(even if you aren't vegan)
Terrell's Blog/9
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TERRELL'S TIIINY BLOG! "A baby chick with no body? That's freaky." 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Terrell's Blog is hosted for free at JCMBlogs |
September 10 - Where the Wilder Things Are |
Mood: Scene: In the lair alone Well, this is great. The Shadowy Figure left with Brody and the enemies but forgot about me! I hate this place enough already. Missing out on chances to leave doesn't help. I almost feel they abandoned me on purpose. I wish my clones weren't defeated like the other enemies' (besides The Benj, of course). Speaking of that, I haven't really talked about the bosses or enemies in this blog yet, so I think this is a good time. Grundy, Stobat, and I are from a long line of minions chosen to assist bosses, who I already said were created by the Shadowy Figure. However, most of them couldn't survive the wrath of Stinkoman and were blown up. But the few that did survive are Brody, of course, Tampo (currently a brain in a cup of water), Liekand (currently a mouse living in the wall), and Saargtsson (currently the SF's assistant). The minions were made by the Shadowy Figure by the bosses' request, since taking on "The Guy" wasn't going to be easy. Long story short, here we are. But there is more. The reason why there are mutant minions like me will be covered later. Hopefully, everyone will be back by then. |
September 9 - Moving on |
Mood: Scene: Getting used to my location You know? Now that I've read the previous blog entries again and realized what I've been through until now, I understand that I should be lucky we were picked up from the road this time. And even though I hate this place and everyone here (except Brody and my friends, of course), I think I can adapt to this place. After all, it is in my genes, right? Some of the earliest birds had to adapt from water to land and I'm pretty sure they didn't like their new lifestyle at first themselves. And if they can grow on land, I can grow on the Shadowy Figure's lair. Hey, wait a minute. I'm only a few inches tall! I can't grow on anything. I'm destined to be miserable all my life! You know what, forget this entire entry. I'm going to write a strongly worded letter to Stinkoman now. >:( |
September 8 - The Haunted House of Horrors |
Mood: Scene: Shadowy Figure's lair Something I hate about the lair, besides the Shadowy Figure's constant rudeness, is the atmosphere. Brody and my friends seem to like it here, though. I don't know why. Yeah, it's a mansion. But it's more like a haunted mansion. If you've seen it yourself, you'd know. It's always dark and gloomy. That's the Shadowy Figure's style, though, so I won't peck on him for that. But either way, I hate it here and want to go home. All the other bosses and enemies probably feel that too. Stinkoman destroyed all of their places a while ago. Luckily, Stinkoman wasn't idiotic enough to destroy his own house, so we got the long end of the stick. If we weren't kicked out, we'd still be living there, which I will probably continue to complain about until the end of this week. It's too bad he didn't destroy this foul place with the rest, thanks to that settlement I'm legally required not to reveal on this blog. |
September 7 - I'm Back |
Mood: Scene: On my computer again Wow, I haven't made a post in over a month. It's a new record, not just for Terrell's Blog, but blogs as a whole! Though I better check that for accuracy. Nope. Turns out I'm wrong. It's nice to be back on here anyway. I don't know what could have been dire enough to keep me away from my love and joy. Oh, yeah, now I remember. We've moved to the lair of someone called the "Shadowy Figure". I know. It's very mysterious. It seems that he's the creator of Brody and the other bosses and enemies and that "tiny freaks like me" were just "unfortunate by-products". I hate him already. The reason we're moving in the first place is because Stinkoman knows where we live now and is not exactly a fan of sharing, so he kicked us out. More on that later. |
July 30 - Exercised out |
Mood: Scene: In bed. Well, I couldn't find something to reference for this situation, so I decided to use an original title, I think. But, enough about my header, let's about me. I tried to get Stobat to exercise, but he refused to do it alone. I asked Grundy and he said he was busy cleaning up, but he would gladly switch. Of course, I didn't take the offer, so I went to Brody and he laughed in my face, saying trying to get him to exercise is like trying to get Pan Pan to. Hmm, I should think about doing the same to Pan Pan if my plan works. Anyway, since I was the only chicken left, I had no choice: exercise with Stobat. Well, i do have a choice: Clean up the place, or exercise with Stobat. But, this place is a pigsty. In other words, pigs should be living here, not chickens. But, no worry, exercising with Stobat is easy. Just say that you're going to be next, and, when your turn comes up, say you have to go to the bathroom. The strange thing is, it worked even though we don't even have a bathroom! Even if we did, I couldn't use it, I'm a chicken head! So, he had to take my turn. Though, I felt kind of bad for Stobat, so I exercised in my room. I jumped up and down 100 times. Now, I'm wore out. Or, exercised out! Yeah, I'm still not funny. |
