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I am Bane! Okay, not really..

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Revision as of 22:54, 13 January 2014 by Lucian Summers (talk | contribs)
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Lucian Summers (talkcontribs) is a moderator.
"And I smell like wet tech support, with a hint of onion!"

Anyway, the name's Lucian, and yes, I'm settling on that name. No more name changes left and right; I'm no longer the dump-assed teenager/adolescent I was 7 years ago. Those times are over. The good times, however, are not.

So why have I come back here? Well, after watching some Homestar Runner again, I'd thought about my old email show. No, not that one. The actually halfway decent one. It was the one time I felt like I'd slightly nailed the Homestar Runner writing style, and I actually enjoyed writing it. At this point though, I'd like to not re-boot, but go back and trim the weeds out of the previous Zarel Emails, then go to writing some brand new ones for the aught-fourteen!

Stuff I Make and Things

My Quotes of the Whenever

This uses a Userbox for now until if and/or when the QOTW template is fixed.

Bubs "Pay me 100 bucks and I could do some unlicensed surgery to make it more discerning! I'll also add in cup holders and tinted windows!"


Boxes of Userdom

Zarel Emails This user writes Zarel Emails.

Zarel Emails This user supports Auntie Grem's Salty Cheese Puffs. Because heart attacks are a priority!

This user doesn't have it, but is mildly okay at Flash.

PDN This user's art program is Paint.Net .

Morp. This user likes this image.

Gee-Mawd This user plays Garry's Mod.

MLP Yes, I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It's a thing.