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This is a remake of The Death of Bell.
ERIC: Not that I really care. Or need to know.
Note: Episodes will air out of order.
ERIC: Because that really makes sense.
Part 1: The Creation of Bell
Wherein the actual creation of the Bell we know and lovehate is seen.
ERIC: {in a monotone voice} Good work on those red links, bro.
Part 2: Accidental Murder of Bell
ERIC: It's oxymoron time!
Wherein Bell really dies for the first time.
ERIC: The other times were just for kicks? Gaspeau, I feel cheated on!
ERIC: You spelled "battle" wrong.
Part 3: The Sacrifice of Bell
Wherein Bell dies and stays dead.
ERIC: Although it'd be more common if he became a zombie from a rare case of second death.
Part 4: The Epilogue of Bell
Wherein loose ends are tied.
ERIC: Broken plots and cliffhangers are part of a well-balanced series.