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Green Grass and High Tides Forever!/RaikuPoll
From Wiki User Wiki
Should Raiku be an author? Some may say "yes", some may say "no." We wanna know what EVERYONE thinks on this situation.
[hide]Rues, foo!
- You must back up your reason for voting whatever you did.
- One with the most, wins!
- We mainly want to hear from the readers, moresover the writers.
Yes, Raiku should be an author
No, Raiku shouldn't be an author
They call me Big T BLOOD
- Look, Raiku, this is nothing personal, but I don't agree with you being an author over the fact taht you aren't as oreinted to writing fanstuff as everyone else is. Maybe if you were a little better, but there are defienetly things you need to improve on. Plus, your character needs more depth, he needs to be more dynamic.
- If Raiku can join, anyone can join. And since the latter isn't true... Although I would like to join... Thus Spake Lilfut
If you want to join tahu just ask pat
- This isn't a free-for-all! I'd like to keep it limited!
They call me Big T BLOOD
19:40, 7 September 2008 (UTC)
i can make my character dynamic
Maybe just me then?
- This is why I started this! There's still things you'd need to learn about editing properly that I'd like you to learn before you become an author.
They call me Big T BLOOD
19:50, 7 September 2008 (UTC)
What about i am a major character or recurring? Or i could have an editing teacher?
- Recurring Character would be alright with me, as long as you could try to make him less one-sided when he appears.
They call me Big T BLOOD
19:52, 7 September 2008 (UTC)
whats that mean? and would he goe on major chars or minor?