(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Im a bell/Aminal
Im a bell makes an aminal, but almost everyone hates his creations.
Cast (in order of their appearance): belstrnnmmvnmn, Rip-Off Cheat, The Cheat, The Gold, Vegerot, Tamabelli, Strong Bad, Homeschool Winner, Bling, Audience, Onion Bell
Places: Im a bell's computer room, The Field
IM A BELL: Let's take this train wreck for a test drive.
LIGHTNING GUY: and i thought you couldn't drive a wrecked train
{Im a bell types in "alphacram.exe"}
ALPHA CRAM: Hellote, Goldie. Joe! Obtained Not Aught fresh superbox scibblings!
{translation: "Hi, Im a bell! Oh! You have 1 new email!"}
IM A BELL: Pull it up, Alpha Piece-Of-Crap.
LIGHTNING GUY: What a clever pun.
made up aminalDear Im a bell,
Super Potate
What would you like as if you were your own made up
LIGHTNING GUY: Come now, Super Potate. What would Potateman think of such nightmarish grammar, punctuation, and spelling? And poor Potatemom. "What would you like as if..." I at least hope you're good at sports, for their sake.
IM A BELL:{typing} My own made-up aminal, ehhh? {stops typing} Well...
LIGHTNING GUY: He of course thinks the email is just fine.
{cut to the field, things appear as Im a bell says them}
IM A BELL:{voiceover} It would look like an anvil, but yellow with black spots. it'd have long, black eyes, but no mouth. Oh! It'll also have long spikes for arms and feet! And it'd have three black spikes of air!
LIGHTNING GUY: This man is such a god of imagination, he can make air into spikes.
OH! And-
{Cut back to the computer room. The Cheat and Vegerot are beside the desk}
THE CHEAT: <cheat noises>
IM A BELL: Wha-what did he say?
LIGHTNING GUY: He said something your little 6-year-old brain might not understand.
VEGEROT: He said, "Uhh... Bell-dude, that made-up animal looks an awful lot like me!" And, it does look like him.
IM A BELL: Oh. okay, how about this...
{cut back to the field. Things appear once again as Im a bell says them}
IM A BELL:{voiceover} ...It would look like The Cheat, but with gold fur
LIGHTNING GUY: As opposed to his regular golden yellow fur.
and orange spots. Oh, and it's eyes would be yellow. I call it, The Gold!
{cut back to the computer room}
IM A BELL: Well, what do you think?
VEGEROT: Stay out of our species, will ya?
LIGHTNING GUY: Stay out of anyone's species. It's insulting to their species.
{Vegerot and The Cheat leave. cut to a grayscale computer screen. An image of Im a bell appears. it transforms as Im a bell says}
IM A BELL:{voiceover} Okay, how about a virtual pet? It would look like me, but blocky with no arms, no hat, but still a propeller, a short pair of legs with no feet, and a retarded smile. It's name is...
LIGHTNING GUY: Every Schoolgirl's Dream.
{cut back to the computer. Strong Bad and Homeschool Winner are there}
STRONG BAD: Im a bell, no virtual pets. Computers are my thing!
LIGHTNING GUY: Because you only see virtual pets on computers. Well, technically, you do, but
HOMESCHOOL: No, computers are MY thing. E-mail is your thing.
IM A BELL: Uhh... HOMESCHOOL?!!! Aren't you non-existent or something?
LIGHTNING GUY: I knew that guy in Dancin' Bubs was just an illusion.
{Homeschool dissappears}
STRONG BAD: WHOA!!!! Seriously, Bellstrom. Virtual pets aren't your thing.
{Strong Bad leaves}
{cut back to the grayscale computer screen. same rules apply as last time}
LIGHTNING GUY: Those weren't rules. It wasn't even a rule. It was just a poorly typed action.
IM A BELL:{voiceover} Okay, it would look like me with orange cat ears and no hat. I would have a black nose, and my arms and feet would be little orange stubs! OH! And he can speak English, but he'd hav Homestar's speech impediment and sound like a 2-year-old! I'll call it... Bling! Aw, Bling's so cuuute!!! Say hi, Bling!
BLING: Hewwo! Heeheehee!
LIGHTNING GUY: Say, Elmo, can you get me my gun?
AUDIENCE: AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! He's sooo cuuuute!
{cut back to the computer room. Vegerot and Bling are there with Im a bell. An onion with Im a bell's face on it is on the desk}
IM A BELL: Well, that was tiring. Me, Vegerot and Bling are gonna take a vacation. Onion Bell, you can take over for now.
IM A BELL: Man, all you guys suck!
LIGHTNING GUY: The feeling is mutual.
{Im a bell, Vegerot, and Bling leave. The paper comes down saying "They're gone! Go Onion Bell!!!"}
Easter Eggs
- Click on "Onion Bell" on the paper at the end to see this scene;
- IM A BELL: Onion Bell, did you sell all our stuff to Onion Bubs?!
- {Onion Bell rolls away}
- VEGEROT: Hey, cool! Onions! Bling, want some?
- BLING: Yes, PWEASE! I just wuv Onions!
- IM A BELL: Man, ever since Bling was called into existence, Vegerot's been, I can't believe I'm saying this, Benevolent! But, who can blame him, JUST LOOK AT HIM! HE'S SO CUTE!
Gallery of Animals Created By belstrnnmmvnmn
- Notcheat.PNG
Rip-Off Cheat
- The Gold.PNG
The Gold
- Tamabelli.PNG
See Also
LIGHTNING GUY: Dead links galore.