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Latest revision as of 17:19, 10 August 2016
Bling and Grundy design the cutest thing in the universe. There's just one problem. IT'S PURE EVIL!
LIGHTNING GUY: It always is.
Cast (in order of their appearance): Bling, Grundy, 1-up, Senor Cardgage, Cheatball, Cuteball/Sir Cutain XLII
Places: Im a bell's computer room, Blank Screen
BLING: It's email Lucky Numbah 13!
LIGHTNING GUY: There's never luck involved when you see a new email up.NOXIGAR: You're right! Because it doesn't take luck to get an email from someone
GRUNDY: Er... 13 is unlucky.
1-UP: Thanks for the 13 pudding cups complete stranger!
LIGHTNING GUY: Pudding Cups Complete Strangers
SENOR CARDGAGE: Anydate, Melindagonia!
CuteDear Bling,
Could you teach me how to be cute?
LIGHTNING GUY: What would that disgusting thing know about "cute"?From,
BLING:{typing} How to be cute, eh? {stops typing} 1-up! Get outta here! You ain't cute!
{1-up runs away crying. His pudding lands on Grundy's head}
LIGHTNING GUY: Wow! You needlessly abused s Stinkoman 20X6 character twice in one line! You win my scathing disapproval. Don't use it all up at once. Just kidding! There will be plenty more to come!
{cut to the computer room, 5 minutes later}
BLING: You okay?
LIGHTNING GUY: The action never stops.NOXIGAR: He says, constantly using the phrase wrong.
NAMINE: You've also used the phrase wrong.
NAMINE: It didn't go well for you, did it?
NOXIGAR: I've tried writing long, drawn-out fight scenes whenever action is supposed to "never stop."
BLING:{typing} Anyway, cute...
LIGHTNING GUY: His name is Badstar..
Well, first, you have to be...
{cut to a blank screen}
BLING:{voiceover} A cheatball.
LIGHTNING GUY: That's exactly what Bling is.
{a Cheatball appears}
GRUNDY:{voiceover} And have abnormally large eyes.
{Stinkoman's eyes appear on the Cheatball}
LIGHTNING GUY: Because Cheatball's eyes weren't large to begin with.
BLING: Oh! And you need to be so happy, it's creepy.
{The cheatball's mouth becomes bigger and happy}
LIGHTNING GUY: Big Brother is watching you. Be happy at all times.
GRUNDY: Oh! And you need some nub-legs!
{the Cheatball grows tiny orange legs}
BLING: Don't forget the nub-arms!
{the Cheatball grows tiny orange arms}
LIGHTNING GUY: Tiny arms and legs would make someone look more like a beer addict.
GRUNDY: And now,
LIGHTNING GUY: End comma.NAMINE: Better than constantly using ellipses,
NOXIGAR: I'd say.
BLING: The ultimate piece to the cuteness puzzle,
{The Cheatball's body becomes red-orange}
GRUNDY: Hey, why don't we add an antenna?
BLING: What kind?
LIGHTNING GUY: Let me guess.
GRUNDY: Katamari Damacy style.
LIGHTNING GUY: What a surprise. I was right.NOXIGAR: I still feel alien for neither liking Katamari Damacy to begin with nor having played more than a couple levels of it when it's been publicly seen.
BLING: Yeah!
{the Cheatball grows a red and yellow antenna. Cut back to the computer room. The Cheatball is sitting on the desk}
BLING: There! The perfect cuteness! Let's call it...
LIGHTNING GUY: The most creative name ever.
BLING: That's a great name! Let's go buy Cuteball some food.
{Bling and Grundy walk off. the paper comes down. 15 seconds later, Cuteball talks}
CUTEBALL:{low and evil voice} Hello. I am Sir Cutain XLII. {pronounced as "Kyoo-Tayne The Forty-Second"} You all are now my slaves! MWA-HA-HA-H-
LIGHTNING GUY: Too much beer?
{Bling and Grundy walk in carrying Grocery Bags}
BLING: Hey Cuteball!
LIGHTNING GUY: Cuteball is very hey today.
CUTEBALL: GAAH! Er... Uhh... {normal voice} Cuteball! Cu-Cuteball!
{the paper comes down}