(even if you aren't vegan)
Wiki User Presidential Speeches
[hide]Bluebry's Speech
{Bluebry walks up in torn jeans and a Phish T-shirt}
Hey guys! Listen, I'm here to talk to you about politics man. So like, who here is a dove? Alright, groovy, I'm a dove too. So we all agree we need to get out of this TERRIBLE war we're having on the other side of the world, right? TONS of Americans are sent over to DIE in that godforsaken place, and the fat cats in Washington just keep on going. They are MURDERERS, and it is TIME for THEM TO PAY! We need to make our message clear. We need to show THEM that we aren't their puppets and we WILL NOT die for this stupid war!
Raiku's Speech
We need to get our country ready to win this war. We need freedom! We need to stop the fighting! We will stop this war if me and my Vice President Kirbychu HR'D win this election! We need people to have fun! Vote for Raiku Lucifer Morningstar for President and Kirbychu HR'D for Vice President! The ONLY Good Kind Of Devil!
JCM's Speech
Listen, I know Bluebry is cool and all, but he's not fit to be president. He chose a mascot for Domino's, the worst pizza place ever, as his vice president! And he's pastry! And probably stale! Raiku is kinda noobish. Badstar isn't that active. And SkullB used to be a platypus and you know how stupid platypuses are. Vindi is just plain evil. Though, me, on the other hand, is a great choice because I know what I'm doing. Me and my V.P. Charlie Brown actually more close to a human than all the other candidates, so we can feel what you are going through the best, and will know everything to solve. I fixed more broken things than all the others, so I can fix broken hearts. I believe in making peace, not war. Us United States citizens are criticized for thinking of war as a solution for everything, and that will stop right here, right now! I'm also going to lower the price of everything, including gas, no matter how. I will stop all vandals that come, even without powers. Spambots aren't really a problem, we can just revert them and they'll disappear for a week to a month. We haven't had a serious vandal for a large while, and if we do, I promise, I will be here to clean up the messes and call whoever I can to ban them. Memes aren't really a problem, I'll delete every rickroll in sight. If there are too many wells on a page, I'll take them off. The other ones aren't terrible, anyway. And, while doing it all, me and Charlie still provide you with lighthearted entertainment, respect, and a lot more. So, vote JCM 2008, and you won't be sorry.
Badstar's Speech
Hello! My name is Badstar Strunner! And I want to put and to this horrible, horrible war! How will millions of people dying bring peace to the world? Well, guess what? It won't! People are losing their loved ones just because our current president, George Bush, is an idiot! So, please. Vote for Badstar and you vote for peace and love!
Zoo977's Speech
Hello! Zoo and dot here. I'm running for president because this country isn't right. Don't you see what a lot of the people here are doing? No to mention one of the oldre presidential ad's! I will help clean up our country, and I will include plans for a newer, funner country.
Even though most people dont like me, not everyone's the greates choise. Most of the canidates are hallucinating over a fake war. Honestly, I dont really see any war. Only a few of the other canidates are good choises.
Not to mention my experience. Me and dot were formerly the president and vice president of oralina! So, who will you pick? Me, the muffin, the strong homestar mutation, a thing, a demon, or the rake?
Skullbuggy's Speech
I'm not the son of the devil, nor am I a delicious baked treat, nor am I a small blue boy in an oh-so-stylish hat. I am a man with a mission. A mission to make this Wiki a place of not-suckitude. But I cannot do that alone, no--I need the help of you. I need you to vote for me so we can have somebody who gives at least one crap about this wiki. I cannot promise to protect you from vandals. I cannot promise to eliminate or support memes. I cannot promise you a lot of things. What I can promise is experience. Vote for Skullbuggy... because you should.
paid for by the council to make skullbuggy president
Vindicator's Speech
Ever heard of rock the vote? Vote or die? What does Vote or die mean? What you think it means.
Vote Vindicator. Or die.
Please finish people so we can vote. Vote Raiku Lucifer Devil for President! Brerose
You cant do that. you are my vice president
Mr. Bluebry is the most qualified choice. He has fought in wars and that makes him a fine candidate. I am also very experienced, because in a joke we have down here, the only difference between a Noid and a vice president is that there isn't one THENOID 17:39, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
- Am I right in assuming slander is involved in these speeches? "Platypuses are stupid"? Really? - SKUB ? 19:50, 14 September 2008 (UTC)