(even if you aren't vegan)
LIGHTNING GUY: It hasn't been a month, has it? Well, I've got a treat for you guys. It's my first guest riffer since the dark ages!
MR. CLOUD: Thank you, LG. And I must say that it is a real honor to be he-
LIGHTNING GUY: Yeah, shut up. So, this fanstuff is by the user formerly known as Super Sonic X. Feeling weak already?NOXIGAR: I feel super, actually.Don't worry. So am I. Besides the unfortunate implications of starring a video game yobnaf, this email show began as a game on some HR fan forum out there where people gave SSX an email and he responded to it with an unwitty one-liner. He decided one day that it would be a good idea to expand it into a full page of horror, and a monster was born. The creator, who is now known as Rather On X or something like that, has wised up and purged this failure off the face of the Earth.
NOXIGAR: And you un-purged it, to the amazement of no one.Therefore, he has my full respect. On to the riffing!
LIGHTNING GUY: You made an entire IRC channel for an obscure email show?NOXIGAR: I wish I put that much effort into any WUW project.Someone was neglected as a child.
Current Emails
MR. CLOUD: More like The Bland Beginning!
MR. CLOUD: More like Biohazard!
- 4. Robot
MR. CLOUD: More like We'll Have An Orgy!
LIGHTNING GUY: OK, let's chill on that before you scare off all of our sponsors.
NOXIGAR: You don't have sponsors.
- 6. Time For...Tea?
NAMINE: You're skipping that one?
NOXIGAR: The episode's just a template and a few lines of dialogue. The fact it got milked for humour by Lightning Guy and Mr. Cloud at all is alarmingly desperate in the first place.News
- 04:04, 9 July 2008 (UTC) Finally, I'm just about done with the transfer. I guess this is the right place for SSXMails after all.
LIGHTNING GUY: The right place for SSXMails is burning in the pits of Hell.- X On Fire
- 16:03, 26 June 2008 (UTC) Well, it's come to this. SSXMails will have a better home here. Besides, now I'm free from an annyoing
LIGHTNING GUY: {in stereotypical Asian accent} Ann Yoing!plot device on email 50. - X On Fire
Scroll Button Raps
1-5: "Rap about scroll buttons!"
MR. CLOUD: So that's why they call it a scroll button rap!6-Now: "Scroll-le scroll! Scroll-le scroll! Er...uh... SCROLL-DE SCROLL!"
Send your Emails Here
Send Me Some SSXMails!
MR. CLOUD: Do you take dead bodies?
LIGHTNING GUY: Now you're getting the hang of it! Also, yuck.NAMINE: Yeah, both Mr. Cloud and Lightning Guy didn't take any measure with riffing the Inbox.Characters
The H*R Cast
Not much to be said. If you don't know them, you need to check up on H*R.com now.
MR. CLOUD: {types "H*R.com" into the address bar} It doesn't work!
LIGHTNING GUY: You need to jiggle it a little.X On Fire
The main character of the series, and a 10,000 year old flaming X. There's much to be said about him,
LIGHTNING GUY: Like how unwarranted his self-importance is.but we're just covering the basics here. Through his X, he can use many different powers.
MR. CLOUD: Those be some pretty powerful ecs.Currently, he's looking for the Omega Starcarrier, the only ship powerful enough to bring him and his friends back to his dimension to defeat the evil Dark X.
Thatkidsam and Icreature
Two characters made up by, obviously, Thatkidsam.
LIGHTNING GUY: Thatkidsam made himself up?
MR. CLOUD: It was alll an illluuusiooon after alll.See thatkidsam.muffin for more details about these two characters.
Type-Zap 9000
The Type-Zap 9000 is basically a recolored Lappy. XOF used it until it was destroyed, along with the rest of the house.
Superbox XT
The Superbox XT is XOF's second computer. It has a function which creates selected words from the email. The computer is a trap set up by Dark X that will cause XOF to release the Demented Cartoon Movie
LIGHTNING GUY: I don't want to know.on the world.