(even if you aren't vegan)
Skully B. Hates You/6
Skubby's back, and he's pissed off about lineage. GOD
Im a bell
This is
SKUB: a monster named
Imothy Albert Bellstrom. He's 21 and not-so-awexome. Bell sounds like Bob of Bob and George.
SKUB: I really wish I didn't know who that was, but hey, I was a virgin once!
He used to live in the year 50X3, but Zoo977's shadow nearly killed him and sent him to the present.
SKUB: Bh— sure, I'll go with it!
Until some experiments went awry, he used to look like this;
SKUB: Oh you dick, I like that show.
But as of now, he looks like this under his mask;
SKUB: What, you pass up Cthulhu? How ahead of the curve!
He lives with his evil Gocheata, Vegerot, and his pet, Bling. Click here for supra forms More detailed information here.
SKUB: I'd rather cut my fingers off.
Agent Iab
Agent Iab is Im a bell's codename in the Homestar Intelligence Agency.
SKUB: Headquarters located in Bell's house (DO NOT TELL GIRLS)
He is VERY Awexome. He is currently The Co-Owner of the HIA along with 大棒さっさと棍子. Before he was the boss, he was the head of The Research and Development Department. Once, he tried to fix The Liberty Bell, but he used the Philosopher's Stone to do it. This somehow infused Im a bell with the Liberty Bell, creating the Im a bell of today.
SKUB: I'm taking it that desecration of monuments and landmarks will be regular? I can't wait to see how he integrates the Golden Gate Bridge.
Soul Reaper Bell
When Im a bell turned 8, he moved to the soul society to become a soul reaper. 2 months later, he graduated the school and became Kenpachi's new lieutenant, and replacement captain.
SKUB: When Im a bell turned 8,
Charles Bellair Kigalonian
When Im a bell was 14, he had just gotten back from the Soul Society, being a replacement captain for Kenpachi. His house somehow imploded.
SKUB: Right after they took out a large claim... ?!?
Fortunately, his parents, Unicron and Cræft Ætlætnes (roughly "Machine Destruction" in Anglo-Saxon) The Electronic Demoness,
SKUB: Machine Destruction the Electric Demoness is the worst name.
were on a vacation in the Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Universe during the implosion.
SKUB: Hhhuh
Bell then decided to be a poet for five years under the pen name, Charles Bellair Kigalonian.
SKUB: Losing that many wallscrolls will do that to a person. Tears them apart.
Ll e bami
SKUB: Oh no, Wal-mart messed up the family pictures!
The poor soul of anti-Im a bell who only escapes during April Fool's Day, an inverting rip in space, or a mob of other anti-people. He is not truly evil, just angry.
SKUB: But if he was an anti-person would he be happy? I don't get the logic I don't get IT
He dwells in the antiverse, a gigantic realm that is the exact opposite of our universe. Recently, however, Ll e Bami has been discovered to be living in this universe, for Bell has decided to remove the body switch feature, for he can just replace himself with a clone when he dies.
SKUB: All he has to do is clap if he believes!!
In the future, around 3050, Ll commits suicide, to be reborn into a form he was told of by Homestar Runner.
SKUB: After drinking the Kool-Aid,
His new form is similar to Homestar Runner, but with poor eyesight, as does everybody in the future. Yes, I mean Lleb A. Mi.
Vegerot, pronounced "Veh-je-wrought", is Im a bell's sadistic Gocheata.
SKUB: Maybe because he's something called a "Gocheata"
He spends most of his time in his room, and is believed to now be an emo. ...Or dead, considering he appears to still be dwelling in Bell's old house in Wiki City, since he's never made an appearance in RoB.
SKUB: B-b-but I thought he went to the farm!
Bling is Im a bell's pet bell...cat...thing. It has the brain of a cat that can speak english, a voice of a two-year-old with Homestar's speech impediment, nub-limbs, and just the cutest smile.
SKUB: It's a face only a mother could love!
Bell's Family
Yog Sothoth Bellstrom
SKUB: I am very into Lovecraft
Yog Sothoth Bellstrom, Im a bell and Johnny's elder brother, left to go to New York before his brothers were born. He became a successful lawyer in the process.
SKUB: Truly a practicioner of black magic.
Yog rarely visits his family, even when on a paid vacation. He was born a human, like Bell, but had been exposed to subspace when he was two months old, converting his entire body into pure cosmic horror. Since this was their first child, his parents had no idea what the consequences were. They made sure it wouldn't happen again.
SKUB: Choose Life :(
Johnny K. Bellstrom
Im a bell's little bro. He runs the Firefox Preserve near Bell's office.
SKUB: He also wears a tail in public and ask people to call him Johnny the Hedgehog. Mr. and Mrs. Bellstrom do not talk about Johnny.
