(even if you aren't vegan)
Arena Battling: Part 2/Whimsy Town/Haunted Housefenix/upstairs
You enter upstairs to see four different rooms, listed below.
Apparently, Rerrin is into astromony, as this is a room dedicated to star-gazing. There also appears to be a book lying out on the table which is quite dangerously close to the fireplace. Also, there appears to be bookcases adorning the walls. A painting is staring right at you as you walk in.
Gee, what a mess! The bed is an absolute mess and the closet looks like as if somebody was hiding in it but then had a fit and threw everything about! There also appears to be several notes lying about.
Well, this bathroom is mundane, and generic. There appears to be a shower, a medicine cabinet and a toilet... OH! And a sink! This is pretty much a haven of jokes for those who think that fecal matter is hi-larious.
You enter the attic, there appears to be some really old stuff that are of little to no interest. Oh, there appears to be a figure sitting at a glowing computer box working on it as the computer silently hums to itself.
Chat (Landing)
{Fenix investigates the area for the source of the mysterious noise.}
{The attic door was blown open, a soft humming noise can be heard from up there. There appears to be a retractable ladder, perhaps you can get it down?}
FENIX: Wow, a retractable ladder. This place got class! {attempts to jump onto the ladder}
{The ladder falls down from the attic, hitting Fenix on the head}
Fenix has lost 3 HP from the ladder!
{The ladder reaches the ground without any trouble at all!}
Fenix gained 0 experience points!
FENIX: Ow. {stands up} To the attic! {Batman-esque transition as Fenix climbs the ladder}
Chat (Conservatory)
{The picture stares intently at Fenix as he comes in, as if it was staring into his very soul}
FENIX: {to the painting} Sorry, bub, but the soul is off limits to the public. Come back in September. Now then, let's look at that book.
{The picture's expression turns into a sort of... how could I put this? a sad and rejected face (quite like this :-( )}
The book reads:
Rerrin's Log - 21/4/09:- There appears to be a strange star shining in the sky. It's unusual because we've never had a green star in the Earth's lifetime. The master of Whimsy Town has told me to investigate this green star further... Rerrin's Log - 22/4/09:- YIKES! That was quite the scare there! The green star from yesterday had vanished from the sky... and LANDED IN MY GARDEN! My flowers, ruined! My shed, broken! My chances of winning the prize for best kept garden, gone! But the green star seems kind of interesting, it appears to be more of a meteorite than anything. I must investigate this... Rerrin's Log - 23/4/09:- Couldn't sleep last night, I was having the most strangest nightmare I was ever having in my life. It felt like my body and soul was tearing apart at the seams, it was horrible. But I investigated the green star more but found nothing of interest... maybe... maybe tomorrow... Rerrin's Log 24/4/09:- the pain... everytime i look at that green star, i feel the pain... i don't think i can even concentrate anymore. i've been feeling a ghostly presence since the day the green star crash landed in my garden... it's too dangerous for me... must get out... get help... anybody who is reading this, the green star is located in the...
The most recent log cuts there...
FENIX: Hmm. A green star? Huh. Hey, I wonder if there's a telescope in here...
{There appears to be no telescope to be found. However, there seems to be a large panel on the floor with no way of opening it. Perhaps some investigating of the room is in order?}
FENIX: Huh. Why didn't I notice that panel before? Ah well. Lesse...There's always hidden switches behind paintings! {attempts to remove the painting from the wall}
{The painting is removed to reveal a safe. However, instead of one of them safe dials, it appears to be a monitor with the words "INSERT PASS CODE" with a small slot above it, curious...}
FENIX: Insert pass code eh? How about...2356?
