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Wiki User Wiki: ONLINE/AmusementPark/Sephiroth

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The Ride.

You start in a glass chamber. You hear a scream, and then the glass shatters in front of you. You get into the seat. A catchy beat is heard as you start speeding towards 400km/h. Outside the spaceship you are in, you see space. A war is going on outside. On the other side, you see a screen with video clips of people screaming are showing. The screen turns into ping pong. As you go into warpspeed, the ride soon ends. The music that is playing all time is this.


MALOA: {gets in a cart} I wonder when the ride starts.

{Sephiroth jumps in.}

SEPHIROTH: 3..2...1.... NOW!!! {The ride starts.}

MALOA: Weeeeeeeeeeee! {goes out of sight}

SEPHIROTH: Whoa. We're going so fast we're going invisible! {Starts going invisible.}

MARISSA: {attached to the back cart} How did I get into this mess?!?

MALOA: Oh, hi, Marissa!