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TheDenzel's Interview Show/Original Shwoo

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TheDenzel's Interview With Shwoo

THEDENZEL: Hello and welcome to TheDenzel's Interview Show. Today we'll be interviewing wiki user, Shwoo. Welcome to the show, Shwoo!


{Crickets chirp}

THEDENZEL: Sorry I took so long. Hows it going, Shwoo?

SHWOO: Pretty well. Stocks are up, stipes are down, no school for two weeks... Maybe I'll even get some fanstuff done this holidays.

THEDENZEL: Cool. Let's start with your FanFic, Reality is a Harsh Mistress. Can you briefly describe it to us?

SHWOO: Okay. The characters inexplicably turn into humans. Only Strong Bad and Homestar remember that they're really dumb animal characters. Everything works out in the end. It was mostly a lot of fun... mostly.

THEDENZEL: Where'd you get the idea?

SHWOO: There were a lot of pictures on DeviantArt that portrayed the characters as humans. I thought the designs were awesome and wanted to do something with them. The only design I don't really like is girly Strong Bad, because I don't understand how he looks anything like Strong Bad. But I don't like the fic that design's featured in either, so I guess it doesn't matter.

THEDENZEL: Well, I really liked your story. Any chance of a sequel?

SHWOO: Thanks. As to a sequel, probably not, unless I think of a really good idea. Sequels should be used sparingly, in my opinion. If I write another fic, it'll most likely be from one of other ten thousand ideas I have for stories.

THEDENZEL: Well, it seems you created, somewhat of a sequel with Fake Character Email Dan. How's that been going?

SHWOO: Okay, though I keep putting off working on the fourth one. I have nearly finished it now though. I made the thing because I liked the human world I made up for them, and also because I'd always wanted to do an email show.

THEDENZEL: Sooo, it's kind of like a spin-off of your original fan-fic?

SHWOO: Yeah, a spin-off. I really hope it's not boring and terrible.

THEDENZEL: {lying} I don't think I've ever seen a spin-off that's boring and terrible. {stop lying} But, honestly, I don't think the emails are bad. On your userpage, it seems that you enjoy doing gnome work. Why is that?

SHWOO: I don't know. I guess I just enjoy putting things in order. Which, as I also said on my userpage, is probably because I'm autistic.

THEDENZEL: On your DeviantArt account, you've created a comic for American Idiot. Are you a fan of Green Day?

SHWOO: Yes, I own quite a few of their albums. I like American Idiot best, which I suppose makes me a poser, but their older stuff is good as well. The picture wasn't really a comic, by the way. It's just a picture of J as Jesus of Suburbia, and J as Saint Jimmy.

THEDENZEL: Have you heard of Weird Al's parody, Canadian Idiot?

SHWOO: Yeah, I've heard it a couple of times. My sister, who just spent a year in Canada, has it on her iPod. I like it. A lot of the stuff he says about Canada could also be applied to Australia.

THEDENZEL: Wow! A lot of Green Day fans are against that song! How does it also apply to Australia?

SHWOO: There are Green Day fans who don't like that song? I don't see a problem with it, it's just a funny song parody. And it makes fun of Canada about as much as Blame Canada from South Park does. It doesn't make fun of Canada, I mean. Anyway, here are some of the lines that also apply to Australia: "I never learned my alphabet from A to Zed", "Their stupid monopoly money", "Won't figure out the temperature in Celcius". In Australia, Z is pronounced zed, money is all different colours, and we use Celcius.

THEDENZEL: What's the point of pronouncing Z as Zed?

SHWOO: It's just how it's pronounced. From the fact that it's pronounced as zed in every English country except the US, I think zee is a corruption of zed.

THEDENZEL: Soooo, when you sing the alphabet, you sing: "Q...r...s...t..u...v..w..x..y... and zed!"? That doesn't rhyme!

SHWOO: Yep. It sounds natural to me, but that's probably because I learnt when I was four. I suspect an American invented the alphabet song as well. maybe that's the person that changed it, so it would rhyme. Or not.

THEDENZEL: Okay then. I guess I'm just confused on how something like that can be different. Oh well, moving on. When did you first see Homestar Runner?

SHWOO: Thursday the 31st of August 2006. Don't ask me why I remember the date. I don't know. I'd heard of it before, but for some reason I'd decided not to watch it. So I started with the King of Town DVD and worked my way up. It got awesome pretty quickly.

THEDENZEL: When did you come across the Fanstuff Wiki?

SHWOO: I don't remember, I suppose on the same day I looked at the Homestar Runner wiki. Early September. I guess I came here to look for good fanstuff. I remember watching the Imitation Strong Bad E-mails and being confused. It was so frustrating not to be able to find a single fanfic that captured the essence of the characters, I remember that.

THEDENZEL: Well, we're almost outta time, but before we go, I need to ask you something. Where'd you get the idea for your username. You don't see Shwoo that much anywhere!

SHWOO: It came from my first forum, which at the time was basically a place for a bunch of thirteen year old boys to mess around in. Well, I was still a girl, but the others were male. Back then I was Clanker. Anyway a couple of the others starting replying to everything with with "coo", and then using a laughing emoticon. Then another guy joined, and started replying to everything with "shweet". War was declared between the two made up words. Eventually, the two sides reached a compromise, and started saying "shwoo" all the time. My contribution to all this was to sit around telling them to stop being stupid, but I'm over that now. So that's where the word comes from. I've used it as my screen name since mid-2005 because I don't like the name "Clanker" much, and I don't want to see made up words go to waste. Also I kind of miss that forum.

THEDENZEL: Wow! A username that actually has a story behind it! You don't find many of those these days! Anything else you'd like to say before we cut?

SHWOO: Not really... I guess I could implore everyone to vote for Reality is a Harsh mistress in Fanstuff of the Month, but I think that's going to win anyway. Thanks.

THEDENZEL: Well, this has been one of the quickest interviews I've done yet! Finished in one evening! Well, thanks for joining us today, Shwoo. {Shakes her hand} {to audience} And thank you for watching. Good night eveyone! I'm going to bed!