Unicron Jonathan Bellstrom
Im a bell and Johnny's father. He works in the planet-eating business alongside Galactus.
SKUB: Wait, so he's not Yog Soglog's dad? Steve Wilkos needs to know about this.
Cræft Ætlætnes Bellstrom
SKUB: Roll your mouse over that image. "Studies show kids with hot moms grow up better! XP". That's a pretty creepy thing to say, which implies hella Oedipal complex.
SKUB: Also, that thing has breasts where a neck should be.
(pronounced "Crayft Aytlaynehs")
SKUB: Actually it's pronounced "Craft Atlanes" if you're speaking Old English (which is a real language, by the way) but what the hell do I know
Im a bell and Johnny's mother. She works as an electronic and game sprite murderer (causes Blue Screen of Death, Beachball of Doom, Red Ring of Death, etc).
SKUB: So an Electric Demoness is devoted to making gamers get off the couch for a bit? Wow, frightening.
To be what she is, she had to cast a curse upon her left arm.
SKUB: Okay, all I need to know.
Also, Cræft always wears two things; sunglasses confiscated from an over-custom-clothed sprite, and a necklace with an oversized pixel hanging from it. The pixel belonged to the only sprite Cræft murdered by the sprite's own wish. The sprite had been badly customized on one leg, resulting in total leg failure, badly recolored on the arms, and horribly resized. The pixel was taken from where the heart would be on the sprite, if he had one, as sprites are two-dimensional.
SKUB: This is just... really bad. A really bad backstory about a necklace I don't give a shit about.
Bellson J. Abramson is Im a bell's annoying cousin. He usually kills Im a bell by accident. EVEN when he isn't near him!
SKUB: So what happens when two complete opposites... have to share an apartment?!?
He is apparently extremely strong, as seen in Bell Quest.
SKUB: Every time I see those two words I want to punch something. I'm still angry that I had to read that whole thing.
He also has a crush on Acidgrrl, yet Bell disapproves of this because Acidgrrl is somehow related to him.
SKUB: Hella Oedipal.
Galactus "The Nth Man" Douglass,
SKUB: Hang on, I don't think this is canon
apparently Scottish, because of his last name, is one of Unicron's coworkers and subsequently Im a bell and Johnny's godfather.
I Am Family
SKUB: Hear Me Roar
This is the I Am family. The one in the middle is I Am Bell. He is the 20X6 form of Im a bell. The one on the right is his sister, I Am Acidgrrl. She can melt anything by just touching it.
SKUB: Handies must be a nightmare
The one on the left is I Am ShineZ (pronounced "I Am Shinezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzuh"). He is annoying. 'nuff said.
SKUB: Bell is annoying. 'nuff said.
Ultimate I Am Family
Ultimate Bell
Ultimate I Am Bell. Also 20X6 Pure Watashi.
I'm pretty sure I had Pure Watashi Peas once. They were a fiery nightmare.
I Am Acidbeast
Ultimate Acidgrrl.
I Am King
Ultimate ShineZ.
I Am Ultimate
The fusion of the Ultimate I Am Family.
SKUB: Something seems off here!
Watashi Beru
I Am Bell's first attempt at cloning. This guy is the re-incarnation of Abby Normal for some reason.
SKUB: It's Fronkensteen
Oddly, it's also the re-incarnation of a piece of chicken. (?!!)
Bellson's 20X6 form. He's also I Am Bell's cousin.
Daemon Stinkoman
20X6 Demon Bell. Nothing else to say except, that's supposed to be spelled Daemon. Oh, and, he seems to be a higher form of Demon Bell.
SKUB: So the difference between a demon and a daemon is what, exactly?
Future Bell
Some time during 50X3, a Bell clone found himself near-dead. He fused with the nearest human/robot he could fin. He found a Mega Man clone.
SKUB: Oh, cool, another Mega Man fan. In excelsis deo
This turned him into the Webcomic Author Bell. He sent himself into 20XX to entertain himself with "Megaman Stories" (also known as "Megaman Sprite Comics" :P).
SKUB: This is for you, NachoMan
Future Bling/Teenage Bling
This is Bling as a teenager. He does not act cute anymore.
SKUB: Acne does impede certain traits, you know, Bell
His cuteness was lost at age 8, when he learned of his true origins. The truth depressed Bling.
SKUB: I was so goddamned pissed when I learned that my parents didn't really send off for me in the mail.
His deep depression eroded away his cuteness, and he became a humanoid shape.
SKUB: Before I was diagnosed with bipolar, I was a cat-baby, but then it all went downhill.
