box.}
DOLAN: {noticing the machine has stopped buzzing} Now- eh. Wait. {walks back to the machine} Erm.. {flicks the switch on top. The machine begins again.} There we go. {walks back} Sorry about that. Now let's really start looking into how gravity effects our universe.
(Ethan pokes his head out from the machine, angrilly. Looks up at the top of the machine, then to the camera, then back to Dolan}
DOLAN: Did you know that the reason we revolve around the sun is because of gravity?
{Ethan quickly climbs back up the machine}
DOLAN: It's true. The sun has a large enough mass, that our planet, Earth, revolves around it! In fact, all the planets and stars and everything else in our universe is revolving around eachother all from gravity!
{Ethan turns the machine off, and jumps down the back behind it}
DOLAN: {surprised again} You see- ugh. {walks back}
{Ethan moves out the other side of behind the box}
DOLAN: {flicking the switch back and forth} Eh. Why isn't it turning on? {Looks behind machine}
{Ethan moves out and jumps in front of the counter, closer to the camera}
DOLAN: What the? {machine begins to buzz again} Who unplugged my machine? {moves back} Now where were we? Oh right, the universe.
{Ethan shimmies over to left side of counter}
DOLAN: Our sun, revolves around the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. No, {chuckles} not the candy bar.
{Ethan rolls his eye, pulls out a cell phone from behind him, and begins to dial}
DOLAN: A galaxy. It is believed that the center of the Milky Way, is a large black hole. Which would explain why gravity pulls us all around it.
{Ethan holds the phone up to his head. A phone rings offscreen}
DOLAN: Gravity can- {yells offscreen} Ethan? Ethan? Can you get that? {phone continues to ring} Ethan? {grunts} Man, people just can't let me record a simple video. {walks offscreen}
{Ethan jumps up on countertop, with the phone still on}
ETHAN: {to camera} Watch this. {phone stops ringing}
DOLAN: {offscreen} Hello?
ETHAN: {low voice} Yes hello. My name is Jack Dunman from postal services. We have a package here in your name.
DOLAN: {offscreen} Wh- what?
ETHAN: {low voice} We've got a package here for a "Mr. Dolan"
DOLAN: {offscreen} Well that is me. What is in the package?
ETHAN: {low voice} We'd like to ask you. You see, the package is... ticking.
DOLAN: {offscreen} Tick... ticking?
ETHAN: {low voice} Yes. Almost like an explosive.
DOLAN: {offscreen} Explosive!?
ETHAN: {low voice} Now, we need you to- {imitates exploding noise and hangs up}
DOLAN: {offscreen} Wh- what? Hello? Helloooo? Oh god! I've gotta call the police!
ETHAN: {laughs}
DOLAN: {offscreen} Heh- hello? {pause} I'd like to report an explosion. {pause} Yes. Down at the postal office. {pause} I'm not sure, I just know something happened. {pause} Alright thank you. {hangs up} Well that's weird.
ETHAN: Oh crap. {jumps back down in front of counter}
DOLAN: {walks back on} Okay, I'm gonna finish this while I can. I'll edit this part anyway.
{Ethan moves off to the right, and offscreen}
DOLAN: As I was saying, gravity affects the entire universe! Each thing being pulled into the other. Everything has a gravitational pull, or attraction, towards everything else. Without it, we'd be floating around, and may not even be alive.
{Ethan appears to the right of the machine and sets it on fire}
DOLAN: And- AH! {turns around and tries putting out the flames} Oh my god! Oh my god! {runs off to the left}
ETHAN: {jumps up onto countertop} I AM ETHAN! ALL HAIL ETHAN! {kicks ball at camera. The camera falls over, looking up at the ceiling.}
DOLAN: {unseen} Ethan! Help me with this extinguisher!
ETHAN: {unseen} Holy crap! This thing is on fire!
DOLAN: Oh god! Oh god! {extinguisher noise. The cackling of the flames stops.} Oh thank god.
ETHAN: Heh. {roar of fire. Cackling begins again}
DOLAN: Ah! The counter's on fire! Ethan get down!
ETHAN: You got it! {moves into view. Looks down at camera.} ALL HAIL! {knocks camera over.}
{white noise. Video ends}
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