(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/RTOD/Bling Emails
LIGHTNING GUY: Now that the first part of the Im a bell email craptacular{Noxigar begins foaming at the mouth.}is done, here's
NAMINE: I really don't think this is a healthy conduit for getting back at Briar.
NAMINE: I think there's still hope for your friendships with Lex, Ben, Sean, Brad, Faith, and Keith. I don't know much regarding Ted, or Dane by proxy. What I do know is you can't just give up on an entire friend circle because of one rotten-to-the-core apple. Or four bad apples, it really doesn't matter. Besides, I'm sure someone out there thinks highly of you, in spite of your perception on things.
NOXIGAR: There is no healthy conduit. I'm just trying to finish what I started years ago.
NAMINE: You've mentioned a while ago that Briar's abusive attitude towards you was a main problem. Why not just log off of the WUW?
NOXIGAR: Logging off of a dead site won't make me rid of him forever.
NAMINE: I know this is supposed to be your farewell to the WUW and all, and I want to help you with it. However, I don't see how this will do anything other than continue to alienate yourself from Keith, Ted, and others. You can be rid of Briar, but you can also do it without systematically pissing off every person you've befriended on this site as collateral damage.
NOXIGAR: The damage has already been done outside of this Hell-site. I am forever doomed, anyway.
NAMINE: Somehow, I'm in disbelief.
NOXIGAR: Ted's been largely apathetic to anything on this site except for his tabletop campaign, much like I am starting to become. Briar has nearly taken over the entire friend circle, where I sometimes can't trust some of Lex and Keith's words and actions at face value, given Briar and them have a secret chat where they've shit-talked me behind my back. I haven't done anything explicitly with Sean and Ben except occasionally vent to them about my mental problems. I miss Brad and Faith, but understand why the latter probably won't talk to me anymore, and I am trying to improve my communications with the former in spite of my intense dislike of Undertale and my own social issues getting in the way. I hold John, Dan, and Ariel in contempt for respectively different reasons, all of which have been invalidated by my abuser and the people I have already assume have been brainwashed by him. I've started to realize that my time on the WUW in general has been spent often at my own expense with me acquisitioning little respect. If Lex and Keith hadn't been occasionally nice to me, with Ted's boyfriend Dane also needing to be given credit where it's due, I'd probably have escaped a lot sooner.
{Namine stands, stunned by Noxigar's words. It takes time for her to think of a rebuttal.}
Bling Email!
LIGHTNING GUY: I can finish my own sentences,NOXIGAR: But, you didn't finish the sentence in the first place.thank you.
Due to the apparent success of the Bling emails in WUE Im a bell,
LIGHTNING GUY: You think any page that gets more than 5 viewsNOXIGAR: On this Hell-site, 5 views is fucking amazing.is a success.
I have decided to give up my other FCE, and create this.
Season 0;
Bellson drove Bell to the edge, so he took a vacation in Japan,
LIGHTNING GUY: the only country that mattered to him,NOXIGAR: I'm pretty sure even the Chooms admitted this was false in their own riffs.
leaving Bling to run his email show. After paying for a destroyed wall and having a seemingly cannibalistic lunch with Bling, Grundy and 1-Up decided to help Bling with his email show.
Season 1;
Bell's returned from Japan, so Bling had to stop running Bellmail. This resulted in 1-Up and Grundy hacing
LIGHTNING GUY: Hacking is illegal, you know.
to leave because "[He doesn't] like freeloading poultry and pudding-freaks
LIGHTNING GUY: "Hey, I'm not poultry!" said 1-Up.NOXIGAR: "Hey, I'm not a pudding-freak," said the Kentucky Fried Chicken next to Lightning Guy.
inside the house". This caused Bling to take the house next door, which was going to be blown up by Bell is nobody took it. This house gave Bling space to create his own email show, and rooms for 1-Up and Grundy to stay in. Recently, Bling has kicked out 1-Up and Grundy, and presumably reduced them to radioactive ash, because his email show is now being broadcast in Wiki City only.
LIGHTNING GUY: That seems like a good reason to presume they're radioactive ash now.
Season 1
Season 0: Bell is in Japan
-4.The Leaving of Bell
Click here to Email Bling |
at bellkittything@bellsouth.net |
LIGHTNING GUY: Yeah, I'll gladly click that link and probably end up bombarded by thousands of spam.
NOXIGAR: Should we look into the inbox?
NAMINE: To put it bluntly, no.
- SO GOOD! - "grood" image.png
It's... (not) SO (LIGHTNING GUY: ANY)