(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/RTOD/SSXMails/BHZ/Life, and Not Enough Space in the Room to Enjoy It
LIGHTNING GUY: Are you...talking to yourself?
tries to get to the computer through the huge croud.
MR. CLOUD: Those brits. Gotta put "u"s in everything.
Gir is standing on top of the computer. Coach Z is laying on the ground, and an imprint of him is shown on Depressio's chest.
LIGHTNING GUY: They got busy last night.
Mr. Teatime is shoved into HoL's mouth.
Teatime: I don't know how this could get any worse.
LIGHTNING GUY: You could have been shoved into Mr. Cloud's mouth.
MR. CLOUD: Hey, do these look like the teeth of someone who doesn't take care of them?
LIGHTNING GUY: Those are dentures! And you're twenty!
HoL: Horlgrofe slong hangrovengeh?
Teatime: I hate my life.
LIGHTNING GUY: Join the club.
Ok, let's see if I can answer an email without being squished.
A portal opens out of nowhere, and Pokehomsar and Darkest_Raven fall out.
MR. CLOUD: Couldn't they have just used the front door?
SSX: Great, just great. Well, at least there's no one else to fill the room up.
DB: Hey, guys. Can I be, um, cool in here?
Everyone except DB: No!
MR. CLOUD: Haters gonna hate, then.
DB: Okay, yeesh. Sorry I asked.
SSX: Ok, I'm getting sick
of this.
LIGHTNING GUY: Blast it all!
Gir: I'll get the thermometer!
MR. CLOUD: Leave the bad jokes to us,NAMINE: ...at least John admits his jokes are bad?please.
SSX: Ugh...
Teatime: I couldn't have said that any better.
SSX: Ok, guys. We need to have two people to a room.
LIGHTNING GUY: Wait, is this entire episode just going to be a space debate?
HoL: Ihhs ihatt Throanksgrainving arunglodily?
LIGHTNING GUY: I'll take that as a yes.
Teatime: What did he say?
SSX: I think he said, "Is it Thanksgiving already?"
Teatime: ....Get this thing offa me!
MR. CLOUD: That's a rude thing to say to your host.
D_R uses telepathic powers to get Teatime out.
MR. CLOUD: Because it would have just been too hard to actually use his hands to pull him out.
Teatime: I'm with the girl with the blue robe.
Teatime and D_R leave.
HoL: I'm with the stack 'o brownies!
LIGHTNING GUY: Looks more like a pile of crap to me.
DB: ...No.
Depressio: I'm with DB, I guess.
DB: ...Yes.
MR. CLOUD: yes alright yes alright
Depressio and DB leave, and only CZ, HoL, Gir, and SSX were left.
Gir: I'll bunk with the hedgehog-man!
SSX: Fine with me.
LIGHTNING GUY: Sleeping next to a complete lunatic couldn't possibly go wrong!
Coach Z: I'm nort burnking with thart idiort!
HoL; I'm not bunking with an old man who smells like 5 month old Chinese Food!
MR. CLOUD: You dissin' the Chinese?
SSX: Fine, fine. Just have 2 rooms to yourselves. Losers.
Gir knocks CZ down, and stuffs him into an empty room.
MR. CLOUD: GIR: PROFESSIONAL TOUGH DOGNOXIGAR: I sometimes wonder what it's like to try writing a character from somewhere else who has no personality to their name. Then, I stop wondering because writing a personality for any character is genuinely easy.OR ROBOT OR WHATEVER
HoL: This is muntiny! I won't bunk with a walking, breathing lump of gra-ss!
SSX: You don't have to, idiot!
HoL: This is mutiny!
LIGHTNING GUY: But I thought it was muntiny.
HoL walks into an emty room.
SSX: That's the storage closet!
Hol: No, it's not! It's a
MR. CLOUD: emty room.
tiny bedroom!
SSX: Well, I should probably answer that email.
MR. CLOUD: Don't worry. It's not like it's the entire focus of the show or anything.
a>Greetings, SSX.
I was just wondering, what is the meaning of life?
From, Dr. Stupid
LIGHTNING GUY: But I thought Dr. Stupid knew everything. He's a genius. I mean, they don't call him Dr. Stupid for nothing!
a>That's an easy one. Ok, guys. The meaning of life is...
The paper comes down.