(even if you aren't vegan)
NOXIGAR: Lies. It was nowhere close to thriving in its lifespan ever.
Unfortunately, due to the lack of Homestar Runner content, the decision was made to move Wikihood to the Wiki User Wiki.
NOXIGAR: And the truth begins to show its ugly mug, contradicting the previous statement.
While on the Wiki User Wiki, Wikihood was initially prosperous, but an attack by the now notorious Clan rHrN drove away many of its contributors, and much of the original content was lost when the Wiki User Wiki first closed down.
NOXIGAR: What's the matter? One stupid construct meant to ruin the reputation of a bad WarCraft III clan not good enough to keep your precious thing alive? COWARDS, ALL OF THEM!
{Noxigar cackles maniacally}
When the WUW reopened, Wikihood didn't attract many users, and basically just fizzled out, and was eventually cancelled.
NOXIGAR: They could've shortened that whole thing without putting the blame on a fake construct. "We tried to do Wikihood 1, but constrant transferral combined with sheer exhaustion caused the idea to fizzle completely." There. More succinct and accurate.
There is now a new attempt at bring Wikihood back.
NOXIGAR: Spoilers for all: It's not new, and bringing Wikihood back actually took multiple tries. Eventually, Vindicator got it to work with the help of Lex, Chaos, and myself.
NOXIGAR: Also, Wikihood 2 is so fucking terrible I refuse to riff it. At all. Because it's mostly the same rubbish as later implementations of Wikihood 1, only Vindicator started referencing Half Life a whole lot and the shoehorning of Homestar Runner characters got amplified to where it was every 10 lines. There's also the fact Super Sam and Shadow Scythe already did an animated roast of Wikihood 2, which is impossible to top because they have a better grasp of what was wrong with the previous Wikihoods in general than I do.
NOXIGAR: 02:47, 1 November 2013 (PDT) - I, Noxigar, raise some hell by starting to riff the original Wikihoods out of pure spite.
08:23, 6 August 2008 (PDT) - Clean up and update.
01:45, 1 April 2006 (PST) - 50th Ep preview.
NOXIGAR: I'm sorry, but I'm not going to waste my time staring at a completely blank preview page for an Episode that would never be released.
Episode List
Season 1
NOXIGAR: A pilot episode should still have something worthwhile. Like a creative name, a premise which attracts people to wanting to contribute, and enough length to cover what Season 1 will be about.
NOXIGAR: I can already pinpoint the first flaw within Wikihood 1: its seasons were all too short.
Season 2
- A new Power?
- No. 1 Jam?
- Episode 1?
- "Execute Order X6."
- "We're Big Fat…"
- ...little {EXPLICT}?
- 13, the unlucky number.
NOXIGAR: I personally see 13 as a lucky number.
Season 3: Wikitrix
- Killingyoureality
NOXIGAR: Oh, I just bet Joss Whedon would've adored you guys back in, what, 2006?
- Mardal Carmbort!
- What ever happened to the Deus Ex Machina?
NOXIGAR: Spoilers: the plot in Wikihood 1 is incomprehensible.
- What's a Morice
- 19.9
- 7 Episode Trial Expired.
Season 4: Headache
- Note: There is no data for Episodes 23 and beyond, this is simply for historical accuracy
NOXIGAR: That's too bad. I wanted to be ruthless with my lambasting this garbage.
- Wikihood Musical!
- What the...?
- "I like Chicken Tonight."
- "Give me the Box." Dedicated to this.
- 25th Email Special
- The Rise of Evil
- �iabolicy: Rule 5
NOXIGAR: Those symbols confuse me even more than the rest of Wikihood 1 did.
- Pies? Yams? Food?
- A Dog, A Plan, A Canal, Pagoda!
- "Worst episode, EVER!"
NOXIGAR: It's painfully difficult to point out a "worst episode" in Wikihood 1 when they were all incorrigible.
- Error 403
Season 5: Dark Sandwich
With all villains defeated and disbanded, a time of peace has surly arrived. Or has it? Why is Strong Sader fading in and out of existence? Why is Techno having bouts of evilness? Why has the vending machine run out of Honeycomb centred chocolate bars? Why do headcrabs seeminglyless appear out of nowhere? Why do people keep writing why?
NOXIGAR: Good question. Too bad there was too much pre-plotting involved in all of this. You didn't even get to the halfway mark, in retrospect. How sad!
- Bandwidth exceeded.
- Me 'n' my dark side
- Crap happens
NOXIGAR: Wikihood's entire legacy in a nutshell.
- Orville Right?
- Return of
Big Fat GuyEbil - File not valid
- Author Powers!
NOXIGAR: I know this might shock Sirrus, but I never really liked the first or second Austin Powers-es. I did like Goldmember, though.
- R.I.P. Reality
- Apocalypse of Errors
- "Is that a cheese Waffle?"
- Ph33r da powa'!
NOXIGAR: The only time where l33tspeak was legitimately funny was in Megatokyo's early chapters. Even then, Fred Gallagher and co. are the only ones that can make 133t funny, and even then that's difficult for them nowadays, given how old Megatokyo is.
- Can't touch me!
- Outtakes and Bloopers are not the same.
- I know what you did last Monday (Part VII)
NOXIGAR: You'll never know what I did last Monday!
Season 6: The End of Villany?
Your Mom comes back eviler and angrier, but something very suprising happens on the turnover.
NOXIGAR: Didn't a majority of the people who signed up for Wikihood 1 have severe mommy issues? That's the only justification I could give to there being a bad guy called "Your Mom"
- Pop... CULTURE!?!?
- !
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- The Turnover
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NOXIGAR: I was expecting "witty" titles! What gives?!
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Count X Propit-thing. (Super-admin)DEAD.- The 386 ADMIN!
- Techno ADMIN!
- Strong Sader ADMIN!
20eric06 ADMIN!DEAD?!?! I shall be back!.- Aussie Evil
- Pieinbubsface
- The Noid
- Bassium!
- The thing
- Super Sonic X
- Mynameisalex
- Stinkoman K
NOXIGAR: Poor unfortunate souls.
- Charactors.
- Plorces.
- Aye carn't pronounce thart.
NOXIGAR: I regret ever trying to do a Coach Z impression. Good god this is just annoying already.