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Terrell's Blog/1
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TERRELL'S TIIINY BLOG! "A baby chick with no body? That's freaky." 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Terrell's Blog is hosted for free at JCMBlogs |
February 29 - Tad Libs |
Mood: Scene: Back in the under kitchen lair. I'm finally back at home. My friends missed me a lot. Stobat even tried to make a me made out of bones. That was flattering...and creepy. Anyways, since those robots already told everyone the secret and made me the laughingstock of Planet K, I might as well tell you what happened. Well, I'll say it like this. Popup: TadLib I was walking outside when I ran into a giant brain named _____. My ____ hit his cerebellum and caused him to ____. He got angry and hit me with a _____ ____, causing my ________ to fall off. So, yeah, I've been writing these 3 blog posts with no ________. |
February 28 - Alone in the Basement |
Mood: Scene: In Stinkoman's basement, freezing. The cockroach came back. Yeah, I messed up big time. Stinkoman and 1-Up found me in the cabinet and I knew they'd kill me. So, I had to explain the entire story to them, the embarrassing thing and all. Stinkoman was about to challenge the brains out of me, when 1-Up burst into tears. He started going on about how it was the saddest thing he's ever heard and how he feels so sorry for me. That distracted Stinkoman long enough for me to get the heck out of there. I should write 1-Up a thank-you letter when I get back to the lair. Anyway, I didn't know where I was going so I fell down the stairs to the basement. After about 5 minutes of painful hits on each hard solid wood step, I finally made it to the bottom. Unfortunately, its 20 degrees down here, so I'm terribly cold. Fortunately, I found an old computer that still works, so I can type this blog post. So, I'm going to fall asleep and hope that someone finds me here before I freeze to square. Or before my wounds heal. |
February 27 - The Secret is Out |
Mood: Scene: Inside one of Stinkoman's cabinets. A very embarrassing thing happened to me today and some robots witnessed it all. This stinks because robots are some of the worst secret-keepers ever, if not the worst. I told them not to tell anyone and they said "OK", but I know they're going to blab it out to the world anyway. So I knew I had to hide somewhere for a while. Then, eventually, everyone would forget I ever existed. Then, I would leave the hiding place with an entirely new identity. I would change my name to Lerret. Anyway, I thought about living in the silverware drawer or oven or microwave. But I'm allergic to sharp knives and there are obvious reasons why I can't live in a microwave or oven. So, I'll live in this cabinet until things cool off. |
February 26 - Heading through History |
Mood: Scene: Reading an old photo book inside a lair under-you know already. Wow, I didn't know there was so much history behind us. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll explain. Today, Brody found a photo book from 1936 somewhere in the lair. I heard Stinkoman talking about 1936 before, but I never knew what he was saying. Anyway, the book must have meant that our ancestors lived down here too. I'll show the pictures to you. |
February 25 - Nice to Eat You |
Mood: Scene: In Stinkoman's kitchen, eating an apple. I was sick in bed all day yesterday with nothing to eat, and now that I'm healed, I'm starving! So, I left the lair and found this apple right on the table. What luck! In fact, I'm eating the apple as I type. I especially love those juicy seeds. Who doesn't? Anyways, I pretty much spent my day eating this apple, since its so big and all. I-oh, no. Stinkoman and 1-Up are coming back! I'll just push this apple back into the lair. There's no chance I'm leaving it here. They don't like apples, anyway. |
Febrary 24 - Stepped on...Again |
Mood: Scene: In bed with a headache inside a lair under Stinkoman's kitchen. You know how I said that there are a few things good about being me? Well, most of them are bad things and being stepped on is one of them. Being as small as I am, people rarely ever notice me, especially when they're walking. So I end up being smashed by their gigantic feet. This has happened more than once, and today is one of them. This time my own master, Brody, accidentally stepped on me and now I'm in bed with my head seriously injured. Thank goodness I don't have a spine or I'd be dead by now! So please, all reading, please watch where you walk. Now, if you excuse me, I'm getting off this computer, 'cause this light is hurting my head even more. |
February 23 - Startoff |
Mood: Scene: Inside a lair under Stinkoman's kitchen. A cockroach just passed by. So, this is my first post. I'd like to start off by telling how I got this blog in the first place. I had just gotten my computer, THE CHICKY 900, when I wanted somewhere I could discuss my personal situations to all who would care. This was the perfect place to do that. So, here I am, making my first post. Anyways, I am the only chicken here that can type his own blog. Of course, I don't have any hands, but I'm so small I can jump on each of the keys. That's one of the few good things about being me. So, that's it. I'll be updating this every day, since I have nothing better to do. Bye until then! |