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Meet me at the stick?

Lines: 18

Cast: Ekul, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Mitchell, Strong Mad


(Ekul sits at his Second in Comand's chair at his computer.)

EKUL: LAst time... of... um... I forgot...

EKUL: (Reads Email) (typing Aloud) Meet you at the stick. Hmm... I wonder if it's too late... Oh! right.

(Ekul walks to the stick. They are there)

Ekul: Hey guys!

Strong Bad: What the crap?!?!!!? You're like, two days late!!!

Ekul: Well, first, I spent the whole day rebuilding my computer 'n such in able to get the email. The internet wouldn't work so I used my second in comand's computer.

The Cheat: Meh weh?

Ekul: Yeah, I brought the explosives. Can we raid Bubs' concess-

Michell: Woah. I'd love to, but don't we need code names and disguises first?


Strong Bad: That might be pretty funny, but then he would call the athorities and wouldn't help us out.

Ekul: Ok. I have a disguise and a code name. THE MARAUDING MANIAC!! I made it up a while ago when commodore James called me that name when I raided an entire continent! Yeah! It was this continent called South American or somethin. Let's get cracking....

(All five of their papers come down)

Michell: Aw, come on!

Commentary (Guest star, Lunar Jesters)

JESTY: Hi. I'm Jesty, and Ekul is letting me be a commentator on this email. Ekul?

EKUL: Thank you for coming, Jesty. This is one of those emails... I could do this much better now. Y'know?

JESTY: Yeah, I picked this email because of its crappyness, and the major thing that comes out of this email. The Marauding Maniac.

EKUL: Well, Marauding Maniac is actually a name I got from my friend James. Once apon a time, I drank way too many cans of Doctor Pepper and went to a library meet. I actually charged straight at people and intentionally missed, running ito a trash can. I was literally bouncing off the walls. You know what he called me? "Luke the MArauding MAniac who lives in a trash can". I loved that name. My character is now base offa that.

JESTY: Heh. If you don't mind me saying so, your email took a LONG time to catch on. It didn't help that you seemed to want your emails to be short.

EKUL: Yup. I misunderstood back then that quality of emails is way better than quantity. If I were to change something, I might reword a few things, such as "But don't call me Ekul. Call me my psuedonym... "The Marauding Maniac"" and add onto it. Who knows, I still might! Because the problem was, I made it look like he made the name on the spot, very sloppily.

JESTY: And look, it's almost over. That was pretty fun. {quickly} Join us for Rubber ducky and #50!

EKUL: Bye, Jesty!