(even if you aren't vegan)
Terrell's Blog/11
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TERRELL'S TIIINY BLOG! "A baby chick with no body? That's freaky." 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Terrell's Blog is hosted for free at JCMBlogs |
February 7 - Go Birds! |
Mood: Scene: Watching the Sports Plate It's a great thing Wikipedia survived all these years. Zest is really just being excited, which I am, because there's nothing to take the edge off like watching sports while eating a big bag of apple seeds. The team I go for is the Birds, because, obviously, I can relate to them. Even though they'll never beat the impenetrable Robots, just the idea that they made it this far is enough to make me proud of who I am. While watching these birds get crushed and thrown and just humiliated, I see myself in a way, and that's enough to make me enjoy sports to the extent that I watch the Sports Plate each year. And on that note, the Shadow Figure and folks just sent me a letter saying they'll be back soon. Let's hope they keep their promise. It's less exciting to watch sports alone. Fortunately for them, I'm recording this. |
February 6 - And now we're back |
Mood: Scene: Trying to fill in the plotholes however I can Yes, exasperation is an actual mood. It really means the same as annoyance, but hey, whatever will make me look most original. Now, for the scenes, well, I gave up on those a while ago. Anyway, I think it's time to talk about what happened to minions like me. We were created using chemical combinations. That's also how most of the bosses were created, too, but our chemicals are less strong, just powerful enough to make a difference. But when you're using chemicals, things can go wrong. That's why Grundy has no arms, Stobat has no appetite control, and I have no, well, body. The Shadowy Figure just dismissed us as good enough and sent us on our way. We aren't the only messed up minions, though. Gokul was supposed to be an advanced Poorbt, and Pink Cham Cham was supposed to be a terrifying monster with laser guns for horns. That's probably why SF favors robots. He had more control when creating them, so they all turned out favorable. I don't have any idea why only we ended up how we did, and why only some of the Lava Zone minions ended up how they did. I filled in enough plotholes for today, don't you think? |
February 6 - Oh look, a blog |
Mood: Scene: Writing a strongly worded email to JCMBlogs Sorry I skipped a day, but to make it up to you, I'll do 2 entries in one day! You see, JCMBlogs had a server overhaul, which made me unable to create entries and also caused me to lose a lot of the images I embedded. Their service is terrible and I don't recommend it to anyone. It took a month just to get my blog open again, because they have some policy against extremely inactive blogs. Because less updates equals less money, and JCM Productions is not a non-profit organization. But that gives them no right to add an entry count to my control panel, because now I get reminded every day that I'm not actually at 70 entries. Thanks, And on another note, I'm running out of moods. Maybe I should start making them up like that Homsar dude. Man, his blog was so awesome. If only Super Sam.com still existed. I definitely would have chosen that as my provider. |
February 4 - Where the Wilder Things Are |
Mood: Scene: In the lair alone Well, this is great. The Shadowy Figure left with Brody and the enemies but forgot about me! I hate this place enough already. Missing out on chances to leave doesn't help. I almost feel they abandoned me on purpose. I wish my clones weren't defeated like the other enemies' (besides The Benj, of course). Speaking of that, I haven't really talked about the bosses or enemies in this blog yet, so I think this is a good time. Grundy, Stobat, and I are from a long line of minions chosen to assist bosses, who I already said were created by the Shadowy Figure. However, most of them couldn't survive the wrath of Stinkoman and were blown up. But the few that did survive are Brody, of course, Tampo (currently a brain in a cup of water), Liekand (currently a mouse living in the wall), and Saargtsson (currently the SF's assistant). The minions were made by the Shadowy Figure by the bosses' request, since taking on "The Guy" wasn't going to be easy. Long story short, here we are. But there is more. The reason why there are mutant minions like me will be covered later. Hopefully, everyone will be back by then. |
February 3 - Moving on |
Mood: Scene: Getting used to my location You know? Now that I've read the previous blog entries again and realized what I've been through until now, I understand that I should be lucky we were picked up from the road this time. And even though I hate this place and everyone here (except Brody and my friends, of course), I think I can adapt to this place. After all, it is in my genes, right? Some of the earliest birds had to adapt from water to land and I'm pretty sure they didn't like their new lifestyle at first themselves. And if they can grow on land, I can grow on the Shadowy Figure's lair. Hey, wait a minute. I'm only a few inches tall! I can't grow on anything. I'm destined to be miserable all my life! You know what, forget this entire entry. I'm going to write a strongly worded letter to Stinkoman now. >:( |
February 2 - The Haunted House of Horrors |
Mood: Scene: Shadowy Figure's lair Something I hate about the lair, besides the Shadowy Figure's constant rudeness, is the atmosphere. Brody and my friends seem to like it here, though. I don't know why. Yeah, it's a mansion. But it's more like a haunted mansion. If you've seen it yourself, you'd know. It's always dark and gloomy. That's the Shadowy Figure's style, though, so I won't peck on him for that. But either way, I hate it here and want to go home. All the other bosses and enemies probably feel that too. Stinkoman destroyed all of their places a while ago. Luckily, Stinkoman wasn't idiotic enough to destroy his own house, so we got the long end of the stick. If we weren't kicked out, we'd still be living there, which I will probably continue to complain about until the end of this week. It's too bad he didn't destroy this foul place with the rest, thanks to that settlement I'm legally required not to reveal on this blog. |
February 1 - I'm Back |
Mood: Scene: On my computer again Wow, I haven't made a post in almost a year. It's a new record, not just for Terrell's Blog, but blogs as a whole! Though I better check that for accuracy. Nope. Turns out I'm wrong. It's nice to be back on here anyway. I don't know what could have been dire enough to keep me away from my love and joy. Oh, yeah, now I remember. We've moved to the lair of someone called the "Shadowy Figure". I know. It's very mysterious. It seems that he's the creator of Brody and the other bosses and enemies and that "tiny freaks like me" were just "unfortunate by-products". I hate him already. The reason we're moving in the first place is because Stinkoman knows where we live now and is not exactly a fan of sharing, so he kicked us out. More on that later. |