{SUCCESS! By sheer blind luck, the message on the screen says "PASS CODE ACCEPTED", the large panel on the floor slowly slides away before being stuck on something, the telescope slowly rises up from the floor, only a few feet below the room's floor. It can probably still function, right?}
FENIX: ...Sweet cream on an ice-cream sammich. Right. We'll sort this out. {leaves room, goes downstairs}
{Fenix peers into the room, scouting for ghosts}
{There are no ghosts to be found. But the telescope seems to have finally risen from the floor}
{Fenix enters the room}
FENIX: Right. Time for some astrology. {walks over to the telescope and examines it}
{The telescope is already pointing up to some stars... none of them being very interesting... wait... there appears to be a green star in the sky, and it seems to be shining rather brightly too! Wait... the star's getting bigger... OH CRAP!}
{The green star outside begins its crash course with the house, ending up in the back garden in the very same spot that the last one crashed in. The meteorite glows a very evil green, which covers the entire house with radiation, which apparently heals you, oh and a loud roar is heard from downstairs.}
Fenix has been fully healed!
{A loud crashing noise is heard from downstairs, as if a door had fell off its hinges in fright and was trying to make a getaway.}
FENIX: WHAT IN THE BLUE HELL JUST HAPPENED?! Amateur Ghostbuster, AWAY! {runs downstairs}
Chat (Bedroom)
FENIX: Hmm...more mysterious notes. Notes Get! {picks up the notes}
The notes appear to be co-ordinates, for some reason, Rerrin thought it would be cool to draw the numbers really big-like that it would take several sheets of paper to write down anything. Anyway, they read:
Oh, right, they appear to be out of order...
{A ghostly presence can be felt from within these walls.}
FENIX: I got a bad feeling about this...
{A telescope suddenly appears from... somewhere... and attacks Fenix!}
{Fenix moves to the conservatory-turned-observatory.}
Chat (Bathroom)
Chat (Attic)
{Fenix enters the attic, and, seeing the mysterious figure, clears his throat}
FENIX: Um, excuse me. My name's Fenix. Rerrin sent me to do some ghostbusting. Do you know anything about these spirits?
FIGURE: {turns around} GAH! What are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be chewed up by the beast downstairs by now?
{The computer shows security camera footage of the many places in the house, one of the screens shows up static with the word "SEARCHING" in bold lettering. The big screen shows the kitchen, where the defeated beast lies}
FENIX: Beast? Oh, that beast. Nah, he kinda ended up with half-exploded insides and possibly fatal injuries. Anyway, more like, what are YOU doing HERE?
FIGURE: I would tell you that but then I'd have to kill you in the most clichéd manner possible. {pauses to think for a moment} I'll tell you anyway. I am here to, well, steal something valuable of Rerrin's, so I hid up here in this attic just waiting for the right moment. When I caught wind of the green star comet thing, I knew that it contains a ghostly energy. So I siphoned some of its juice to give Rerrin the shock of his life. It worked, seeing how he needs a hero to go inside his house to see what's up. I would've found it sooner, if it weren't for you meddling heroes and your dumb dog!
FENIX: Correction, hero. No dog. What were you planning to steal, by the way?
FIGURE: Right, right. I thought you were one of those annoying kids that have a dumb dog with them. I was going to steal his priceless artifacts and just about everything that a normal robber would nick from a house. Oh yeah, and the stardust weapons that he was tinkering with at the time when he got into weapon smithing, or so I hear. I don't suppose you're going to turn me in, right?
FENIX: You're a thief, so yeah, I guess. You're not gonna try anything stupid like forcing me to fight you like every quest endboss, are you?
FIGURE: Crap! I was about to do that too! Well, if it weren't for my knife breaking on me. But wait, take this! {feebly punches Fenix} Well, darn it... I'm not as strong as I used to be...
{Fenix, who hasn't even flinched from the punch, whips out a pair of handcuffs from hammerspace and attaches them to the figure's wrists}
FENIX: You are under arrest in the name of me. You have the right to remain silent, but anything you do say may be taken down, skewed until it resembles a Slinky, and then used against you in...do they have a court of law in this place?
FIGURE: I guess, they have the Big Building that they use as a Courtroom sometimes...
FENIX: Right then! Look out, 'cause here comes justice! {marches downstairs, figure in tow}