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Ekul messes up the space-time continuem

Lines: 20

Cast (in order of appearance: Me, the doctor, old man


Ekul: I don't know HOW many copyright rules I'm breaking here...

Ekul: WHAT?? This would be a more suitable question for Strong Bad. (Replaces "Ekul" with "Strong Bad") Now I just send it back in time so that it has a greater chance it comes out. (Sends it back in time to before Strong Bad started checking emails.) Now... Um... OH WAIT! THAT WAS THE FIRST EMAIL!! I FORGOT! Eeg... I don't like this email anymore.... DELETED!! Uh oh... It's still being sent! A-a-a-a-h-h-h!!! N-o-o-o-o-o-o-....

(The fabric of space and time is ripped. The camera zooms out to show the world. The atmosphere turns red. Chunks of the earth start to be shredded. The earth starts breaking up. Explosions are seen. The Earth explodes in a giant fireball, then all the mass and energy and mass in the galaxy is sucked into a single point. Then the point explodes in double the total energy that was entered in and the screen turns white. The universe is destroyed.)

Ekul: (offscreen) Return to last save? (Nothing at all happens. Ekul is now seen just floating in the middle of the space time contium, being in another dimension, was not harmed. He sees a police box floating.) It's The Doctor! (Ekul runs into the box and opens it up. He knocks over (the fifth) The Doctor and types on a console a message that goes like this:)

(Ekul appears on what looks like a street corner. An old man is sitting underneath a lamp.)

Old Man: Hey. It looks like The Trash Can followed you. It has a mind of it's own!

Ekul: I recognize this place. Why am I here?

Old Man: You in the space time continuem without protection and you belonged in a universe. So you were shipped to the place of least resistance. Here. You'd better go. You're already breaking enough copyright laws!

(Ekul runs to the trash can and teleports back to FCUSA.)

(Cue the paper.)

Easter Eggs