(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Im a bell/Life
Im a bell discusses his life and a virus infects the world. again.
LIGHTNING GUY: His range of plot ideas are impressive.
Cast (in order of their appearance): Marvin the paranoid android, Im a bell, Bling, Vegerot, The Cheat, Original Bubs, Homestar, Fat Homestar, Strong Bad, Coach Z, Storybook Strong Bad, Storybook Coach Zee, Strong Sad(easter egg), Mr. Bland(easter egg), The original Marvin from the TV series (easter egg)
Places: Im a bell's computer room, Bubs' Concession Stand, Concessions By Original Bubs, The Field
LifePreeeeeow, Bellman!
What's life like living with your friends?
Tell Bling he rocks!
LIGHTNING GUY: Impressively bad.
MARVIN THE PARANOID ANDROID: Life? Don't talk to me about life. Oh, hey Im a bell. I just thought your email show needed some depression.
LIGHTNING GUY: {drinks a bottle of liquor} There's enough of that already, thank you.
Bye forever.
IM A BELL: Go away. NOW! Anyways... {typing} What? Oh. Hold on. {stops typing} Bling, you are a pile of rocks!
{Bling runs away crying}
LIGHTNING GUY: Next time, try to actually read the email.
LIGHTNING GUY: Or blame it on the sender.
Oh wait, hold on. Vegerot, you are a pile of rocks!
{vegerot blasts a hole through Im a bell's head. It heals quickly}
LIGHTNING GUY: Mostly because there's nothing in there.
IM A BELL: Uhh...Ow? {typing} Well, life's fine living with my friends! {stops typing} Okay, next email!
i love u
teh viruz
IM A BELL: Uhh... Alpha Cram, translate this!
Hi Im a bell,
Here's an attachment
The ForumDownload Attachment?
IM A BELL: An attachment? Download away, Alpha Crap!
LIGHTNING GUY: This man knows his internet safety.
ALPHA CRAM: Computer Update Complete! Pulling up chained-to file "oldfogeyvirus.exe"!
IM A BELL: Another virus?!!! NOOOO!!!!
LIGHTNING GUY: How unexpected.
Hey, another email!
{The Chimer 20X6 transforms into the Chimer 1337}
The HIADear agent Iab,
what did you do to homestar after you found out he asassinated
Homeboss Coverup? And why did he do it?
Agent SM (Stinkoman)
IM A BELL: Huh?!! Oh, this must be what "Oldfogey" meant.
LIGHTNING GUY: Of course he gets the tamest virus ever.
Well, at least Alpha Cram is gone!
{cut to Bubs' Concession Stand. The Cheat is there with Bubs}
THE CHEAT:{cheat noises}
{Bubs becomes Original Bubs.
The stand becomes Concessions By Original Bubs}
ORIGINAL BUBS: I can see you from HERE!
{Homestar appears}
HOMESTAR: That's some great-
{Homestar becomes Fat Homestar}
FAT HOMESTAR: -Mawshmewwoooooowwwss!!!
LIGHTNING GUY: -Diabeteeeeeeeeess!!
{cut to The Field. Strong Bad and Coach Z are there}
STRONG BAD: Now, look Coach Z...
{Strong Bad an Coach Z
LIGHTNING GUY: Strong Bad can't be an Coach Z. They look nothing alike.
become Storybook Strong Bad and Storybook Coach Zee, respectively}
STORYBOOK STRONG BAD: You see, three is clearly a smaller number than a million.
STORYBOOK COACH ZEE: Oh, now I understand.
LIGHTNING GUY: Why be creative when you can just steal lines?
{cut back to the computer room}
IM A BELL: Okay, something's clearly wrong here. Oh, I know! SUPER CHURCHBELL DEUUUUUUUCCCCCCE!!!!!
LIGHTNING GUY: Oh, now he's doing this crap.
{Im a bell deuces the Chimer 1337. It transforms back into the Chimer 20X6}
IM A BELL: I don't know how I did that! Anyway, the virus is gone, and my computer's from the future again, so...
ALPHA CRAM: Hellote, Bellstrom! I just updated to compy "nuke.exe"!
IM A BELL: Aw, sh-
LIGHTNING GUY: It is a crying shame.
{everything explodes. Im a bell's head lands on the ground. Bling appears, looks at the head, and faints. The paper comes down}
LIGHTNING GUY: This is my favorite endng.
Easter Eggs
- Click on Im a bell's head to see this scene;
- {cut to the field. Strong Sad and Marvin are there}
- STRONG SAD: Everythings depressing, isn't it?
- MARVIN: Yeah.
LIGHTNING GUY: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Action.
- {Marvin and Strong Sad become Marvin from the old TV series and Mr. Bland}
- MR. BLAND: I can't think of a joke.
- Click on Bling to see this scene;
- {cut to the field. Fat Homestar and Storybook Coach Zee are there}
- FAT HOMESTAR: Why don't you look over there. For-
- {Fat Homestar and Storybook Coach Zee turn back into Homestar and Coach Z, respectively}