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Latest revision as of 09:00, 11 August 2016

BHZ SSXMail 17. Movie
Created On October 11, 2004
Cast (In order of apperance): Super Sonic X
Locations: SSX's email room.

SSX shows off his unusual movies.

MR. CLOUD: Lizzie McGuire 2: The Musical


SUPER SONIC X:Woah... Haven't done one of these in a while.

LIGHTNING GUY: Best while of my life.

Let's see if I can remember how to do it. {types run_mail.exe} Nope... That's not it. {types show_me_my_mail.exe} Hmmm.... {types show_me_my_mail.imeanit} This is one stubborn computer. Wait! I've got it! {types OPEN_UP_MY_MAIL_NOW.IREALLYMEANIT}

MR. CLOUD: He just types the bolded word right into the computer.
LIGHTNING GUY: Modern technology, it surpasses logic.

There we go!

Hey there Super Bender
MR. CLOUD: Oh, bite my metal


a>I was wondering, if you made some kind of epic movie trilogy or series or whatever, what would it
be about and what would it be like?


Mythic wanderer-type dude

SUPER SONIC X: I've actually been trying to get into the movie business for years.

LIGHTNING GUY: But those pesky studios are requiring that our movies "be good" and "make money". It overwhelms me.

{Cut to one of Bender/SSX's first movies.}

{The title GAME BOY: The Movie appears. The Gameboy startup noise is heard. Cut back to the computer.}

SUPER SONIC X: But, there were good ones.

MR. CLOUD: I wonder what your idea of "good" is.

{Cut to another movie. The words Gameboy Advance: The Movie A continuation of Gameboy: The Movie appear.

LIGHTNING GUY: The first movie to get into the negatives on Rotten Tomatoes.
NOXIGAR: There are times I wish it was logically possible to get "into the negatives" on Rotten Tomatoes percentage-wise. How would a negative-percentage even register on a calculator?

The Game Boy Advance startup noise is heard. Cut back to the computer.}

SUPER SONIC X: But... I've been preparing this one for many years...

{Cut to yet another movie. The words Gameboy Advance SP:The Movie appear. The Jaws theme is heard, as a GBASP swims up like a shark.

MR. CLOUD: It became a cult classic.

Cut back to the computer.}

SUPER SONIC X: Well, I'm sure that soon, the peoples of the world will start to love my movies, and pay me millions of dollars for them for no apperant reason.

LIGHTNING GUY: Your confidence almost depresses me.
MR. CLOUD: If you can make movies as well as you can switch vowels, I'll be rooting for you!

Until then, I'll just have to survive off of emails. {looks around} Ok, any minute now...

{5 minutes later.}

SSX: I'm a millionaire! I knew I could do it!

{The paper comes down.}

SUPER SONIC X: Hmmm... Why didn't that happen in any other email?

{16 More papers come out.}

LIGHTNING GUY: That's a serious printer jam.
NOXIGAR: Wouldn't a printer jam be no Papers coming out at all?


Fun Facts

Easter Eggs

  • None yet.


  • All three of SSX's movies are based on Nintendo's handheld systems.

General Fun Facts

  • This email was actually written on BHZ.