(even if you aren't vegan)
Conshow/Discarded Material (amongst other stuff)
Discarded Material is a page where all the missing scripts and assorted miscellanea are stored. Yeah, that's the best description I could come up with.
Inspiration (A 2014 retrospective)
Back in 2008, back when the Wiki User Wiki was still very much active, I was wondering what kind of 'stuff I wanted to make on this wiki. It wasn't until I stumbled across The SkullB Show that an idea for a Wiki User Show began to dawn upon me. Drawing inspiration from it, I took my cast of characters from Con_email.wue and threw them into the setting of a show, taking inspiration from other sources such as Bonus Stage (RIP) and a bit of Homestar Runner (as expected of someone who was on the original HRFWiki before it became a fireball visible from space).
It was actually quite fun writing out stories and churning out plots, though I never really expected very much of myself, so I was quite surprised, and giddy, when my show was nominated for FotF (RIP), twice, even. It won in the Late August to September timeslot and I was quite happy for it. I kept writing episodes after the fact, keeping the show rolling for as long as I can, looking back, I realised just how far my writing skills have advanced since the days of yore. In fact, it advanced so far that I look back at my very, very old WUE and I just cringe a little at my, what was it, 2004/2005 self's writing.
Eventually, though, my interest waned, and I tied up loose ends, let my characters go and ended it all at episode 60, a big round number to end a show at. Partially, it was because the show that it was inspired from was shut down and archived and partially because I was beginning to lose interest in the 'Concrew' as I called them.
However, it wasn't long until I came back in 2013 in throw up a good number of episodes before fading back into the darkness, like some Old God that is only summoned by witchcraft and devilry. I am, in fact, still surprised that people know that the Conshow still exists, although the 2013 revival had a hand in that. Now, as 2014 draws to a close, I've decided to come back to revisit the Conshow again, with schedule slips galore, who knows when I would want to write another episode? Perhaps now? Perhaps later? Perhaps in ten or so years? Time will tell. (Spoilers: New episode in ten years.)
Missing Scripts
These scripts were either cut or torn down, mainly because I either couldn't bother or it could be the fact that I couldn't work with it. Think of the missing scripts as deleted scenes on a DVD.
Abandoned Episodes
These episodes were abandoned for a reason or for no reason at all actually. The format is episode name, followed by the reason.
- Missing Script for Episode 9 - This transcript was originally on my laptop, but I abandoned it at the last minute for whatever reason. It might see the light of day again as it was relevant to the plot of the episode.
Original Episodes
These episodes were the original episodes before I re-wrote them. A few episodes were re-written because either the characters didn't work well enough or that the idea has dug me into a writer's hole.
Episodes that I'm considering for a re-write are placed here with a squiggle (~) beside it.
Original episodes that are rewritten has a dash (-) beside it.
- Cruroar and the Stones of Power (-)
- Chrionroar and the Un-cooperative characters (-) - This episode was removed due to holes in character development, mainly Cruroar and Cieeia. This episode was completely rewritten to focus on Cruroar and Cieeia instead, not that this episode had a bad premise to begin with.
- Episode 52 (-) - The reason why is already stated on the original page.
From the original outlines page: "Writer's Block is a terrible thing to have. It often leads to depression, anxiety or worse, procrastination... One of the ways to do so is to write the bare bones of the story and run along with it. With this being an episode-driven Wiki User Show, I have outlines for most episodes I'm doing. It was easy for the first 31 but the rest became harder to write about as Space, as big as it may be, is running out of scenarios to actually use without getting old fast.
These outlines are placed in pre tags to contain their bare boned glory. Have fun reading them!"
Episode 38
The episode opens up to Wikity, where people have already started to hide in their homes in fear of the great "emporer". Chrionroar becomes less insane and finally figures out a way to find the others, though it could take some time. He sends Aria and Mr. Person out to find materials to build a spaceship based off Conchris' blueprints that he found underneath the pile of stop signs. Meanwhile, Conchris is secretly building SD-32131-F until Cruroar bursts in and asks him what is that he is doing. Conchris replies that it is a toaster and goes back to work. Cruroar tries to get a sneaky peek at it before Conchris pulls out a shotgun and blasts him away with it. Cruroar is thrown into the control panel, making it spark and the ship starts to hurtle towards another planet. They crash and the only survivors are Conchris and Nydara. They go on a wacky adventure to find the mountain of certain peril to find a golden flask for the planet's inhabitants in order to pay for their parking fee. On their way, they find themselves facing several Indy-style traps and then find themselves in a fight with a tribe protecting the golden flask. Meanwhile, Chrionroar has the materials he needed and has built a spaceship. He dubs it the Totally Original, in which Aria sparks controversy from by asking about how original it wasn't. Chrionroar back talks her and they fly up into space. In space, Mr. Person asks if they packed enough food and Chrionroar mentions that cartoons, shows and whatnot don't need food. Cut to several days later, Chrionroar has grown a beard, Mr. Person is now a skeleton and Aria is very thin. Aria asks Chrionroar if she can eat his leg, he agrees. Cue credits.
Episode 39
Most of the things mentioned here never made it to the final cut, it probably was because I am either forgetful or lazy.
Open to the spaceship, they are flying through space. Cut to the inside where Conchris and Cruroar are arguing over a million-leaf clover, which Cieeia throws out to keep them from continuing their silly arguement, causing the ship to hurtle down onto another planet, a mobile one that was headed for Earth. There, they meet the R.A.S.F, or Rebels Against Sirhcnoc's Forces and they are welcome to live on the planet as it is headed for Earth. Conchris and company make themselves at home and Conchris sues Cruroar in court for hilarity. Meanwhile, Chrionroar and Company search a barren planet in an attempt to find any clues for where Conchris and company went. They eventually find a tribe of bug people that worships the god of pie. They attempt to cook Chrionroar and company but they eventually get out and fight their way out of the caves. Back on the planet, Conchris decides to end the episode on a silly note and throws a cream pie at Cruroar, which causes Cruroar to punch him in the face when Conchris is doing a punchline. Cue credits.
Episode 40
Again, the outline here is certainly a bit different than the final script. It is also unfinished, a first.
Open to the base's main hall, Conchris and Cruroar are watching TV as they are having a conversation about random things. Cieeia interrupts them and asks Conchris if Forest won't try and kill them if she was re-activated. Conchris has no worries due to the fact that he locked Forest in a storage cabinet. Cut to a corridor in the base, the janitor tries to open the storage cabinet but can't. He breaks it open and accidentally activates Forest in the process. He ends up being blasted into dust by Forest's laser. Forest busts out into the corridor with a thirst for revenge. Forest first targets Cieeia, whom gets killed almost immediately because she was in a corridor. Cruroar runs towards the matter and starts to fight Forest, Cruroar then loses. Forest starts to wreak havoc on the base.
End of tour
And thus ends the tour, now please make your way to the right where there will be an obligatory gift shop and hope you will never visit again soon!