July 29 - Seeds of Luxury |
Mood: Scene: In Stinkoman's refrigerator. I don't know if the title is referencing anything, it just sound like it is. Anyway, I'm in Stinkoman's refrigerator, eating some leftover apple seeds. I feel so spoiled here. And cold. But, at least I'm not in the freezer! *silence* Yeah, that wasn't meant to be funny. Anyway, I love these apple seeds. Is it wrong to love a fruit? And, if it is, is it wronger to love the fruit's seeds? I thought not. Anyway, apple seeds are very healthy and it a great part of any dieting chicken. Of course, I don't need to diet. I don't even have a body to be skinny with! Though, Stobat, on the other hand, does need to diet. He says he's big-boned, but considering all the times he released his bones, it'd be near-impossible to believe that. And he says he hates fruit seeds. Weirdo. Anyway, I'm going to either force him to exercise or force seeds down his throat. Either way, he will lose weight. In fact, I'm going to start right now! |
July 28 - Vacation |
Mood: Scene: Back at home after a month-long vacation Hi, guys, please don't think of this as an excuse of why I didn't update in over a month, because it is. You see, on June 25, Brody picked me up and threw me into one of Stinkoman's suitcases. I forgot about that month-long vacation we have every year. Too bad I didn't have any time to get my suitcase, because Brody left after that. Anyway, for the vacation, we went to Austarilia. It took us only two days to get there! I didn't know that Brody and Grundy could swim like ducks. Must be a gift they have with having no legs. I wish I had a gift for having no legs, or any body part, for that matter. Anyway, poor Stobat was too heavy and had to "walk" there from underwater. Luckily, Stobat has the ability to hold his breath for 718 days. I can't hold my breath for 5 seconds! After a month we came back, taking the equal amount of time. Even though, when we got there, the place was very hot and the only cool thing there were the clamburgers they had, I did learn something. I have no purpose in life but to annoy passerbys. |
June 24 - Something |
Mood: Scene: Somewhere Yeah, so today was a cool day, man. I was messin' around with those inventions and, boy, some weird flash came on my dang face! Heh, but nothing happened to me, yo, at all. At all! Oh dear, I'm going crazy, but I don't care! Ha ha ha! I should stop this. But I won't! Hee hee! Can someone please help me? So my nerdy side won't come back, yeah! Please help. Or else, yo! Gosh, this is so dumb! Oh my gosh! Why me? Why did I have o play with that invention. I should've listened to Brody and kept my hands to myself! Dude, lighten up! No! You're embarrasing me on this blog entry, considering the fact that I'm talking to myself! Wah wah, I don't wanna be cool! I don't! I'm just a darn chicken! I'm just a darn chicken. Are you mocking me? Yes sir, yes sir I am. Crud, I hate this side effect. Now you're calling me names? Yes sir, yes sir I am. :P But seriously, I need to end this. See ya. |
June 23 - The Cluck of Friendship |
Mood: Scene: Wowed in Stinkoman's-you know. Sorry about the referencing of an old movie in my title, but this blog's inactivity amazes me. Guess what, I found out my competition's blog was cheated to the most entries so I have the most! Hooray! I know, it doesn't excuse my absence. Nothing will. But, at least I have a reason this time. Hooray! I'll stop now. Anyway, this month, I ate apples and Stinkoman and 1-Up came back with-guess who? Yes, my mother! Not really, it was Brody, Grundy, and Stobat. But, that's the same thing. Right? Hopefully not. Anyway, I was never that happy in my life! I still don't know how Stinkoman got them, I was too excited to ask. Oh well, at least I don't have to run away looking for them again. Even though it happened last week, it feels like 6 days ago when they came back. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to play with my two best(and only) friends! |
June 9 - Unexcused |
Mood: Scene: Nothing much OK, everyone, I got to 55 entries and then I started slacking more than usual. I mean, just...35...more entries and I'll have the most blog entries than anyone ever. I feel so special. So, I decided to play around in Stinkoman's kitchen. I went into the refrigerator and had a good time there...until I accidentally knocked over a bottle...on myself. Darn, that hurt. Anyway, I was unconscious for three weeks. Then I woke up in the hospital. 1-Up apparently found me on the ground with that broken bottle and he decided to help me. By the way, I forgot to make him a thank-you letter. I should get to that, since he's saved my life twice. Yep, that would be nice. And I'm a nice bird. Anyway, I asked one of the nurses if they had a computer somewhere, and they freaked out. 1-Up then told me that this wasn't a hospital, it was a veterinary clinic. But, he's probably joking. Vets are for cats and dogs, not chickens. So, I looked around the place for one. The kids around here are such crybabies. They acted like they never saw a chicken head before. The parents then assaulted me instead of telling their children that I'm a patient. What bad examples. So, I finally found a computer. It was in a nurse's office. And here I am on it now. |