Seeking help, he traveled to the future after he passed college at age 12 (all of Bell's "family" have insanely high intelligence),
SKUB: {cough COUGH} BULLSHIT {cough}
because he briefly saw New Bell. Although, Bell has decided to have his main soul(all alternate universe Bells are clones, since Subspace is an entirely different universe) in a universe parallel to the one with New Bell, except Bling had not gone into the depressed state.
SKUB: I'm pretty sure Hawking would kick your ass for suggesting this.
Mature Bling
SKUB: Aww, look, the cat sent away for a replica katana.
Mature Bling is the Soul Reaper Bling. His zanpakuto's shikai has the appearance of a double-bladed Tensa Zangetsu. It's name is Shujin, and it can be released by saying "control". Mature Bling looks like Bling's head on a soul reaper body
SKUB: I may have said it before, but your character is not original when you can say, in all truth, he looks "like [established character], but".
(Chaos, don't create an image. I've already made one :P).
Hollow Bling
Hollow Bling is Mature Bling's Arrancar form. It has the appearance of Mature Bling with red eyes, the right side of the face is a hollow mask with Gin Ichimaru's face, and the right side of the uniform looks like Hollow Ichigo's, but the hand is red with spiked fingers. Hollow Bling's voice sounds like Gin's, but echoey.
Full Hollow Bling
SKUB: Of all shows to steal from, Frisky Dingo is your go-to
Mature Bling's complete hollow form. It has a pure white body, with red claws, black hawk-like feet, and a black tail. It's mask is shaped like Bling's head, and has Gin Ichimaru's face.
Niblet Bellstrom
SKUB: That art style sure is something. I hope I can get the original artist to draw me something neat like this.
Niblet Chibimon Bellstrom is Bling's son. His mother was a female Shiceus. Niblet is friends with a baby Mega Man, who seems to always be with him.
SKUB: But how can robot babies even exisssssssssssssssssssss
Far Future
Far Future Bell
The webcomic author Bell found himself near-dead once again. This was apparently caused by the destruction of Wikihood where he happened to be near. This time, he found a scientist who fixed him. He has lost all interest in sprite comics, and only wishes to kill things and follow Chaos.
SKUB: So this is how he retconned his rampant Mega Man crap? Dying and not wanting to do them any more? Actually, forgive me, I'm not too well read up on Im a bell lore, so I may be wrong,
Far Future Bling/New Bell
SKUB: You're not even trying.
Near the end of the Cataclysm in 27XX, one of the few survivors found Bell's lifeless body and fused with it for survival. The survivor was named Bling. He became a Bell/Bling hybrid which was Bling's head on a Golden Goku's body. He called himself The New Bell. But, when New Bell met the real Bell's soul, he was given the time code, told to travel to 20XX, and then "The Future". When New Bell traveled to 20XX, he found Proto Man's lifeless body. New Bell knew why he was sent here. He fused with Proto Man's body, becoming what looks like Bling's head with an eye scar on Prot's body. He then took the name Im a bell, and traveled backward to "The Future", meeting Chaos and joining his group. Soon, he was fed up with the group's randomness, and left the old Bell in his place.
Adult Niblet
(Image Soon)
Niblet as an adult. That's pretty much it.
SKUB: Got it.
Tracy Bellstrom
Tracy Cerberus Bellstrom is Im a bell's son. He's British for some reason, but his mother is unknown. He's usually annoying, but if he drinks bloody Tortan, he acts like his father (psychopathic, insane, godmodding).
SKUB: Good call naming your son "Tracy Cerberus Bellstrom". Well adjusted kid, there.
After the End of Time
Bronze Beat the Moderator/KaDobiBerto/AT Bling
At the end of time, New Bell knew that he cannot bring the earth back in that universe. So, he
SKUB: did anyway
broke into the real universe and changed his face to a normal human's. He then went on to become a moderator for the Homestar Runner website, only known as Bronze Beat the Moderator.
SKUB: The key to world preservation is hidden in a dumb animal cartoon?
He then hacked into the Homestar Universe, and changed history so the earth was never to be destroyed. God, Death, and the galactic police, realizing their "mistake", reformed earth (and Bell) a few years before the end of time. "BBtM" went on to change the universe so the ruler of the Andromeda Galaxy was "KaDobiBerto" which translates from Ancient Trivia Time language to "Son of Dobie and Bell the King". He chose this because of his past, where his father was Dobie, and he was infused with Bell's DNA. His appearance as KaDobiBerto is what seems to be a ShadowMark-like Bling.
SKUB: This is a trainwreck. It can't get worse.
The son of Death himself, Chaosus Malifact is Bell's closest friend and sparring partner, seeing as they are both immortal.
SKUB: It's kinda sad, because these characters are just like the kids who go "NUH-UH YOU DIDN'T SHOOT ME" when you play cops and robbers, like even at point blank range. Then they go Super Saiyan and get out of jail.
