(even if you aren't vegan)
It's Zippy's Show/char
[hide]Main Characters
Zippy Parker Platypus is the main character of both his own comedy show and his email show. Zippy is now the straight man, for reasons unknown. He has funny guy tendencies every one in a while however. Zippy is good friends with Mitch, Monroe, and Kooky, and has a little bit of a crush on Syd. Zippy checks his email every so often. Zippy drives a pink moped.
Debut: pizza
Appearances: Every episode so far.
Mitchell Donovan Echidna is Zippy's neighbor. He plays the straight man to Zippy's other straight man. Mitch's relationship with Zippy is tenuous, to say the least. They butt heads every so often, yet Mitch still seems to be friends with the purple platypus. Mitch has known Zippy since when they were young, yet can't seem to escape him every time he moves. Mitch has been known to dabble in bodybuilding, gardening, and a bit of alcohol.
Debut: pizza
Appearances: pizza, varmints
Calvin Burroughs, known by his nickname, Kooky, is the smart guy living across the road from Zippy. Kooky's been known to invent a number of things, including a time machine. The problem with these inventions is that they break after the first use, so Kooky hasn't found a way to put them on the markets. Kooky is friends with nearly all he knows, thanks to his out-going personality. His goggles function as glasses of a sort--without them, he can't see straight.
Debut: varmints
Appearances: varmints, moose
Monroe Mallard is Zippy's coworker and duck friend from grade school. Monroe is one of Zippy's best friends, and one of his most timid. Monroe will sometimes be hesitant to help out, due to his mild-mannered ways. There is only one thing he fights passionately for, however -- pizza. Anchovy's number one customer has been Monroe for quite some time. Monroe has been known to play the bass guitar. Apparently, Monroe has a certain "animal magnetism" -- he is unnaturally good with animals.
Debut: pizza
Appearances: pizza, moose
Major Characters
Nelson is the owl bartender at "Nelson's Bar", a favorite of Zippy's. Nelson is calm and collected most of the time--a good thing when you're dealing with boozehounds every day. It is purported he has a brother that lives in Decentville.
Slick Possum is Zippy's opossum boss at the local branch of Land Future Insurance. Slick speaks with a thick southern drawl, and was purportedly the owner of the prestigious Possum Oil Company before being fired by his father. Of course, since Slick is also purportedly a liar, this claim may or may not be true.
Speedy Koala is Zippy's rival in all things. If there's a race, Speedy and Zippy are going to be neck and neck; if there's an eating contest, Zippy and Speedy are going to be shoveling pies into their fat pie holes. Speedy's an arrogant koala, much like all generic rivals in anything. He lives on the other side of town.
Sydney Alexandra Platypus, or Syd, is Zippy's other neighbor and primary crush of Zippy. Syd is a nice, caring person with a lot going for her--which is odd considering she hangs around an apathetic echidna, a madman inventor, and a deadbeat platypus. Syd owns her own pet shop, earning her a significant amount of income.
Minor Characters
Anchovy is a pelican cook and owner of his restaurant, "Anchovy's Pizzarama". Anchovy is a big fan of kipper and such--he puts fish on every pizza he makes. Thankfully, most people in Anytown like fish. Most people don't know that Anchovy stores most of the fish he puts on his pizzas in his mouth.
Debut: pizza
Appearances: pizza
Atticus is a pigeon lawyer. He takes on most clients in Anytown. He's what you'd call an ambulance chaser. He speaks with a very mild southern drawl.
Claude is a crab waiter at the high-end Mediterranean restaurant, Pollo dal Mare. He has a brother named Sebastian who works at a different restaurant.
Mayor Crane
Mayor Philippe Crane is the mayor of Anytown. He is, like his name states, a crane. A thoroughly slimy individual, Crane isn't above any sort of dirty deed. He prefers said dirty deeds done dirt cheap, so he's thrifty too. People don't like Crane, and are waiting eagerly for somebody to replace him.
Debut: pizza
Appearances: pizza
Doug is Zippy's psychologist and all around nice dog. Doug is very soft-spoken, and only raises his voice when he needs to. Doug runs his own offices in downtown Anytown.
Ms. Magpie
Ms. Magpie is Mayor Crane's secretary. She operates the intercom and not much else, apparently.
Debut: pizza
Raccoons are a recurring species in the show. They usually do city and government work for reasons unknown. Rumor has it that they are all related.
Debut: pizza
Appearances: pizza, moose
Sebastian is a crab waiter at the high-end French restaurant, Poulet de la Mer. He has a brother named Claude who works at a different restaurant.