(even if you aren't vegan)
Arena Battling: Part 2/Slime Village/Slime Shop
You enter the shop to see several slimes looking around and looking at merchandise and such. An orange slime welcomes you to the shop and asks you about what you want to buy.
Item Stock
- Slime Flute - Equip this flute to summon slimes in battle! Lasts for five battles if used. Each slime does 5 (xUserLevel) damage. - 25 Wiki Coins
- Gel Armor - It's light and squishy, you'll have an easy time running and gaining initiative. - Damage taken is reduced by 7, increases chances of escape, initiative and reduces the enemy's hit ratio by 5% - 50 Wiki Coins
- Gel Gloves - Have a much better grip on your stuff! Also it feels squishy. - Damage taken is reduced by 10 and adds 20 damage dealt. - 35 Wiki Coins
CHWOKA: >read King Slime's signature from spellbook
(OOC: It's in the spellbook, it's now a spell!)
SHOPKEEPER: You have the King Slime's signature?! Wow! Oh wait, he's coming this way now!
{King Slime suddenly bursts in through the ceiling}
KING SLIME: Hello! Sorry about the mess! I just popped in to buy some of your fine wares if you don't mind.
SHOPKEEPER: Well, sure... Go right ahead! Umm... sir? {turns to Chwoka} Do you need anything from this shop?
CHWOKA: >glare at shopkeeper
SHOPKEEPER: Oh! Sorry! Umm... {looks away} No maam, we don't buy those here! Go to Whimsy Town, those guys can take anything!
CHWOKA: >cast pile of crap on a squeaky floorboard
SHOPKEEPER: Ugh! What's that smell? Oh don't tell me! {glares at King Slime} YOU DID IT, DIDN'T YOU?!
KING SLIME: It wasn't me, I swear. I... uh...
SLIME #24785: Ugh! I didn't know the king was this disgusting!
KING SLIME: But but... I swear...
CHWOKA: >cast really fast old beard on King Slime
KING SLIME: Say what?! I have a beard now?!
SHOPKEEPER: The king is dying! Look! He has a beard!
SLIME #3478324: I didn't know you were a disgusting old slime in disguise! GUARDS!
CHWOKA: >recommend they use the slime flute to summon guards
{The shopkeeper blows on the Slime Flute and summons the guards}
SLIME GUARD #1: OY! YOU! You're the one whose terrorising the citizens!
SLIME GUARD #2: You're coming with us!
SLIME KING: There is no way I'm letting you take me in without any challenge!
{The Slime King draws out the sceptre out of nowhere}
SLIME KING: He he he. Let's do this... {The slime king summons blast of lightning that strikes the slime guards}
SLIME GUARD #3: Bob! Greg! You'll pay for this!
CHWOKA: >steal slime flute during all the commotion, then leave.
{The battle rages on and on until Chwoka is out of sight, the Slime King is then arrested on the spot for anti-social behaviour}
KING SLIME: You can't arrest me! I handle your wages!
SLIME GUARD #43728: Yeah, yeah. Well, handle our wages in jail!
{Slime Guard #43728 drags the Slime King off to jail}
CHWOKA: >pickpocket the scepter as he's being dragged off
{The Gold Slime appears out of nowhere}
GOLD SLIME: Hey there! The guards let me back in, isn't that great? Well, they hired me for the military and I'm a Tactical Commander! Thanks for getting rid of the King somehow. Here's your reward.
Chwoka got the sceptre! Chwoka gains 350 experience for completing the quest in a pacifist way. Chwoka also gains 100 Wiki Coins.
GOLD SLIME: That's all I got for now. Thanks again, mister!
CHWOKA: >show Gold Slime picture
GOLD SLIME: That picture... I don't know whose it is but I remember that slime who brought it in. Why, do you think this picture seems familiar to you?
GOLD SLIME: No? Hmm... I remember seeing some strange man fly around all evil-like and he dropped this picture. I can't quite make it out but the writing at the bottom is written in some strange code. What is this code?
CHWOKA: >leave