(even if you aren't vegan)
Arena Battling: Part 2/Slime Village
You are stopped at the gates of the Slime Village, a green slime is on top of the gate, whom sees you and says "Hello? Who is it?"
CHWOKA: >lie to gaurd
SLIME GUARD: Oh! You must be the delivery man! Come on in! {the gate opens}
{the gate suddenly closes when Conchris runs in}
SLIME GUARD: Oi! You! State your business here!
CONCHRIS: Do you want me to rip you a new one or not?
SLIME GUARD: Oh! You must be the new comedian that the king wants! Come on in!
{The gate opens, again}
CONCHRIS: {whilst walking in} Comedian? These guys have a sick sense of humour then...
{Chaos attempts to sneak past the guard.}
RAIKU: I am the new chef he wanted!
{Lemon climbs through a hole in the gate when the guard doesn't notice}
Inside the Gate - You may only access here when you've passed the guard
You step into the village and see a lot of slimes around doing what they're supposed to be doing, being boring random encounters. A rather large business-like building is to the north end of this village.
Business-like Building
Slime Shop
Chat II
{Conchris wonders around and encounters a slime!}
CHWOKA: >talk slime
SLIME #128934: Oh! You must be the delivery man! Umm... what do you want?
CHWOKA: >ask for it by name!
SLIME #128934: It? Umm... sadly, I don't really know what IT is... Unless you're talking about that strange interface above you giving out commands like go DENNIS or whatnot. Did you get into a fight with a text adventure wizard?
CHWOKA: > tell slime I don't remember, ask slime help
SLIME #128934: You don't remember how you got that way? That's so sad! Maybe the King Slime can help you. Umm... I think he's in the business-like building over there. {somehow points towards the building to the north} Good luck in getting that curse lifted... if it is a curse...
CHWOKA: >pick up slime #128934
SLIME #128934: Woah, where are you taking me? Where are you taking me on this epic adventure?!
CONCHRIS: Woah, that was hard...
SLIME #274345: HEY! YOU! You murderer! You killed some of us!
SLIME #274345: No Buts! What's your business here?!
CONCHRIS: Umm... The Gold Slime sent me here and uh...
SLIME #274345: The Gold Slime sent you? That outcast? My friend?! My best friend?! Oh sorry! I didn't mean to scare you like that.
CONCHRIS: Oh. I thought you were.
SLIME #274345: Nevermind that. Come, let's go into the business building and you tell me why my friend sent me here.
{Conchris walks off with Slime #274345 talking}
SLIME #37538221394127842149423: Oh, a wise guy, eh? Come on guys, let's roll this sucka!
{5 slimes suddenly appears behind Slime #37538221394127842149423 and attacks Raiku!}
LEMON: Any slimes know where King Slime is?
SLIME #24854394392: Oh, um... he's in that big building at the moment... he's preparing for... wait... {notices hole in the gate} What the?! Since when did the gate get a big hole? Who caused it?! {grabs nearby slime} I want answers...
SLIME #348329: Please don't hurt me!
{Slime #24854394392 throws down Slime #348329 with his hands-analogue and then turns to look at Lemon}
SLIME #24854394392: Sorry about that, I tend to dramatically overreact sometimes. Anyway, umm... the King Slime SHOULD be inside planning his speech for his army, you might not want to disturb him, unless you bring urgent news.