(even if you aren't vegan)
Terrell's Blog/13
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TERRELL'S TIIINY BLOG! "A baby chick with no body? That's freaky." 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Terrell's Blog is hosted for free at JCMBlogs |
February 24 - Don't Try This At Home |
Mood: Scene: Watching the Shadow Figure hidden in his lab No, the Shadowy Figure is not hidden in his lab, I'm hidden in his lab. While watching him, I'm going to tell you about a major accident that happened here. Yes, I talked about accidents happening here before, like me and the other misfit minions, but there were others. It all started about a year ago. While I was enjoying life under Stinkoman's kitchen, the Shadowy Figure was cooking up the ultimate scheme, like the ultimate ULTIMATE scheme. Stinkoman was fighting through his robots and was nearing his first robot with human intelligence, Tampo. But a robot with a brain wasn't enough for the Shadowy Figure. Neither were his other robots. Neither were us chickens. Neither were the Poorbts or Gaspeaus or the My Benjs. None of it was sufficient enough for the Shadowy Figure. He wanted everything planned for Stinkoman's timely demise, so he started building a boss like no other boss. |
February 23 - Figuring out Shadow |
Mood: Scene: See title I thought last night would be the end of it, but I'm not sure anymore. The Shadowy Figure is acting more mysterious than usual. And being a walking silhouette and all, he's often very mysterious. Now he's just not, well, himself. He spends an inordinate amount of time in his lab, the sounds of a chainsaw woke me up this morning. What would he be doing with a chainsaw in a lab? Besides extremely illegal cloning techniques. I went down to ask him about it and he screamed me out of there. I care way too much about my life to try it again. He hasn't stepped foot in that lab since the last accident, which I'll tell you about tomorrow. Hopefully I'll piece things together by then. |
February 22 - How it went |
Mood: Scene: In my room amazingly unpunished I heard the word "superfluous" somewhere and it sounded like the perfect one to use for my mood, even though I don't know what it means and don't feel like looking it up. In other news, the dinner yesterday went almost great. We made macaroni and cheese for the evil masters and they seemed pleased, until one of the evil masters, coincidentally the one we gave an eyepatch to, had a stroke and died. Evil masters are trained not to show their soft sides, so instead of mourning, they just continued on with their mac 'n cheese, then called a doctor, who revealed that the evil master was extremely allergic to every ingredient in our serving. The Shadowy Figure looked at me and the others scornfully during the burial and we went straight to bed. Hey, how were we supposed to know? Fortunately, we weren't given any punishment. The other evil masters said the eyeless one was worthless now, and they were planning to fire him during the dinner. Though he will be missed, it won't be a loss to them, so they didn't care. That was a close one. |
February 21 - I Say |
Mood: Scene: I say-I mean, looking at cookbooks It's funny how easily JCMBlogs got hacked. The administrator said it was because he choose too easy a password for the site (hint: it wasn't "jcm"). Hopefully he changed it by now, because I really don't want indecent pictures of me popping up whenever you read this blog. I know the rules of the instanet, but it doesn't mean I like it. Back to family safe discussion, the Shadowy Figure is apparently having some dinner guests over, most likely the evil masters I turned against him. He asked us minions to "make use of ourselves" and cook the dinner. Yes! This is my chance to redeem myself! I'll tell you guys how I inevitably fail tomorrow. And yes, I'm reverting back to my regular format. The variety gets annoying after a while. I'll just update my blog regularly and see how it goes, k? |
February 19 - The Unbearable Sadness of Being (Myself) |
Mood: Scene: Being myself I really love this entry format. I'd never be able to pull off just repeating the title twice if I used another one, though "Being myself" isn't really much of a scene. Hey, it gets the bills paid. Anyway, since moment to moment stuff doesn't work out, I'll have no choice but to talk about my-gulp-feelings. Even though I am a tiny chicken head, I do like to think of myself as relatively tough. I've pulled off things no other chicken head ever thought to pull off. I've never seen another chicken head before, but I'd like to think they'd never be able to pull off the things I've pulled off in their lifetimes. Anyway again, it still hurts to be a chicken head. People always push you around. Like you're nothing but a chicken head. I'm much more. I'm a chicken head with feelings. And I don't enjoy being pushed around like a chicken head. Please, if you ever see a chicken head walking down the street, and you're completely sober, just leave it alone. That or step on it and end its misery once and for all. But the latter would cause an animal cruelty suit, so I wouldn't recommend that. Hey, that wasn't really that bad. I like getting it all out. Maybe I should try it more in the future. I'm a chicken head. I can't get more humiliated by anything than that fact. |
February 18 - Let's Get This Started Then |
Mood: Scene: Irrelevant I'm not going to worry about the moods and scenes for now, I'll just update. Today I woke up from bed and ate an apple seed. Then I said "Hi" to my friends sarcastically (as I'm still kind of angry at them about last) and ate another apple seed. Then I went out and watched the clouds while chewing on another apple seed. After that, I went back inside and ate dinner, which was, you guessed it, a bologna sandwich. That's pretty much all. I think just talking about my day to day activities isn't going too well. I'll try out something new tomorrow. |
February 17 - I Thought It Never Had to Come To This |
Mood: Scene: Doing absolutely NOTHING You probably don't have a completely clear idea of what woe is, so I'll tell you anyway. Woe means distress, which I am right now. I haven't been this bored for a while. Those of you who regularly read the blog since its start (read: None of you) should know that I wasn't exactly the most exciting chicken head at the beginning. The climax of the first page was when my big dark secret was about to come out. So yeah, a lot happened this past year, and I'm glad there's this blog to keep the memories preserved on, because I don't exactly have the largest of brains, obviously. However, since nothing good is happening anymore, I guess I'll have to start talking about my random day to day moments again, like 96% of blogs out there do. This blog has started to become a storyline-riddled episodic. And "started to" is probably and understatement. So yeah, for the rest of the week, I'll just use this blog to talk about whatever random stuff is on my mind, trying to keep to the 15-line limit without having to continue on to the next entry. Let's see how that goes. |