(even if you aren't vegan)
Wiki User Wiki: ONLINE/AmusementPark/Marissa
A giant arcade! Many games are scattered all around here, including a 150 hole whack a mole game! Any prize you can think of is here!
MALOA: {playing raptor capture} Gotta get the 500!
{man-o-man runs in}
MAN-O-MAN: COOL!! This is were I am staying for a long time!!!
{runs up to a game called "Defend the Alamo" and plays it}
MALOA: Just don't get addicted to any game!
{the screen says "2 days later" and Man-o-man is still playing "Defend the Alamo"}
{"2 More Days Later" and Man-o-man is asleep on his game}
MAN-O-MAN: {waking up} Whatzat? Whozit? Ug, see ya Maloa, I should check out other things. {leaves}
CAPTCHA: {is playing catch the bunny and does not notice its for 4-2 ages} CAN'T STOP PLAYING THIS GAME!!!!!