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Ekul excellently expertly explains his Tartis

Lines: 18

Cast (in order of appearance: M, Blackpirate7475(offscreen)


(Ekul walks into a white room with a cylindrical computer terminal and a console on the wall)

EKUL: Now, my second in comand is mad because I used his computer without asking. I have to do it in here.

EKUL: (reads email aloud, then types aloud) Mmmmm.... pasta.... but wait a second... "A TRASH CAN?" You are confusing a trash can with the Trash Can. Anyway, being the Grand Admiral of a fleet of pirates is awesome. When you raid people, such as the planet of refrigerators, you get tons of free stuff. Fortunetly, I am a Robin Hood, so I only steal from the rich and give to the needy. In fact, we give 75% of our income to the poor! Also... (The screen flashes with IM RECIEVED) Grr...

Theblackpirate7475: hey its me ron i robbd a por pesron i tinhk i wil kep it.

Ekul: Oh. Now I will give a little... FIRED (The screen flashes red and displays in white text, "FIRED") Where was I.. oh yeah. (brings reply back up) Now. About the Trash Can. I am in my Trash Can right now! It is a tartis I received after a I passed the Galifreyan school for time lords. The trash can is the same machine that kingie's Grill is: HUMUNGOUS! LARGER IN VOLUME THAN THE USS ENTERPRISE! NEVER ENDING ALTERNATION! If you got lost in here, you'd have a while to wander before reaching the exit! The Trash Can has a reconfigurator. It can change it's outward appearance! Unfortunetly, mine is screwed up so that it won't let me pick what it turned it into. the least suspicios thing it turned into was this trash can, most of the others were strange including the Mona Lisa, a UFO, a UHF, a bear-shark, a chalkboard, scrabble, ghengis khan's helmet, an upsidedown tree, the viking craft, a meteor, the moon. That was only a fourth of the oddities I encountered. Oh, I had an an appointment with Homestar. For now, it's undisclosed.

(My paper falleth frometh the skyeth)

Easter Eggs