(even if you aren't vegan)
The SkullB Show/chara/minor
He's just a baker at the Decentville Bakery.
Cassidy Rogers
Jerry's estranged ex-girlfriend. She is mentally disturbed, being overly possessive of her lovers. This insane behavior led to the near murder of Casey.
Chad is the leader of the Alpha Psi Psi frat house and all around jerk. After teasing SkullB and Tom one too many times, he was pranked and subsequently blackmailed into servitude. He hasn't appeared since.
Cody Swain
Jerry's high school companion. Not much is known about him.
Ginger was one of the many women that SkullB invited over to his house in Back to Basics. She and SkullB were getting along great before SkullB told everyone to leave. She has not appeared since.
Guy Newscaster
Guy Newscaster is, as his name implies, a newscaster for Channel Five. He is an eccentric--he uses his television voice for everything he says. He was seen at the Don King Arena in episode 32, giving a report of the fight.
Hannah Harris
Hannah is Casey's mother and Jerry's mother-in-law. She is apparently quite intimidating, and stands higher than most people. She appears to live in Ireland.
Jon Correspondent
Jon Correspondent is a correspondent for Channel Five News. He was apparently born with this name and wanted to work in pharmaceuticals.
Father Kilpatrick
Father Kilpatrick is the pastor at the Decentville Catholic Church. He seems to be good at what he does--in episode 33 he successfully exorcised a demon from Jerry's body. On off days he enjoys reading and scented candles.
Mike was the janitor for the old apartment that SkullB and the others lived in. He apparently never left the basement in ten years. However, he recently moved out and got a job as a bartender on a cruise ship.
Moe, also known as Mohawk, is the cashier at the local Hot Topic. He speaks slowly, and occasionally stops mid-sentence. He's only shown up in one episode so far, Goin' on a Job Hunt.
Muscles, which is probably his given name, is a bully who spends most of his time kicking sand in peoples' eyes at the beach. Casey shoved a handful of sand into his mouth in Surf n' Turf. It is hinted that he never finished high school.
Dr. Norton
Dr. Arthur Norton is one of the doctors at the Decentville Hospital, and also Jerry's doctor. Dr. Norton is good at what he does, though a bit absent-minded at times. So far, Dr. Norton has only been seen in one episode, Kicking the Habit.
Mainly just a gag character, the Owl is just an owl that appears out of the blue. It seems to have a fondness for emotional, or "tender", moments. It apparently likes to eat at Chez Snootez.
One of the angels from Heaven itself, Raphael was called upon by Jerry to eliminate a demon problem. He helped them out by chopping Chernobog in half with a flaming sword. He, so far, has only appeared in Resident Evil.
King of Hell, Satan appeared in the SkullB Show only twice--as a demon, at least. As a human, he went by the name "Stan". In Super Stars, Casey sold her soul to Satan in an effort to become a pop star. The transaction was complete, and Casey became a zombie. However, it all backfired when Satan was crushed by an Elevator to Hell. Later, he came back, nearly dead, but was run over by a car and killed. The status of Hell is unknown, though demons are still in operation.
Officer Stein
The chief of the Decentville Police and neighborhood hero, Officer Stein is always around when crimes are being committed. So far in the series he has escorted Cassie Rogers to jail.
Tom is a main character from The Aura Chronicles and was a minor character for most of seasons one and two. He seemed to have an affinity for Casey, and he blew up the gang's old apartment. He now lives somewhere else with his friends.
Viera, as she was known, was a talk-show host and alien. She tried to enslave the human race through daytime television and free prizes, but was stopped after Skullbuggy interfered. She was then melted into a puddle of goo and set on fire.
Vladimir Impalovich
A Russian from Russia, Vladimir is under the impression that Russia hasn't moved on from Communism. He and Skullbuggy faced off in Skully IV in a go-kart derby. SkullB whipped him pretty well, but still lost to a kid down the street.
Zippy is the main character of Zippy Emails and the apparent writer of the SkullB Show. He's been seen in cutaway gags, sometimes conversing with the characters. Nowadays he spends more time checking emails.