Vince Gagoman
A new friend of Bell's, who seems familiar.
A friend of Chaos' who seems to be forming a friendship with Bell.
A close friend of Bell's, who recently moved to Wiki City along with Bell. Their friendship is continued hereditarily, seeing as Tracy is best friends with Badstar's son, Gilligan.
SKUB: This Badstar kid seems like a real winner to me. It's not like his character(s?) are totally convoluted and stupid too.
Kurayami "Kuro" Kageshi is Shadowy Figure reincarnated. When Bell met him, they quickly became best friends, seeing as Shadowy Figure was one of Bell's closest friends. Kuro has the appearance of a human. He wears a red cloak, has white, spiky hair that is long in the back, but his body is completely pitch-black.
SKUB: All I can think of is a mulleted silhouette.
Kuro appears to still have Shadowy Figure's mind(to be referred to as SMind), but this is only partly true. SMind was trapped in Kuro's body. When Kuro was born, he has the appearance of a normal, blonde-haired infant, but he died immediately after. But, SMind saw this as a chance to regain life. He ventured upward towards the brain, and was confronted by Kuro's mind(to be referred to as KMind). SMind attacked KMind, and KMind retaliated by absorbing him. They fused, and SMind became most of Kuro's mind. SMind controlled thoughts and speech, and KMind controlled actions. As a result of this, Kuro regained life, his hair turned white, his body turned pitch-black, and he had a voice reminiscent of Perfect Cell.
SKUB: I'll be honest, I didn't read any of this. All I can guess is that there was a big fight and people killed other people but they were brought back to life.
SKUB: Oh! I guess I was right.
Kanririsei "Kan" Kugutsushi is a cold-hearted anime fanatic, who isn't as much a friend to Bell than a respected adversary. He is an acquaintance of Kanjiro. He has a ceramic mask without ears, a nose, or a mouth. Just eye holes and the Japanese word for "seal" written on the forehead.
SKUB: Arp, arp, arp
He wears a white undershirt, blue jeans, and black shoes. His right arm is a puppet stylized to resemble Perfect Cell's arm. When removed, a 4 inch-diameter cable with three 1 inch-diameter cables extending from the edge will extend from Kan's body. He lot his right arm after a sadistic martial arts fighter reduced his right arm and head to bone with enchanted ceramic over it. Kan promptly killed him. He then removed the ceramic off of his arm, finding only bone. Bell has given Kan reality-bending powers and the ceramic mask the ability to heal itself when damaged. It can only be permanently broken by Kan's own will.
SKUB: I noticed that Bell really likes to describe appearances. He fetishizes black and red ensembles and spiky white hair.
Kinzoku "Kinzo" Muchitsuji is a British demon with the voice of Eric Idle(No, I'm not implying Eric Idle is evil. He's my second favorite Python[The first is Jon Cleese]) who maimed himself after possessing Bell and accidentally preforming a Pure Zanmato on himself. Bell, being the demon-sympathizer he was, built a metal body for him. The arms, chest, and stomach are based on the Transformers Generation Starscream, and the hips and legs are based on the Transformers Energon Galvatron.
SKUB: Buuuuuugh
Don Skull
Don Skull is one of the five skullbuggies. Bell fixed him up and repainted him.
SKUB: If I could take anything back it would have been creating those shitty characters, I mean LORD
Sarah McAllister
SKUB: 8008 8008
Sarah McAllister is Bell's wife of Scottish descent. She works with Tracy as low-ranking shinigami at Malifact & Malifact Mortality Services. She met Bell on a blind date set up by Tracy, after six unsuccessful ones.
Shadowy Figure
A being of pure darkness forged from a Coach Z clone, Shadowy Figure is ultimate evil, which is the trait that makes him Bell's friend. Shadowy Figure ruled for years over Planet K, and did a damn good job of it, too. {cursing necessary to get point across} But eventually, people rebelled and assassinated Shadowy Figure, while converting Planet K into a industrial planet, renamed Mas Repus, and naming one Lleb Atticus Mi as their leader. This angered Bell to his soul and moreso, for Bell had created the being in which Commander Mi had been reincarnated from.
SKUB: Is it over yet? Please say it is.
Cow Puncher
Cow Puncher, Bell's only female friend, recently disappeared. She is rumored to be dead and had been reincarnated into Vince Gagoman.
SKUB: This is a lot of mythos for characters I don't care about, and there's a lot of characters that aren't even developed. Minor characters get more attention than some of the other, more important ones: I see barely anything about Unicron and Galactus (and I know they're not his characters, but I'd at least like to see some damn justification), and half the characters don't even have images. For goodness' sake, man, at least care about your shitty anime characters!