(even if you aren't vegan)
WUW:Acceptance Speech
[hide]A Message from the Benevolent Dictator
Congratulations <subject name>, you are officially a mod. With this power comes surprisingly little responsibility, however please be assured that I expect to be slightly more mature than the rest of the users on the Wiki User Wiki. Moderation is sort of like candy in that it doesn't take much effort to get it but also in that it can be taken away very easily. You are better than other users, but not by much.
All moderators are equal and no moderator is better than any other due to the date they were made a moderator. As a moderator you are expected to be the voice of reason which is inconspicuously vacant from the wiki at the best of times. If users are making trouble, it is expected that you make a rational decision. This does not mean blocking at the first sign of REVERT WARS or participating in REVERT WARS yourself. If you decide to participate in said trouble (be it REVERT WARS or otherwise) do not expect to keep your moderator status for very long. Sysops are allowed to abuse their power; moderators are not.
To re-iterate the important parts of this message:
- being a moderator is not a huge thing
- you can lose moderator status very easily
Please try to keep the wiki in a state that at least somewhat resembles a civilized society.
- Super Sam
Acceptance Speeches
I heard something about mod abuse being fun... TheCheese 12:37, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
I was going to make a page similar to this after I got moderator status, but I feared that it was going to be deleted and I'd have my powers taken away for mod abuse. So all I can say is, thank you for the trust you put in me, and I will not let you down, almighty Sam. 12:42, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
Homestar tiger
Thank you, WUW, you will not regret this. I will help all and all who need help. You shall all be happier. I don't know when, but you WILL! BE HAPPY! --Homestar tigerGeronimo! 17:37, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
Now to mysteriously disappear from the wiki until I am needed, like a real mod.