(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Im a bell
LIGHTNING GUY: Fortunately, I'm still alive after going through that last episode. Unfortunately, I'm probably going to need all the strength I can get for what's to come. Bellfics have a reputation among the MFT3K crew, and I feel I'll need to make up for the disappointment that came from my last attempt at riffing one. With all that said, here's the first part of the Im a bell email two-part craptacular!
Welcome to..... BELLMAIL!!!! the best part about this is,
LIGHTNING GUY: None of the sentences are capitalized.
the release date of emails are random. i could release an email two days in a row! maybe once a month. Maybe even 2 in one day!
LIGHTNING GUY: Or never. That could work, too.
LIGHTNING GUY: Even if that wasn't a dead link, I wouldn't have clicked it.
IMPRATANT POLL! Bellmail is on hiatus until 1/7/08 (when the poll is over)!POLL OVER!
Season 2:The Rise of Bling
Season 1:The New Show
9.Alpha Cram & Tamabellis
1.The HIA
LIGHTNING GUY: My eyes. They won't stop bleeding.
Click Here to E-mail Im a bell
- 14.5; Bling's Origins
Rock Opera
long wait On changes for leet. stay over Jam! Hellooooooooo, chicken. WAIT! Katamari didn't
LIGHTNING GUY: anticipate the Murder that would come from His work
Chimer 1337
The Chimer 1337 is the first seen computer in Bellmail.exe. That's all I have to say.
Crappy 486
The Crappy 486 is Im a bell's first computer. Although, it's not in any of the official emails, it is in the pre-mails. It looks like any normal Lappy 486, except it is grayscale (besides the subject bar) and has "Crappy 486" on it instead of "Lappy 486"
LIGHTNING GUY: Oh, I see. It's a pun.
Chimer 20X6
The Chimer 20X6 is the 20X6 edition of The Chimer.
LIGHTNING GUY: Oh, I get it now.
The thing on the screen is Alpha Cram. He is a glitched version of Alpha Stan.
LIGHTNING GUY: I don't know what either of those are.
Im a bell always tries to delete it. Recently, thanks to the help of Tyson Wolf, he was able to rip it out of the Chimer 20X6. Although, it created a personified Alpha Cram that turns everything into Sweet Cuppin' Cakes.
Bling's Computer(s)
Gongy 42
Bling's first computer. Not much to say.