(even if you aren't vegan)
Ask Sephiroth/Episode 2
SEPHIROTH: Ah, Hola Amigos! I didn't see you come in.
*If spilling salt is bad luck, is spilling pepper good luck? --Homestar tigerGeronimo! 23:32, 29 November 2008 (UTC)
SEPHIROTH: Of course! But however, spilling salt and pepper at the same time gives you good luck and bad luck. You're probably thinking, so that means nothing happens, right? ......Nope! You're wrong. It actually means you've just caused a paradox and doomed the world to an early grave.
*How do you kill someone using all of the following; Snake skin, an empty CD case, a roll of duct tape, a sheet of blank paper, 28 rabid squirrels, 15 random Legos, a broken computer mouse, and a bucket of blue paint? belstrnnmmvnmn 23:32, 29 November 2008
SEPHIROTH: You use the blue paint the paint them blue, and the mouse to tie them up. The legos can go in the eyes to blind them, and the duct tape to tape the snake skin to their head. You then bash them with the CD case repeatably, and then write on the paper "I hate squirrels", and stick it to their face. Then Get the rabid squirrels and paint them blue, and make them viscously kill the victim. God I have issues.
*If I cut out and stole some guy's kidney, would that make it my kidney, or his?They call me Big T BLOOD
23:42, 29 November 2008 (UTC)
SEPHIROTH: It wouldn't be either his or yours. It would be nobodies, unless you both fight to the death on top of mount Kilimanjaro with only a codfish. The winner would get the kidney.
*What is the sound of one hand clapping? -pmelondemon43y 20:24, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
SEPHIROTH: It is the sound of 1000 young children screaming in unison as they are trapped in a burning shack, with Shaquille O'Neal and Bono there doing a presentation. Thank you for your questions. Remember, there are no stupid questions, unless you ask them!