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Patrick, Strong Bad, Iori and Homeschool Winner form a gang and "kill" Chavo Guerrero.

Cast(in order of appearance): Patrick, Iori, Strong Bad, Homeschool Winner, Chavo Guerrero


PATRICK: {singing, while typing "patrick_email.exe"} Everybody, if you can, check an e-mail!

{Patrick pauses 1 second after reading "Best" and "Um"}

PATRICK: {typing} Ah, Chavo Guerrero. WWE's most obnoxious superstar EVER. Well, to do that, we need an experianced assassin, someone who killed someone before, and a random person, who's probably stupid.

{Cut to the Homestarmy meeting place. Patrick is standing on the soapbox. Homeschool Winner, Strong Bad and Iori are standing on the ground, listening to Patrick. All of them are wearing nametags; Patrick has "leader", Homeschool has "assassin, i guess", Strong Bad has "killer", and Iori has "idiot"}

PATRICK: All right, people! Killing you guy has requested that we kill Chavo Guerrero!

IORI: Chavo Guerrero? That guy who disrespects Eddies memory?

PATRICK: Yep! So we shall kill him as Strong Bad "killed" Homsar!

STRONG BAD: You mean that didn't work? Aw, crap!

HOMESCHOOL: So what you're saying, is that we shall drop a heavy lourde on him?

PATRICK: Correct! Strong Bad, do you still have a heavy lourde?

STRONG BAD: Well, I got a couple in my garage.

PATRICK: Perfect! Get one, and we shall strike.

{Strong Bad runs off}

IORI: How do you know where he is?

PATRICK: I got a motion-sensor GPS system on this thing. {holds up Pom Pom's pom pilot}

HOMESCHOOL: That looks alot like Pom-Pom's Pom Pilot, though.

PATRICK: Yeah, because I uh... Borrowed it. {looks left and right nervously}

{Cut to a black screen that says "A little while later..." After that, Cut to the field, where Chavo Guerrero is there}

PATRICK: Hey, Chavo!

CHAVO GUERRERO: What the crap do you want?

PATRICK: I've got 6 words for you: Look up, before it's to-

{Heavy Lourde falls on Chavo}

PATRICK: Well, that worked.

IORI: Yay! It worked!

HOMESCHOOL: {Holds up 4 red drinks} Gentlemen, a toast, to our victory.

{everybody grabs one drink}

IORI: Where's the toast then?

{everybody takes a sip}

PATRICK: Uh, Homeschool? What's this?

HOMESCHOOL: It's fruit punch.


{everybody takes another sip. Cut back to email room}

PATRICK: {typing} Well, Killing you guy, Chavo's dead, and everybody's happy. {The Paper comes down reading: Click here to email Patrick}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on "happy" at the end to see an extra scene.

Easter Egg Transcript

{Cut to the field, Patrick is walkin' along}

PATRICK: {humming} Do do do do do...

{Pom-Pom comes in}

PATRICK: Oh, hey, Pom-Pom!

{Pom-Pom spin kicks Patrick, then takes back the Pom Pilot}

POM-POM: {bubbles something, then leaves}

Fun Facts

Real World References

  • Chavo Guerrero is a wrestler who works in the WWE.
  • The beginning rap is a reference to the Simpsons song "Do The Bartman".