(even if you aren't vegan)
Arena Battling: Part 2/Whimsy Town
You enter Whimsy Town without a care, it's rather peaceful to say the least. Why they wanted to keep Level 1 heroes out, nobody knows.
You can enter the Item Shop here.
You see a Weapon Enhancing Machine to your left.
You see a big building in the middle of this whole town.
A train station is also open, the current locations found are:
Quest Areas
Cost is 50 Wiki Coins.
The cost to upgrade a house in this town is (50*Houselevel) Wiki Coins plus a moderate 200 Wiki Coins fee.
These houses recover 30% of your HP and MP a day.
- These houses can hold up to 5 pieces of furniture.
- These houses can go up to Level 3.
- Level 2 houses recovers 40% instead of 30%.
- Level 3 houses can store up to 6 pieces of furniture and recovers around 45% instead of 40%.
- House #1: Conchris - Level 1 Champion's House
- House #2: Fenix - Level 1 House
- House #3: Raiku - Level 1 House
CHWOKA: >examine people
{There are several characters walking by, not noticing, one character walks up to Chwoka}
A PERSON: Hey look! A newcomer! Why hello there!
CHWOKA: >ask about curse that doesn't allow me to do anything but the > thing
A PERSON: I have no idea about that curse, but then again, there's this rather wise man in that {points to the building} big building over there. Maybe he'll tell you why you're doing things with that > thing.
CHWOKA: >thank person
A PERSON: No problem! Be sure to thank him if you lift your curse!
CHWOKA: >ask for it by name
{The person has already run off}
CONCHRIS: Landlord! I can has home?
LANDLORD: 50 Wiki Coins please...
{Conchris hands over the 50 Wiki Coins}
LANDLORD: {hands Conchris the deed and the keys} Right, your house is way, way over there by the Big Building. Thanks for your patronage.
{Fenix enters the town, fresh from his training.}
FENIX: Hmm...Landlord! I wish to procure a structure in which I can make my abode!
LANDLORD: That'll be 50 Wiki Coins please.
{Landlord takes the 50 Wiki Coins from Fenix in exchange for a deed and the house keys}
LANDLORD: Your house is way, way, way over there by the Big Building. Thank you for purchasing one of our many houses. I need the money for my gambling fix anyway...
RAIKU: House please.
LANDLORD: {looks at the Slimes behind Raiku} Don't go dragging those things here! I see you have enough Wiki Coins though, so I'll put your house in reserve for now. Just, finish the battle you're currently in and come back to me, fights would really damage property values and whatnot.
{The Landlord tosses the key to the third house to Raiku, but not before taking 50 Wiki Coins}
LANDLORD: Your house is way, way, way, way over there by the Big Building. Your patronage is appreciated.
{Fenix drags in the mysterious figure from the haunted house into the town}
FENIX: Right. Now all I have to do is get you to the courthouse thing, and collect the reward from Rerrin.