(even if you aren't vegan)
User:Tyrannosaurus Lex/WhatIThinkOfYou
I've been a member of this community since 2005, and I've known many of you for a long time. But if you ever wanted to know what I truly think of you, put your name underneath, and I'll tell you my opinion on you.
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FloppyDongHershMiss Peach
They call me Big T BLOOD
-pmelondemon43yJCM- from the desk of 20eric06t-AES
- User:Noxigar
— ChwokaTalk- Brerose
- belstrnnmmvnmn
- NACHOMAN - do me (not like that lol) -- NachoTalk 00:37, 25 December 2010 (UTC)
- TheCheesegayNachoTalk t('-'t) u suck lol
Strong Intelligent
I've known you since 2007, (I think.. Maybe early 2008, but sometime around that range) and I've always thought of you as a cool guy. We've had similar interests, we've agreed on many things, and we've never seriously fought. Oh, and you're also one of the only British people on here, so that's also a good thing. I admit, we've had a few disagreements in the past, and you've said and done things that have annoyed me a bit, but that's nothing. On the whole, you're a good guy, and a good friend. :D
We've known each other since 2008, and we've never really argued or fought before. We've always stayed on good terms with each other, and those good terms stay even now. (I hope. O.O) But yeah, I find you to be a good, sophisticated and creative individual with lots of potential for the future. On the whole, I think you're a pretty cool guy.
I was first aware of your existence in mid-2007, which incidentally was around the time that you joined the Hrfwiki in the first place. For a few months however, we didn't really "know" each other that much. Well, not in the sense that I "know" you now. We first properly met each other during the making of "Wikihood Redux", in which we flaunted our large flashing muscles and dark magical powers. (jklol) Anyway, I always thought of you as an alright guy, and like the examples above, I've never really had much problem with you. Along with that, I also have to say that you are an awesome spriter. Much more awesome than I am, that is. But yeah.. You're a pretty cool guy, and a pretty cool friend.
I've only known you a short time, so forgive me if this little piece on you isn't as big as the ones above.. Anyway, in the short time I have known you, you seem to be a good guy. From the looks of it, you too look like you have some potential. I've read some of your riffs, and I'll have to admit, I've found them pretty amusing. I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your stuff in the future. (And you're also a Doctor Who fan. That's always a plus. ;D)
Melon Demon 43
I'm going to be honest. I've always thought of you as being "different from the crowd". I don't mean that in a bad way, so please don't take it wrongly. I mean that in the way that you're a unique individual. That's always something to be proud of. Like most of the people here, I've never really had a problem with you. I mean, there have been times where I personally have thought that you've been unfair to certain individuals, but on the whole, I've found you to be an alright user. However, I must admit; I was rather confused when you said that you were a troll, and you claimed that Cow Puncher never existed in the first place. I mean, to keep such an act up since 2007.. That's actually impressive if you were honestly telling the truth. But forgive me, as I still find it kinda hard to believe.
I have to admit.. You're possibly one of the strongest users on this wiki. Ever since you've joined, you've been constantly picked on by everyone, due to your views on certain subjects. However, despite all this, you've always kept a stiff upper lip, and kept yourself going. And I must say, that takes a lot of balls to do. On the whole, you're a good person. You're friendly, amusing, and quite sociable as well. Although, I do have to admit, you have said a few things during your time here that have made me cringe, (mostly on my britishness) but I know that you're not really saying it to offend, and I understand that. On the whole, you're a cool guy. Don't ever change. :D
Okay, you've been bugging me about this for a few days now, and I'm finally doing it. Happy now? Anyway, I used to think of you as being a bit of a jerk, to be honest.. Mostly due to your attitude towards certain things. But looking upon it right now, I realize that I was wrong. All of the fault was actually in me instead. I took you too seriously, not really realizing that most of the things you said were in jest, and the ones that weren't were actually made as constructive criticism. By that, I'm talking about the whole "Wikihood Fiasco of '08", where we pretty much had a Cold War over one episode. But now things have calmed down, and I've seen you as someone different than I did before. A pretty cool guy.