(even if you aren't vegan)
Terrell's Blog/4
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TERRELL'S TIIINY BLOG! "A baby chick with no body? That's freaky." 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Terrell's Blog is hosted for free at JCMBlogs |
March 22 - On the Road Again |
Mood: Scene: (see title) Well, I was finally kicked out of that bear's cave after being in there for about a day. When that bear that used to at the time but now does again own it woke up, he went back to the cave and guess who he brought? His family. Now, when there's one chicken head against four bears you know who's going to win. Yep, Mama, Papa, Sister, and Brother bear. So, I'm on the streets again, but at least there are some stores around to buy food at. Now I won't be in (again, taken off for religious reasons. This guy has to tone down his language) Sorry, religious folk. I'll stop saying that word. In fact, I'll stop this entry right now to bang my head on a random pole 25 times But there aren't even any poles here Oh snap, they're putting in a pole at the spot I'm at this very moment! I've got to get out of here! My *beep*! |
March 21 - Caving In |
Mood: Scene: In a cave What happened today was hilarious. I was still on the bottom of the mountain in pain when suddenly a bear came. I thought that I was doomed! But then I remembered I was in the 3rd dimension. Oops, I thought. So, I went to the side of the mountain and that bear didn't suspect a thing! Then I saw it tap the mountain with its paw and a giant piece of rock fell into the mountain. The bear looked around then walked into it. You know what that meant. There was a secret passageway into the mountain! I went into it when the bear wasn't looking and saw a passageway of food, water, and warmth. When the bear turned my way he got really angry and ran toward me, yelling things I can't say on this site. Well, I can say it but I'd be banned if I did. Anyway, I then moved out of the way and the stupid bear tripped over the rock. That crazy bear tripped over the stinking rock! I laughed as the carnivore fall to the ground unconscious and I jumped onto the rock 3 times to close it(I don't know where I got it from) and strangely enough, it worked. So, email me a number please! |
March 20 - The Fall of Terrell |
Mood: Scene: Back on ground somehow. Okay, if you're wondering if I'm hurt emotionally or physically, it's both. I was at the bottom of the mountain when I woke up and found out I was extremely hurt and so was my computer. I must have fell or something pushed me. Either way, my computer's broken and I need it back. Luckily, I fell on this cell phone and it still works! So, I'm typing this blog entry on that. Anyway, I miss my computer right now and need to find someone to fix it. If you have a number, email it to me at chickhead@jcmail.com. I spent this day lying on the ground, waiting for me to get better. So far, little progress. I can only hope I don't run out of food before I get well again. That would be (taken off for religious reasons) |
March 19 - Noback Mountain |
Mood: Scene: On the top of a mountain. I don't know why I'm writing this so early. Probably because I have to find a way to get down this mountain. The big hill was in the way of my journey to find Stobat and Grundy so I decided to try and climb it. Seriously, if you have a backbone, I don't suggest you climb this. It will cut it in half every time you fall. And believe me, you will fall. It may not be the tallest mountain, but it sure is the slipperiest. Probably because it rains here every day. It took me all night and most of the day to make it up here and my computer is broke again because of all the times it fell to the ground with me. So I have to get that fixed. And now to fall asleep before I go down this mountain somehow. I'm probably going to-*bzzzt!* |
March 18 - Truth Be Gold |
Mood: Scene: In a pot of gold, enjoying myself. This was the happiest day of my life. You see, it all started when I was in the middle of the road, starving. I didn't have any money to buy food, and that's what those jerks want us to do if we want to eat. I had survived the last few days on appetizers but I ran out of stores. Right when I thought I was going to die, a miracle happened. A rainbow ended right on me and, luckily, it was made of water and I sucked it all up and then a leprechaun stepped on me saying "Aye, what aw ye doin' messin' wit me rainbow?" I noticed the pot of gold on he was carrying that would buy a lifetime supply of food. I asked him nice and he laughed, saying "Ha ha, if ye want me pot o' gold ye have to earn it first. In other words, get a fo-leafed clover and I's will hand ye me pot o' gold!" 4-leaf clovers were impossible to find so I went crazy, jumping all around the place and the pot of gold was soon out of the leprechaun's hands. And you better believe I was gone when that green guy found out. I thought he was going back to Ireland after St. Patrick's day ended in the U.S., but I stopped caring to buy a week's worth of food. Now to continue my search for my friends! |
March 17 - The Smallest Loser |
Mood: Scene: In the middle of the road, hurt physically and emotionally. You know what? I really am a loser. I was doing detective work on the street, as usual(not really, but still...), when suddenly I tripped on a My Benj. Now that would usually be the time when I insult him, because he is the only guy I know smaller than me, and since everyone makes fun of me because of my size, I liked the chance to make fun of someone else because of theirs. And the last time I made fun of someone very tall, well, it wasn't pretty. Anyway, I missed my friends and would do anything for company. I said hi to MB and he thought I was being weird because I was never friendly to him. I tried to shake his hand but he thought I was going to hit him so he whistled and the next thing I knew, an ambush of My Benjs were coming straight at me! It then went black and I felt a lot of bites on me. As I was losing all my consciousness, I heard someone say "loser" and I then fainted. So, I'll take a break from detectiving for a while. |
March 16 - Deterrellective |
Mood: Scene: In the middle of a road, still looking for my friends. After a few hours(days actually), Brody didn't wake up and I set out to find Stobat and Grundy. So far, I've completely failed. But, on the way I found some clues which helped me to get closer to my goal. I then decided to be a detective, since I'm curious about where Stobat and Grundy are and detective work really helps me. I went around looking for suspects who could've kidnapped them. In fact, I never thought about the possibility that they were kidnapped until I became a detective. I decided to call myself Detective Terrell, or Deterrellective. Yeah, sorry for the extremely short entry, but I have no time for it, because I'VE GOTS A MYSTERY TO SOLVE! aND I'VE GOTS TO TURN OFF THE CAPS LOCK! |