(even if you aren't vegan)
Not-so-late Decemberween Gift Exchange
Thank you for all those who participated this year, here are the gifts. -from the desk of 20eric06t-AES 14:20, 25 December 2009 (UTC)
It's that time of the year again!
[hide]Wait, what?
Decemberween is perking at us over there, around the corner, 2 months from now. If you remember the Ultra-late Decemberween Gift Exchange, you'll know what I'm talking about.
This time, I decided to take this up on a bit earlier, so as to avoid confusion and rushed stuff.
Tell me more.
On the last instance of this crazy gift mix'n'match, we had about like less than a month to work out the stuff, but since this time we have about 2 months, I'm going to do things a bit differently. Presents are to be delivered to me until December 24th, 2:00 PM GMT-3, meaning you have almost exactly 2 months to make it. If you don't send me your gift until the 24th, your name will be ruled out of the list and the gift destinated to you will go to the person you should've made a gift to. All gifts will be released here on the wiki for all to see on the 25th. If you want your present to remain secret and be delivered just to whom it was destinated to, you must say so when sending me it.
The sign-ups will be closed at Saturday, October 24th, 21:00 GMT-3. I will then randomly sort the pairs and send you the name of who you'll make a gift to, and that's when you should start working on it. If I do not have your email by Monday, I will rule your name out of the exchange.
Further instructions, I quote Super Sam.
A basic description of how this thing works: * Each person gets the name of another person to make a present for, however, they don't know who they are getting a present from! This makes it much more awesome. Names are generally revealed about half way through the next year. * Previous years have shown that participating is fun and awesome so you should all JUST DO IT. (...) * Remember: it's not about quality, it's about thought and effort: nobody will care if your sprite comic looks like crap, but if you obviously put effort into it (and didn't just slap something together in 5 minutes, although if you can do that and end up with something high quality, go for it), everybody will be happy. * This may be subject to cancellation if I get a lack of people signing up but that probably won't happen. * All contact will be via the PM system or email: feel free to get your present to me by whatever means necessary.
To send me your email address or gift, send an email to Syniphas@drx.pl.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my talk page.
Do I has?
To participate, you must:
- Have an email or any other secret way for me to contact you;
- Be able to make a gift;
- Have fun.
The sign-ups have been closed, this will now act as a list of people participating. Please do not add your name to it.
- from the desk of 20eric06t-AES - Address confirmed - Gift received
- Toonypie - Address confirmed - You suck
- Badstar - Address confirmed - You suck
- NachoTalk - Address confirmed - Gift received
- Address confirmed - Gift received
- Lucian Summers
- Address confirmed - You suck
- SuperCryptogamer12 - Address confirmed - Gift received
- -pmelondemon43y - Address confirmed - Gift received