(even if you aren't vegan)
Arena Battling: Part 2/Whimsy Town/Item Shop
You enter the Item Shop, you see several characters looking around the place. Wow, they weren't kidding about it on the brochure. Oh wait, you didn't have one. Oh well.
Shop Stock
- Skill Ticket - Free - Level 3 and above only - Take a ticket to the big building in the middle!
- Character Summon - 50 Wiki Coins - Summon a character of your choice, what they do is up to you! (Max damage for Level 2 is 120, add 20 for each level)
- Light Bulb - 25 Wiki Coins - Hang a light bulb over your head for an idea! Or just burn your enemy's eyes. - Deals Light Damage. Can cause blindness.
- Battery - 10 Wiki Coins - Required to operate some battery-operated equipment.
- Disguise Pack - 75 Wiki Coins - Disguise yourself as one of THEM! Then turn against THEM! for
massivedamage. - You'll always act during the enemy's turn. One time use only. Doubles damage dealt to the enemy. Will not work on Foresight enemies. Batteries not included or needed.
- Potion - 20 Wiki Coins - Recovers up to 50 Hit Points.
- Cola/Soda/Whatever - 25 Wiki Coins - Recovers up to 50 Magical Points.
- Cloak - 25 Wiki Coins - Cover yourself in the darkness and hide your identity! - Enemies are more likely to miss you. Defense +5
- Shield - 20 Wiki Coins - This is a basic shield, great idea huh? - Defense +5
Class-Specific Weapons
- Laser Gun - 50 Wiki Coins - It's a laser gun. It shoots laser. Does burning damage. Deals 10 - 39 damage per shot. Operates on batteries. - Gunner only
- Freakishly Huge Sword - 50 Wiki Coins - Now you too can be a generic protagonist! Deals 34 - 60 damage. - Challenger only
- Box of Comic Bombs - 50 Wiki coins - This box contains a box of comic bombs. You know the ones that display a big comic-like "ka-boom" when they explode? Me neither. Deals 45 - 70 damage. Deals 20 damage if it is a dud. 20 a box - Jester only
- Packet of Colourful Playing Cards - 50 Wiki Coins - This packet contains cards that can set someone on fire, heal you, heal the enemy or randomly deal a random status effect on the enemy. Deals 25 - 40 fire damage if the firey damage is drawn.
(Selling any items will be half of its original worth, except for SOME items.)
Quest 1: Generic Slaying
- Quest Giver: Shopkeep in Whimsy Town's Item Shop
- Description:
I need some more materials! I want you to go around hunting generic enemies out in the meadows. I don't care what they are, just get rid of them!
- Objective: Slay 10 enemies in the Strange Meadows.
- Reward: 100 Experience and 25 Wiki Coins for your troubles.
Quest 2: R-R-R-R-ROAST!
- Quest Giver: Rerrin in Whimsy Town
- Description:
Ri reed some relp! Ri rouse is infested with roasts! Find out the rource of them! Don't make fun of my reech imprediment!
- Objective: Find the source of the Ghosts in the Haunted House (in Whimsy Town)
- Reward: A Ghostly Sword (Deals up to 65 damage) and 100 Wiki Coins for your troubles.
CHWOKA: >buy lightbulb and cloak
{A character hands Chwoka the lightbulb and cloak in return for 50 Wiki Coins}
CONCHRIS: {slams down 60 Wiki Coins on the counter} One laser gun and batteries please!
{The character hands Conchris the laser gun and the packet of batteries}
CONCHRIS: Thank you!
CHAOS: Shopkeep. Give me one Cloak.
{The shopkeeper hands Chaos a Cloak in return for 25 Wiki Coins}
RAIKU: Character summon and big sword please. {hands 100 coins}
FENIX: Yo, Barkeep! What do ya have in the way of questing?
SHOPKEEP: I do, indeed, have a solve that needs questing... No wait, a quest that needs doing. I'll put it up {turns around to pin a poster on the notice board} here...
Look at the "Noticeboard" section for new quests
FENIX: Hmm...I AM in need of a new sword...and the currency only sweetens the deal. I'll take the Quest #2, please!
SHOPKEEP: Right, I'll go fetch the waiv-I mean, your quest giver in a bit...
{The Shopkeeper walks into the room on the right, and then comes out later dragging in a man whose hair is standing on end}
RERRIN: Rour're the rone that rook the ruest, right?
FENIX: {to self} "Rook the ruest"? Oh, right, speech impediment. {to Rerrin} Yeah, that'd be me. So, you say you need some ghosts taken care of?
RERRIN: Reah! Ri keep rearing range roises at right!
SHOPKEEP: Yeah, that's exactly the same thing you told me when you ran in crying for "relp".
RERRIN: But that roasts are ro rary! {turns to Fenix} The roasts are rangerous reatures, ri ront row where they are roming from! But threy left me rhis rote! {shows the note to Fenix}
Dear Rerrin, We have totally kidnapped your wife and kids and we are totally not hanging out in your ! SO HA! From, The Ghosts P.S: For the love of God, please stop calling us "roasts"! It offends me because I died at a barbecue from a roast chicken accident. P.P.S: 3121
FENIX: 3121? That sounds like something that will be used to solve part of the quest! I'd better note it down in my Quest Log! {does so} Now, off to exorcise the haunted house!
LEMON: Comic bombs... I'll need it for my battle!
{The Shopkeeper hands Lemon the Comic bombs in exchange for 50 Wiki Coins}