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RiffText/KickCheat E-mails
From Wiki User Wiki
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LIGHTNING GUY: I'm back, and merciless as ever! While MFT3K is scourging the internet for victims, I'll be scourging the wiki for stuff MFT3K didn't do! It's a lousy job, but someone's got to do it, and most importantly, get PAID doing it. So, without further interruption, I bring you something actually more unoriginal than RiffText.

Season 2: Wiki User Move11. The Big Move NEW
Season 1: The Fanstuff E-mails10. Mr. Shivers
LIGHTNING GUY: Hey, that was the name of my prison cellmate! Good times...LIGHTNING GUY: Mark control?!!??!LIGHTNING GUY: ya cant trust them guys they be shifty8. Nebulon's Army
7. Lava Zone
6. Time Trouble
5. Fivemail
4. Computer Killer
3. European Cartoon
2. Electromaniacs
1. The Cheat
- April 30 2009: New e-mail! The Big Move.
LIGHTNING GUY: Wow, that was unexpected.
- April 29 2009: Started to work on The Big Move.
- June 25 2008: KickCheat E-mails has been revived on the WUW.