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Color Printer's E-mails/Teen Boy Team Members
From Wiki User Wiki
Football Player, Cool Dude, What's His Face, and The Geeky One are all members of Teen Boy Team.
[hide]Football Player "Nicknames"
- #13! (Issue 1)
- Hike! (Issue 2)
Football Player Injuries
- Crushed by a giant football (FOOTBALL'D!, Issue 1)
Cool Dude "Nicknames"
- Nice Shades! (Issue 1)
- Hates homework! (Issue 2)
Cool Dude Injuries
None yet
What's His Face "Nicknames"
- Huh? (Issue 1)
- Somewhat social! (Issue 2)
What's His Face Injuries
None yet
The Geeky One "Nicknames"
- Get a life (Issue 1)
- Loves homework? (Issue 2)
The Geeky One Injuries
- Crushed by a giant pencil (PENCIL'D!, Issue 1)
- Got hit by What's His Face's spitball (SPITBALL'D!, Issue 2)