(even if you aren't vegan)
Wiki User Wiki: ONLINE/Houses/Ryan
This is Ryan's house. It's pretty standard...or so you thought.
{Ryan lays the bag on the couch and opens it, a Lucario is in it, with brown smears on his face}
RYAN: I dunno what to name you, but you are my friend now!
{Ryan pets the Lucario, the Lucario purrs with delight (WTF?!)}
LEMON: I didn't know Lucarios were cats!
YOG:{walks in} Hi. Do I know you? ...WHAT is that brown stuff on that Lucario's face?
LEMON: Errrr... kitty liter?
{OOC: Bell, they're not. I remember there was somne 20X6 fanstuff where 1-Up started purring}
LUCARIO: {In his gruff, Lucario from the movie or Brawl voice} Um...chocolate.
MARISSA: Who ate my chocolate cake?
LEMON: Me. I shared with Lucario.
YOG: Well, you obviously don't, so, hi. I'm Yog. I'm Bell's older brother. Nice to meet you.
RYAN: {shakes hands} Ryan Reginald Bluefox. Nice meeting you too.
MARISSA: You owe me this, lemon! {holds a ridiculously long list of ingredients} This was in the cake!
LUCARIO: Oog... {runs to bathroom}
RYAN: {peers at list} "Laxatives?" Aw crap.
{Lucario is heard screaming offscreen}
MARISSA: {rolls up the list} Fake lists always work. {walks off, whistling}
YOG: Hey, ya wanna see pure cosmic horror?
RYAN: Shoot.
YOG:{moves his hand through Ryan's head}
CAPTCHA: YAY I CAN SHOOT EVERYBODY!!! {tries to shoot everyone, but misses because of Raiku}
{Lemon's little brother crawls in with an Elmo}
LIL' BROTHER: Ooooooo... {chews on plant stem}