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RiffText/MFT3K/Forsythe And Friends

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Opening Comments

NACHOMAN: What movie is it?

BLUEBRY: it's called "forsythe and friends"

SKUB: That sounds... mundane.

NOXIGAR: Yup. Now imagine what I went through reading some of your previous riffs.

BLUEBRY: it's not a really long film apparently

SKUB: What's the run time?

BLUEBRY: i actually can't read so i can't tell you

NACHOMAN: Well, at least it seems short!

SKUB: Yeah, it's like a digestif to the three-course nightmare that was DomoPedo.

NOXIGAR: You guys are 'really uppity about your writing standards if you're bothered by DomoPedo of all things. Apparently X is the New Y and 1-Up Emails don't strike you as awful? Raiku Emails? Bell Quest?


SKUB: A digestif. It's a drink you take after a meal to get the strong flavor out of your mouth. Like mouthwash you can drink!

NACHOMAN: So a palate cleanser?

SKUB: Same thing, okay?

NACHOMAN: Well no, a palate cleanser can be anything, like that fried ice cream you get after a big Mexican meal—

SKUB: I'd like to think of it as a digestif. It sounds more dignified.

NACHOMAN: So the hell what?

SKUB: So I'm trying to class this place up!

NOXIGAR: DAMN IT, SKULLBUGGY! You should be more focused on riffing than trying to make your vocabulary sophisticated

{Cut back to the shower. Chwoka is still curled up and sobbing. He gets up and walks out of the shower, new resolve on his face.}

{Cut back to the lobby. Chwoka walks in, still naked and dripping wet. Nobody notices.}

CHWOKA: Alright, so it seems you got the reels in place alright then?

BLUEBRY: yeah we don't NEED you anymore GRAMPS

SKUB: Hey, lay off the guy! He's had it rough. Besides, he's still the one who actually knows what we're about to see.

CHWOKA: Well, after that onslaught of awful, I thought we could go for a nice palate cleanser, as it were,


CHWOKA: of something not awful, just middlingly bad and inoffensive. It was written by one of those users that came over for a few months from Whipped or whatever, and wasn't really interested in doing the writing and such of the wiki, and, as such, never really bothered learning wikicode.

NOXIGAR: I get the feeling the work is going to be significantly worse than DomoPedo for varying reasons.

Forsythe And Friends


SKUB: Oh! Well this is a nice change from having the author scream at us to read their shit. Now we're invited!

Here is where Forsythe and Friends will be!



i just want you to know that everything below this was included in this template and thus was unriffable. why.

Name: Forsythe T. Wolf

SKUB: O-oh.
NACHOMAN: What? Wolf is a common name. Wolf Blitzer, Virginia Woolfe, stuff like that!
SKUB: I don't know, I just have a bad feeling about this is all.

Age: 17
Species: Grey wolf.

SKUB: Yep.

Height: Normal wolf height.
Weight: Normal wolf weight.
Build: Regular wolf build.

SKUB: So I don't, uh... know how big a wolf is. Should I?
NOXIGAR: Probably just meant to make the character "normal" at first.

Hair/Head Fur Colour: Grey.

CHWOKA: Dude's gettin' on with the years. Do you know how old 17 is in wolf time?
NOXIGAR: I wish. Can't prove your implications wrong, though.

Powers: None.
Weapons: His claws.

CHWOKA: okay do i really need a baseball card's worth of info on this guy
NACHOMAN: OKAY, I just caught wind of this " " " "Forsythe" " " " guy, and he seems suspicious. I'm gonna need you to dig up all the dirt you can on him, and I want EVERYTHING -- pets owned, hair color, ex-girlfriends, everything!
NOXIGAR: Why the hell do we need to know Forsythe's "everything"?

Type: Speed.

CHWOKA: So you know he don't hunt-and-peck.

Element: Dark.

NOXIGAR: {laughs} Sounds like something for later.

Alignment: Good.

CHWOKA: uh i BELIEVE the proper term is uh lawful good uhhhh
NOXIGAR: Not in D&D 4.0 it isn't.
NOXIGAR: I kinda hate D&D 4.0 though, so-

History: None.

CHWOKA: "I don't have a history. I am now and nothing but. I'm a drifter, sweeping from street to street, stopping crime in its tracks and disappearing again. I am the night. I am Batman."
NOXIGAR: Or the author forces you to read his fanstuff to get the dirt on 'im.

Appearance: Feral grey wolf with a blue bandana.

NOXIGAR: Not funny enough F--

Name: Jake Tallion

CHWOKA: Oh, I get it, like an eagle!

Age: Unknown

CHWOKA: Can't you just
CHWOKA: ask him?

Species: Human/Robot Hedgehog mix.

SKUB: So... Metal Sonic?

Height: 7'0

CHWOKA: i wish i was like 6'9 so i could get with leloshe cause she don't know me but yo she's really fine, you know i see her all the time everywhere i go, even in my drea
SKUB: okay are you really gonna do the whole song
NOXIGAR: {singing in countertenor} It's drivin me out of my miind.

NOXIGAR: That's why it's hard to find.
NOXIGAR: It's drivin me out of my heaaadddd

NOXIGAR: Yo this guy is poison. Poison. Poison. Poison.

Weight: Unknown
Build: Looks quite scrawny with his shirt on, but when he's shirtless... let's just say he makes the fangirls squeal in

SKUB: abject terror
BLUEBRY: hey is anyone else getting kind of hot right now?
NOXIGAR: No. I'm actually kind of freezing. I should turn up the heat.

Hair/Head Fur Colour: Black
Powers: None as of yet.
Weapons: None
Type: Power
Element: Neutral
Alignment: Good
History: All we know is that he was born in a test tube, so he isn't natural.

SKUB: I'd make a remark about test tube babies and shit but I'm not on my blog so I don't have to get offended at everything ATM.

Appearance: Average looking person with robot eyes.

More coming soon!

SKUB: Oh here's hoping


and then this bullshittery. why. why do they do this to me. this is what it should look like, roughly:
as you can see, all but the first episode is a broken link. what the fuck.
NOXIGAR: Aww, it's too bad this riff isn't finished!
NOXIGAR: Neither's the main work, though, by the looks of things.

Episodes in progress, currently.

Closing Comments

NOXIGAR: This shit is over! Woot! Now it's just the last few tidbits related to the main page and I'm off scot-free!
NOXIGAR: Hopefully this poison works.